Disaster Saturday - trying not to binge

Disaster Saturday - trying not to binge
I could sense impending doom when I woke up this morning and couldn't find my cell phone. Anywhere. The new smartphone I just got 3 months ago and am still paying off on my phone plan. Searched the kids rooms first since my youngest likes to collect and hide things (autistic and non-verbal). My husband is at work and we don't have a home phone so no way to ring it to find the damn thing. Then I remembered the last thing I did before setting it down on the counter was to power it off. Fantastic.

As I was searching the basement for the phone my oldest came running to me. "Mom, the toilet is plugged I'm really sorry". I walked upstairs into the bathroom to find the toilet overflowing all over the floor because she had flushed it twice to unclog it. Grabbed a stack of towels and the plunger. That water wouldn't budge no matter how much I plunged. My youngest loves water and wanted to help but I asked her to go play. Cleaned up the floor and told my oldest to use the other bathroom.

I dumped all the towels in the washer and started a load. Then I started folding the clean laundry when over the sound of Sponge Bob Squarepants I could swear I hear the sound of water. I ran to the bathroom and found my youngest standing in a lake of water in the bathroom, still trying to flush the toilet where she had disintegrated a roll of toilet paper. Did I mention she LOVES water. Water was pouring down the vent in the floor. I grabbed more towels and tried to sop up the mess. My youngest was laughing and still trying to play with the water. Shredded toilet paper is everywhere - along the baseboards, floor and even stuck to the sides of the walls.

Then the fire alarm in the hallway went off. What the hell?!? There's no fire, we have a flood!!! Then my oldest came running up from the basement, "Mom it sounds like its raining downstairs!" Oh hell. I ran downstairs and found water pouring from the ceiling around the fire alarm in the basement down onto the de-humidifier. Irony is a *****. I moved the de-humidifier and replace it with a bucket. Then I turned the de-humidifier on as I watched the wet patch in the ceiling grow. The wood flooring in the bathroom was already starting to buckle because of my youngest, now its really a mess. The ceiling in the basement will have to be repaired.

Did I mention we rent?

I am so frustrated right now I want to stuff anything and everything in my face. There is still Halloween candy in the house. But that was the behavior that got me to MFP in the first place. Damn it, I really wish I could find my phone.


  • Humperstinker
    Humperstinker Posts: 7 Member
    My Day hasn't been great either but it all started to go wrong mid week for me when I travelled out for a couple of days of stressful and intense training after which I returned to work feeling tired on Friday and not tracking a thing! Today I felt stressed throughout the morning and couldn't unwind from work. I realised that I need to regain control so I am going to have my day and put the past behind me and keep going. I will weigh myself as I planned assess the damage and reign it in by going back to writing it down and exercising.
    I know how things going horribly wrong even if it's small, it all piles up and can through you off balance, I am struggling with the emotional and psychological tiredness too I tend to resort to packing food into my gob, but now I have thought. If it is going in it is going down and that way when I look at it I can understand myself better!
    Good Luck problems resolve somehow in the end.
  • I believe your phone may have been flushed down the toilet???!!!:huh:
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    I believe your phone may have been flushed down the toilet???!!!:huh:

    Could be. Or it might have gotten into the laundry. If that is the case, and you can retrieve it, you CAN save it. I just saved my smartphone from getting wet.

  • RuthRW
    RuthRW Posts: 247 Member
    My phone is too big to fit down the toilet and I snaked the toilet to see of I could find the clog. I am looking behind all the furniture now, I already checked through all the laundry.
  • RuthRW
    RuthRW Posts: 247 Member
    I believe your phone may have been flushed down the toilet???!!!:huh:

    Could be. Or it might have gotten into the laundry. If that is the case, and you can retrieve it, you CAN save it. I just saved my smartphone from getting wet.


    Thanks for the tip on how to save the phone if it got wet!!!!
  • Holy Crap!!! What a disaster! Maybe I will binge for you! That makes me want to eat!!! Hmmm, what to do in place of that? I guess you could fill up the tub and play in the water, too! Or perhaps you could sit and watch Sponge Bob while the washer is going. Of course you could also get the candy that takes the longest to eat and go ahead and enjoy one and watch Sponge Bob and then play in the tub...
  • 1longroad
    1longroad Posts: 642 Member
    Your day so far would make me want to eat also!! Wow!! My grandson often plugs the toilet and finally knows NOT to keep flushing!! I hope your day gets MUCH better and that you find your phone!! I always offer my grandmunchkins a reward if they find what I am looking for. ;-)
  • rougette66
    rougette66 Posts: 210 Member
    Holy hell Ruth thats one hell of a day! really hope you find your phone! I
  • JenniTheVeggie
    JenniTheVeggie Posts: 2,474 Member
    I thought my day was $hitty <
    pun intended.

    Sorry your'e having a bad day. :cry:
  • somerisagirlsname
    somerisagirlsname Posts: 467 Member
    I really can't help you. If I were in your shoes I'd be halfway through a half gallon of ice cream, bag of hot fries, and two packs of ramen noodles by now.
  • RuthRW
    RuthRW Posts: 247 Member
    Update: I found the phone 20 minutes ago on top of one of the kitchen cabinets (my girl is part mountain goat) along with 3 batteries, an empty box of jello and pump dispenser for a bottle of bathroom soap.:laugh:

    My hubby got home from work and fixed the toilet - there was a Fisher Price princess figurine jammed in the gooseneck. He is going to fix the ceiling next week and we are going to call the landlord and let him know about the bathroom floor when we get our taxes back. We figure if we offer to pay to have tile put in it won't be too bad, he's a nice guy and the damage is our fault.

    I ended up eating two fun size Butterfingers and a whole bag of Orville Reddenbachers Movie theater extra butter popcorn. Not proud but it could have been worse!