Worst things said to you about your weight?

All through out elementary and middle school, my parents would always tell me that if I didn't get skinnier, I'd have no friends in high school, boys wouldn't like me, girls would make fun of me, and I'll be forever cast into the "fat table" at lunch D: I'm semi-over it, semi-not, even though it's been a while.

& to lighten the mood :-) this morning I was talking to a close friend and he was telling me how I don't need to lose weight, and I responded with "I know I don't need to, but I still have some fat I'd like to get rid of" His words of support? "Nouran, lets look at cats. Everybody wants that cute, fluffy fat cat with some extra something thrown in there eating cat nip out of it's whiskers" It was actually really funny, but now I'm determined to NOT be that cat lol.


  • ldula88
    ldula88 Posts: 169 Member
    I know how you feel. My mother once told me, when I was starting high school, that I would never have a boyfriend if I didn't lose weight. Thanks mom... Also being told "you'd be really pretty if you lost some weight." People are so mean sometimes, even if they mean well, lol.
  • loriq41
    loriq41 Posts: 479 Member
    I was told by a close family member that I better lose weight when my son was young because I wouldn't want to embarrass him...wow....one of the most hurtful things I have ever been told...cruel.
  • The worst thing ever said to me happened when I was in fifth grade. We were getting weighed for fitness day (121#) and one of the bully boys was near the scale and yelled : "elephant girl, watch out, she weighs 121". I was so embarrassed that this is the first time I considered myself fat and never shook that feeling.
  • tink11464
    tink11464 Posts: 119 Member
    Four years ago, my entire family and I were at a cousin's funeral and his ex-wife showed up. I didn't recognize her as she had lap band surgery and lost so much weight. My mom turns to me and says "Wow, you should get that done". Ummmm - okayyyy - already sad about losing a cousin and throw that in mom!! Some people just don't think before they speak!!!
  • Mokey41
    Mokey41 Posts: 5,769 Member
    When I was about 10 the kids at school told me that my mom was fat. To me she was just my mom so I had to go home and ask her if she was fat. I remember the look on her face but the up side was she realized that she was fat and lost quite a bit of weight. Sometimes the truth hurts but you can either let it get you down or face it and make the changes. If you want brutal honesty, just ask a kid!
  • _KitKat_
    _KitKat_ Posts: 1,066 Member
    The 2 worse things are:
    When I was a little kid my grandma told me "they would have to roll me to school if I didn't get thinner"; the thing is I was a tiny kid and only weighed 105 when I graduated, and I thought Grandma's were suppose to be nice and bake cookies or some *kitten*.

    2nd: My mother- law looked at me and said "Don't tell me your pregnant again"; I only have 2 girls both from my husband and I hadn't even gained my weight yet. Actually the other pic (5'4" 135lbs.) in my profile is when she said that to me. Plus WTF if I was, not her business. The funny part is at that time she was round in shape.

    If I wasn't taking responsibility for my own sloth-ish behavior, I guess I could blame the mean-*kitten* women in my life.
  • jeffd247
    jeffd247 Posts: 319 Member
    My daughter crying one day at the beach and said, "Some boys were calling you fat and being mean to you but they were bigger than me so I ran away".

    That was it for me. Not said to me directly, but that was my laying in a puddle of my own vomit because I just OD'd on heroin type of lowpoint.
  • sweetpea03b
    sweetpea03b Posts: 1,123 Member
    My senior year in HS... i think I was in a juniors size 13 at the time. I was trying on prom dresses and showing them to my BF... but not one that I picked out fit me. He said "well maybe if you lost a little bit of weight..." We didn't date very long thereafter. Looking back now I know that he wasnt trying to be mean... but it stung.
  • janetteluparia
    janetteluparia Posts: 318 Member
    You really don't have the body for a thong.....by my husband!! What an idiot!!
  • ViktoryaC
    ViktoryaC Posts: 124 Member
    I could write a book about these type of situations, having been on both sides of the thin/fat divide......I was 5'6 110 pounds until about a year and a half ago, now I;ve gained 64 pounds and 14 inches round my waist. Probably what depresses me the most is when people who always knew me skinny look shocked when they see me, and ask all these concerned questions. No, I'm not pregnant, yes, my thyroid is fine, I;m just fat now. A lot of co-workers used to be all jealous of my figure, now they laugh that Vicki sure got fat now, just like them! :sad: I ran into an ex boyfriend about 2 weeks ago who always used to put his hands around my 24 inch waist....he just stared at me and asked what happened. And my doctor and the nurse in his office are just convinced I;m a glutton who's letting herself get fat on purpose. Being fat is hard for everyone, but it's a special kind of humiliating when you were always a skinny little stick before....
  • vickish76
    vickish76 Posts: 80 Member
    Mine happened this week actually - my husband was commenting that his hair is getting thinner on top. (Since we're both in our later 30s) I told him we are both at that point in our lives that our bodies are changing and what was really important is that we love each other no matter what. To which he replied, "well, you can always do squats but I can't help that I'm losing my hair." Really wanted to punch him in his throat at that point...
  • When I was at my heaviest I had someone ask me when I was expecting my baby! that was awful....

    then when I started losing weight I had some one say "You better stop getting so skinny, you might blow away when a strong wind comes"

    cant win either way....
  • ladybarometer
    ladybarometer Posts: 205 Member
    rat tat tat tat tat, Misty is fat.
    - my big brother :(

    He's much nicer now lol!
  • jennk5309
    jennk5309 Posts: 206 Member
    In about the year before I met my husband, I had three men who I went out with tell me that they really liked me but weren't attracted to me. They didn't say it was my weight, but I knew that's what it was. Even my husband struggled in the beginning with not feeling very attracted to me (which manifested as bedroom problems and which he admitted was because of my weight), but he really dug me so he stuck around. He doesn't have that problem anymore. I'd have stopped going out with him, but because of those three men before him, I knew it wasn't a problem that was going to go away unless I lost weight.

    (PS- please don't slam my hubby because of that- he didn't put me down or belittle me, he was just struggling and being honest about the root cause of those struggles.)
  • gabbygirl78
    gabbygirl78 Posts: 936 Member
    You would be beautiful if you would just lose some weight....:cry:
  • Nouurann
    Nouurann Posts: 183 Member
    Four years ago, my entire family and I were at a cousin's funeral and his ex-wife showed up. I didn't recognize her as she had lap band surgery and lost so much weight. My mom turns to me and says "Wow, you should get that done". Ummmm - okayyyy - already sad about losing a cousin and throw that in mom!! Some people just don't think before they speak!!!

    Ouch, talk about the wrong time and place D: My father told me I was fat at my 11th birthday party, and that I should let the other kids have my cake lol. Also, horrible timed.
  • StheK
    StheK Posts: 443 Member
    The worst things actually haven't been said about me specifically (and there have been some cruel things said). Hearing what strangers really think about fat people or the "obesity epidemic" even when they aren't actually talking about anyone in particular just breaks my heart. One of the pages I follow on Facebook posted "Obesity is ______." Seeing how a crowd of random people finished that sentence makes me sad in a way that no one person talking directly to me could ever do.
  • LiliWray
    LiliWray Posts: 101 Member
    I was working at McDonald's at the time. I had a customer, an older gentleman, order from me and then he told me, "Honey, you'd be pretty if you lost all that weight and quit eating here."
  • AmyP619
    AmyP619 Posts: 1,137 Member
    I was called a "snowplow" by my middle school BF.... talking about me to his buddies... 12 year olds are so hateful. lol
  • clambert1273
    clambert1273 Posts: 840 Member
    my daughter (6 years old) told me "you have a fat tummy" and later that week said "mommy, your boobs are long and gross".... Yup that did it for me... lol