Diagnosed Pre-Diabetic - need info & support!

I'd bet there are others with this problem on this site? Anyway, would love to have some dialog on how you changed your diet successfully to lower your blood sugar. What do you recommend to someone just starting this journey? Also, does anyone know of any good cookbooks (or other info) that has pre-diabetes recipes/information? Doctor wants at least a 10% body weight loss (prefers it to be 15 to 20%) by April. Thought I missed this bullet....but here it is!


  • j9swimer
    j9swimer Posts: 5 Member
    I am on the same ship that you are: recently identified as pre diabetic based on blood tests. But, I have VERY progressive medical guidance who strongly believes in trying diet/lifestyle changes prior to more medications.

    My MD said carbs are likely my issues. For whatever the reason, it appears my body is not handling carbs well now, and I am a person who is "carbohydrate intolerant". So my "prescription" is: EFF (education, exercise, food). In brief, here is EFF ....

    1. Watch specified YouTubes talking about pre diabetes and low carb diets, as well as read some scientific study papers (I am in the sciences so I understand the language, though I am not in healthcare).

    YouTube #1 is an interview with Dr. Mary Vernon, MD. She talks specifically about what to do and why. I found it very enlightening and inspiring.
    Dr Mary Vernon, MD, is one of the world's foremost experts on treating obesity and diabetes with low carbohydrate nutrition. She is a practicing family physician, educates doctors on low carb and is active in and former president of the American Society of Bariatric Physicians (doctors specializing in treating obese patients). Nobody knows more about the practicalities of low carb than dr. Mary Vernon. Here she explains it for you.

    YouTube #2 is a talk given by Andreas Eenfeldt a Swedish medical doctor, at the 2011 Ancestral Health Symposium: The Food Revolution
    His talk discusses why carbs are a problem (for many of us), and why fat is not the enemy we thought it was. Apparently Dr. Eenfeldt is extremely popular in Sweden where many are now following his LCHF (low carb high fat diet).

    Read about Low Carb High Fat diets, select articles of interest:
    Nutrition and Metabolism Society - Low Carb Diet Research

    Here is another list of studies about weight loss and low carbs with some studies talking about cardiovascular and blood sugar issues:

    Exercise 6 x week total made up of:
    - 3 to 4 times/week sustained cardio (30 minutes+/session), and
    - 2 to 3 x week HIIT for no more than 20 minutes/session. ... HIIT is high intensity interval training.

    Here is a link to a study talking about HIIT (they term it HIIE) from the International Journal of Obesity: "The effects of high-intensity intermittent exercise training on fat loss and fasting insulin levels of young women"

    3. FOOD
    - start using this website to keep track of what I eat, and my exercise, since BOTH of these areas are critical for keeping me from spiraling into Type 2 Diabetes.

    DIET ... goal is towards less carbohydrates and higher % of fat and proteins (in my diet).
    Foods to ENJOY >
    - Meats & Seafoods,
    - eggs,
    - vegetables - all vegies that are grown above ground. Root vegies in moderation (carrots, beets) and only raw, not cooked.
    - natural fats especially olive oil and coconut oil ... (butter and cream in moderate amounts too! Can you say Sauce Bearnaise!).
    - Avocados !!!!! All you want!!!!
    - Nuts, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds.
    - teas, coffees, sparkling waters

    - Berries or melons, (can have a few berries with whipped cream!) ...
    - unsweetened dark chocolate (yes!)
    - Root vegies (except potatoes)
    - Dairy that is full fat, (butter, cream, hard cheeses as flavor toppings (Parmesan) ...
    possibly full fat yogurt (plain) and sour cream, depending upon if this spikes blood sugar
    - Wine and spirits (key word here is "moderation"
    - Salt (I have had to restrict my salt intake for years due to high blood pressure).

    Foods to AVOID >
    - all grains and starchy vegetables/fruits. This means no breads, pastas, rice, oatmeal, granola, or other cereals etc). No potatoes (but a modest amount of yams is okay since these are not potatoes). No high starch fruits such as bananas, breadfruit. No potato chips, of fried any kind of chips.
    - Fruits and fruit juices. You can have these fruits on occasion as a treat, but certainly not on a regular basis... too much sugar spike. No dried fruits (too much sugar).
    - Sweets and desserts - cakes, cookies, breakfast rolls, pies, icecreams, candies. BUT unsweetened very dark chocolate is okay once in a while (whew!).
    - Beer ... too high in carbs!
    - Juices, sodas ... too much sugar in these.

    My directive for the next few weeks is to track my food intake and exercise (Yay! for MFP), and keep my "net-carbs" (carbs less fiber) below 80. He said he might have me change this lower, even go into what is termed a "ketogenic diet" to give my pancreas a rest, depending upon where my numbers are.

    I have about 40 lbs to loose ... and it is mostly belly fat (typical of metabolic syndrome types), but my MD says that he does not want to set any weight goals right now. He believes a lowcarb with higher fats diet combined with the 6x week exercise will bring my weight down. Apparently it does for most people. Indeed, my weight has dropped 4 lbs in 9 days, and I am not watching calories. And, I have not been hungry AT ALL! In fact, I feel as if I am eating more than I did before. I can say too, I have more energy, a clearer mind, and no afternoon desire to take a nap. I am feeling good, really good. I hope my blood numbers will also be good. We shall see in time.

  • susanlouise
    susanlouise Posts: 18 Member
    I had this issue and with weight loss my blood sugars went back to normal. But I did cut carbs. I basically eliminated added sugar - no sweets, sodas, etc. It takes a while for the cravings to go away but you do get over it and life us good! And be very careful with rice, potatoes, bread, crackers, etc - the white carbs. Just doing this will help a lot. I did not worry about fruit, but eliminated fruit juice.

    Also got a blood sugar tester and was able to see for myself how my blood sugar reacted to meals and certain foods. Helps a lot to understand what works and what doesn't.

    Hope thst helps!
  • j9swimer
    j9swimer Posts: 5 Member
    Susanlouise - did you consume diary products? If so, how did these impact your blood sugar? Also, when you say you reduced carbs, has there been a total number of carbs per day, that seems to work well for you? Or, is it more in avoiding the foods that spike your blood glucose? Just curious.. and much to learn with this. TIA!