Lost weight after a binge???

I ate a whole slice of very tasty Russian cake last night (and totally beat myself up about it), and now in the morning I am a good 2 pounds lighter. What happened? Of it helps, I exercised on the treadmill yesterday for 30 minutes, and I did a couple stretches. I'm just curious as to why I LOST weight even though I binged.


  • vinny76063
    vinny76063 Posts: 133 Member
    I do the same maybe once a week or every 2 wks but i need to stop! its ok every once in a while but not like i have been, If you workout quite a bit you really won't see it on the scale but in the mirror
  • embermiller92
    So....why did I lose weight??
  • chelsea123453342
    Because you just put your metabolism into overdrive by shocking it with all those fats and sugars.
  • embermiller92
    :) thanks. That's really weird, but ok.
  • chelsea123453342
    Also it wasn't a binge,.. bingeing is a period of uncontrollable consumption of food.. during a binge a person can eat well over 2000 calories.

    You simply had an indulgence. That is perfectly fine every once in a while, in most cases it is actually good for you.
  • vsangelwings95
    vsangelwings95 Posts: 24 Member
    since when is A SLICE of cake considered as a binge?
    please tell me you're joking
  • Eleonora91
    Eleonora91 Posts: 688 Member
    If you just ate a single slice it's not actually a binge. I don't know how many calories it had, but yes it might happen that you weight less after a binge. In my opinion it might be because your body isn't used to eat that much anymore, so your metabolism gets active after changing your eating habits. As if it burned more calories because it's been refueled. But it's not a medical explanation, just my idea. Sometimes when I'm plateaued I have a dinner out or a pizza and french fries with friends and then when I start again I weight less.
  • chelsea123453342
    YES! exactly
  • CrystalFlury
    CrystalFlury Posts: 400 Member
    I wouldn't consider eating A slice of cake a binge. Binge eating is if you go a long time without a certain food item and then break down and eat ALL or most of the item until feeling sick. For example; baking a dozen cookies and eating them all at once... (I'm guilty of being able to do that). Or ordering a pizza and eating the majority of it in one sitting.

    You'll be fine allowing yourself a dessert every once in a while. You're fine and you didn't binge. It's healthy to allow indulgence (within) reason.
  • DebbieLyn63
    DebbieLyn63 Posts: 2,650 Member
  • vinny76063
    vinny76063 Posts: 133 Member
    Also it wasn't a binge,.. bingeing is a period of uncontrollable consumption of food.. during a binge a person can eat well over 2000 calories.

    You simply had an indulgence. That is perfectly fine every once in a while, in most cases it is actually good for you.

    Everything she said i agree with.... Thats what i was getting at! lol (shocking the body)
  • 1ZenGirl
    1ZenGirl Posts: 432 Member
    Yea eating 1 piece of cake in a sitting was the kind of binge that torpedoed me into weighing 272 pounds.
  • taiyola
    taiyola Posts: 964 Member
    A binge is either a large amount of food in a short space of time, or a normal amount of food but in a daze when eating it. If that makes sense.

    I used to starve myself for so long, that then when I had a meal, it was a binge because my head was all over the place and I wouldn't be sure exactly what I ate during that time.

    I don't binge anymore, I just get greedy!
  • TX_Rhon
    TX_Rhon Posts: 1,549 Member

  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    I ate a whole slice of very tasty Russian cake last night (and totally beat myself up about it), and now in the morning I am a good 2 pounds lighter. What happened? Of it helps, I exercised on the treadmill yesterday for 30 minutes, and I did a couple stretches. I'm just curious as to why I LOST weight even though I binged.

    A slice of cake is not a binge....