5'3 29 Bucket List Of AWESOMENESS! Need Friends~



  • argymargy
    Don't mind if I jump on this train! Everyone here seems pretty sharp.

    I'm 29, currently sitting at 210lbs. I ran a half marathon in march 2012 when I was closer to 230lb. It was rad, but then I sprained my ankle, moved to a new city, and got a desk job. Now I'm bike commuting, living la viva low-carb (strict keto, 'cause I'd rather have my cheese with bacon) and enjoying the lifestyle.

    My bucket list!

    -Fit back into the expensive softshell jacket I got in new zealand by my 30th birthday. Est ~160lbs for a good fit. Do-able? hell yes.
    -Hot, acrobatic sex. You know, more so than usual.
    -Bikini? Naw, I'd rather just be comfortable in a nice one piece with no 'skirt'
    -Do the Seattle to Portland bike ride next year (200 miles in one day)
  • missmelt
    missmelt Posts: 923 Member
    My dear goldfish you should have been born an aussie! Love the humour. Im 5'2" and trying to loose 10kg. Im about 130lbs now but at my height thats fat. Would love to friend you. Add if like.
  • GoldFish1326
    GoldFish1326 Posts: 81 Member
    argymargy: ahh yes sex it's not like I forgot that as one of my incentives, there's definetely something awesome about looking good naked, sorry boys, you look better half naked...not full naked....but ladies are pretty & everyone likes to look at them, this is what fuels the porno industry!

    P.S. AMAZED you ran the 1/2 good job : )

    missmelt: I think I added you, yeah at 130 I thought I'd be a supermodel...HA but I must say we're looking fairly foxy if I do say so myself! Short lady power!
  • GoldFish1326
    GoldFish1326 Posts: 81 Member
    OHHHHHH and collar bones...why hello there I haven't seen you in...well essentially ever but lordy you're beautiful!
  • GoldFish1326
    GoldFish1326 Posts: 81 Member
    And then it was like BAM you're 30!

    Things I WON'T MISS in another 10lbs (here's hoping)!:

    - when I turn to look at something behind me...that back fat wrinkle/crease/cavern from hell
    -my thighs pretending they don't touch...cause they don't for a couple inches...AND THEN THEY DO! It's a fatal magnetic thigh chub love attraction...
    -that weird underarm fat and hangs over the bra band...HOW is this EVEN POSSIBLE SERIOUSLY! It's like hey flex...and then weird random flab pocket...I won't miss you!
    -being slowed down while running by extra weight
    -the velcro on my knee brace scraping the **** out of above said THIGH CHUB while playing soccer
    -the industrial ENELL sports bra...I'm hoping to find something slightly less...harnessy and more ooohhh not 18th century midevil looking
    -muffin top in gym capris AND my lululemon size 6 shorts, egads...one day it will be 1 seamless line
    -anyone else not in love with the 2 chins action? yeah ....didn't think so
    -looking at other girls and secretly covetting their size cause yeah I'm doing pretty freakin awesome right now

    OHHHH and when you sit in one of those grated chair in summer while wearing shorts and the fat pops through then you get that weird crosshatch pattern in the fat....won't miss!
  • jentaimes
    I love to eat and sarcasm. Let's be friends. :)
  • GoldFish1326
    GoldFish1326 Posts: 81 Member
    I wave my wand and boom we're friends!

    Ha yes sarcasm I love you...that and cheese.....
  • sheerjay
    sheerjay Posts: 97 Member
    You sound like my kinda lady Goldy! Made me laugh when you said you stick your fingers in peoples belly buttons....I do something like that that drives hubby and my besty nuts. Heres a game for u:

    "Yawn Interrupting"

    1) When someone yawns, stick your finger in their mouth
    2) Cos you stopped them yawning, they try yawn again.....finger in the mouth!!!!
    3) This continues, and they more yawns you stop the more they NEED to yawn :P
    4) At this stage you'll probably have to dodge hand blocks, or counter head turns to stop them...I may even resort to sitting on them to stop it....no yawns allowed yet
    5) Finally you let them yawn and it will be a HUGGGGE one....you say " You're Welcome! " hehehe

    I did this constantly to my hubby when we first met, to the point when he yawned normally one day and instantly said " Thank you!" ....Pavlov wins again!!!! lmao

    I live on this site, love my fellow weirdos, and really appreciate supportive friends. Feel free to add me anyone :D

    For now I am off on a mission and will be sprinting away from zombies through my local streets, to survive the apocolypse.

    xx Mel
  • shawnpcorreia
    Check out my profile and decide for yourself if you think I would be a good friend to have. :) Fair warning : I do have a somewhat warped sense of humor.
  • GoldFish1326
    GoldFish1326 Posts: 81 Member
    sheerjay: Pretty sure my bf would bite my fingers CLEAN off if I did that but hilarity! During the week I'm here but the weekends I don't really hit up the online action! Hence I'm a much better/cleaner eater on weekdays!
  • blankney94
    I'm 5'3" too and roughly the same weight 132lbs today. I'm also intending to run a half-marathon - my reason? My 40th is coming up in a year, and it's on my 'list of things to do'. Wish we had the rock n roll marathon here - that would be great!

    Feel free to add me (if I'm not too old that is!)
  • rypstorm
    rypstorm Posts: 63 Member
    Well, I'm 5'10 and I never liked to run. But I can make a pretty awesome R2D2 costume for my son, and can kick some serious butt in Wii Just Dance against my daughter. For me turning 40 was quite the motivator to get my *kitten* into gear and get into shape. The hubs says I'm like a bottle of Lagavulin - i get better with age. Or maybe I taste better with age? TMI. Friend request coming your way.
  • GoldFish1326
    GoldFish1326 Posts: 81 Member
    blankey: Where do you live? Tons of rock n rolls all over, note irony: none actually near me but I use it as a travelling excuse!

    rypstorm: R2D2...those are some serious skills lady, I think it took me an entire semester in jr high to make the required boxer shorts...ahhh obsessively doing things wrong...repeatedly! But I passed.

    And it's probably both, aging well is a blessing and if running in ANY WAY helps that...I'd hope on that train...minus the part where I ***** and moan about actually getting ON the running train and the ACTUAL running....but you know...in my mind I'm way cooler.
  • GoldFish1326
    GoldFish1326 Posts: 81 Member
    New goal under 125 for New Years! I'm way better at small goals when I can mark something off as dome!

    Turns out I'm secretly a 6 yr old just in it to get glitter stickers for the weight loss chart! Ha
  • GoldFish1326
    GoldFish1326 Posts: 81 Member
    Why hello my lovely darlings! I hope this Tuesday brings you buckets of glitter and weight loss!

    For moi, it shall hopefully bring 5 work outs, since I didn't go yesterday this actually means the next 5 straight...boooo.

    Day 2 of squat challenge completed, I wonder if people think I'm weird doing squats behind my desk....guess I'll find out at review time!

    That is all my lovelys! Go forth and kickass!!
  • koos22
    koos22 Posts: 22
    Hello fellow cheese lover! 5'4", and down to 134 woot! Afraid I'm losing muscle with all the cardio I've been doing, though. Let's share low carb recipes :D
  • crash_aly
    Hi! I am 5'6" and 160lbs, looking to get down to 145-150. I love to run, and play soccer, ride horse, lift weights, and basically just be active in general! I have done a few 5ks with goals of doing a 10 miler and more recently signed up to do a sprint triathalon in August 2014!

    I too, love cheese!
    As well as sarcasm.

    Nothing wrong with a sticker chart! Or pony tails and light up shoes for that matter.

    Sending a friend request!
  • GoldFish1326
    GoldFish1326 Posts: 81 Member
    koos22: I'm going to say this and totally pretend it's a recipe...pizza toppings in a frying pan...over a bed of lettuce and peppers..........yeah...should be so wrong but SOOOOOOOOOOO good. And beats all the crappy gluten free pizza crusts I've had! Chicken/any meat lettuce wraps...my secret boyfriend....garlic mayo!

    crash_aly: You're so motivated holy man! My light up velcro shoes are jealous of all the action they'd be getting if you owned them, damn traitors!

    Sprint triathalon...tell me more about this insanity...
  • g82green
    I’m 5’3” and have just over a week of constant logging on MFP.

    Sheesh… I’d be happy with just a 5K! That’s my goal for now!

    My motivation:

    Being able to wear shorts (the thought completely freaks me out right now)
    Not wearing a cover-up dress at the beach in Florida (Yes, I wore a cover-up dress at the beach in Florida… every day… for my entire 7 day vacation. What a waste!)
    Seeing pictures of myself and not thinking “Who is that fat girl that ate me?”
    No muffin tops. Yes, I could by bigger jeans… but I’d rather squeeze into my current ones
  • laurenpjokl
    laurenpjokl Posts: 118 Member
    I'm a carb addict, and I love baking fresh bread. I've had to learn to cut down though, and add more veg to my meals!