How to not binge while studying


I'm currently revising for really stressful exams in December and my issue is I just want to eat everything in sight and with all the revising I don't really have time to exercise. Does anyone have any tips of how to stop binging on everything while sitting exams?

I really want to get on track with this and not be depressed after exams because of my weight.



  • 2dare2dream
    2dare2dream Posts: 104 Member
    have you tried a bowl of ice chips .. something to crunch without the cals lol.. good luck with those exams and your journey.
  • stt43
    stt43 Posts: 487
    There are probably some good tips out there, but I don't have any to offer particularly. What I would say is this:
    Your exams will be over at some point. It is important that you do your best in them. Studying uses calories as your brain works, and eating food can also be comforting and hopefully help you study for longer. I would say it is preferable to put on a little bit of weight now in order to study optimally, rather than watching what you eat and regretting your exam grades in the future. You will have plenty of time to lose weight again after your exams, at a time when it will be easier to do so.
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    Just make a rule that you can't eat at your desk or wherever you study. Plan breaks for meals and snacks.

    I studied architecture, so I couldn't eat while I worked on my projects because I didn't want to chance messing them up!
  • Ready2Rock206
    Ready2Rock206 Posts: 9,487 Member
    My study snacks:

    Baby carrots. Other crunchy veggies. Give a nice crunch like chips and you can eat a lot without too many calories.

    I also ate hot tamales candies - you can only eat so many before your mouth burns too much. LOL.
  • wannabpiper
    wannabpiper Posts: 402 Member
    I cut up a giant bowl of fresh vegetables and mindlessly crunch. I'm sure that's just giving in to a bad habit, but the stress of the studying is enough to deal with. If I'm sitting there working - and obsessing over what I want to eat - then I'm not giving my work my all. So I eat fresh vegetables, lots of tea, and I eat more protein with my main meals than usual to help my brain chemistry to tell my body it's sated. Hope this helps!
  • grton
    grton Posts: 21 Member
    Herbal tea, decaf coffee, ice water!

    Also minty gum helps!
  • JessiBelleW
    JessiBelleW Posts: 836 Member
    I was a student and opted for the I'm too busy to exercise. However I think I got more stressed because I wasn't exercising! 30 minutes here and there will help you focus better, and its easier to turn off your brain at the end of the night and sleep. If there is a portion of the day where your study gets inefficient tis a good time to get in a quick work out (mine is late afternoon )

    Snack in waves. So say to yourself 'study for 45m (or what time portion works best for you) I'll go to the kitchen and have a snack. Plan little snacks and mix up healthy with your non healthy. Its ok to include that brownie your body is craving, but divide it into smaller pieces, and have an apple (or fruit or veges ect) with it. Drink plenty of water, and I find hot drinks help me study too :)
  • agcarden1
    agcarden1 Posts: 35 Member
    When I went through grad school, my study night munching consisted of mint gum, carrots or cucumber, and hot tea. (just not all at the same time!)
  • SherryTeach
    SherryTeach Posts: 2,836 Member
    Physical exercise is related to maximized learning and test performance. Take a walk. Studying does not burn any more calories than any more sedentary activity. I second the idea of preparing fruit and veggie snacks and taking planned study breaks.
  • Ljthet
    Ljthet Posts: 4 Member

    I am in the same boat while studying for law school exams. First semester I gained 15 lbs eating like I was 21 again with a hgih metabolism..except I was never 21 with a high metabolism, so that was a double whammy.

    Second semester was better. I subbed chips, pizza, and twizzlers for baby carrots, pickles, cucumbers, red pepper and hummus.

    A lot of the mind less snacking is due to anxiety, and a sub-conscious desire to avoid more studying. You can't really study well while you are filling your face.

    This year, I have stocked up on a LOT of veggies and meats, and I found the best dip ever that you can eat all day and it won't kill your waistline--Trader Joe's Spicy Black Bean Dip. I strongly suggest it if you have one in the area. For me, the desire to binge never really goes away, so I get rid of any food that would really badly affect me if I binged on it all day and replace it with food that won't be so bad, relatively speaking.

    Plus, this year I am substituting normal break times where I would grab food with 15 minute workout sessions. It keeps me feeling better physically and mentally, and helps me avoid the urge to binge.

    Take care of yourself. Grades are important and if it comes down to your grades or your waistline, in the big picture, a month and a half of binge eating will not be the end of the world. You can get back to the normal program after finals are over. Just do what you can. Good luck!
  • Thanks everyone, all those tips are really good, going to put them into action for tomorrows study session!

    I know I can't really focus on my weight loss while studying but last week I put 3lb on so if I can at least maintain my weight i'll be happy and if I manage to lose anything i'll be ecstatic.

    Thanks for all your comments, definitely helped :)
  • janer4jc
    janer4jc Posts: 238 Member
    I lean towards apples. I tend to eat them more slowly and they fill me up.
  • stfuriada
    stfuriada Posts: 445 Member
    Go to the library, or any place where there's no food around for miles. (I used to go to the top floor of my uni's library). Bring water if you must, and bring gum.

    Then never take the elevator if your library has one. Every little bit helps.