Gluten-free recipes

Hi Everyone!

I have been gluten-free for the past two weeks due to my Fibromyalgia and other reasons. I was wondering if anyone had any gluten-free recipes here.

Thanks so much, in advance!!! :)


  • TrialAndPear
    TrialAndPear Posts: 9 Member
    I have heaps of gluten-free recipes!! My favourite is Cloud Bread because it's pretty easy, requires few ingredients, is low in calories, and is delicious when toasted.

    3 eggs
    3 tbsp cream cheese (I use non-fat)
    1/4 tsp cream of tartar
    liquid stevia OR 1 packet of artificial sweetener
    Mrs. Dash

    1. Preheat oven at 300F.
    2. Separate eggs carefully into two bowls.
    3. Mix cream cheese, 4 drops of liquid stevia OR 1 packet of stevia, and egg yolks until smooth.
    4. Add cream of tartar to the egg whites and whip until stiff peaks form. If the mixture isn't fluffy and peaks aren't stiff, you won't be able to make as many breads. Plus, a light and fluffy mixture will mean the bread will hold up better for a few days after.
    5. Carefully fold the egg yolk mixture into the egg whites. Don't beat furiously, just mix gently until the two mixtures are pretty well combined but they remain light and fluffy.
    6. Put 8-10 dollops on a large pre-greased baking tray. Flatten dollops into hamburger bun-like shapes, round and not more than 1inch thick. Taller buns don't tend to bake as well underneath and can get egg-y.
    7. Bake for 5min.
    8. Carefully sprinkle a little Mrs. Dash (or a seasoning of your choice) on top of each of the buns. Return to oven.
    9. Bake for 30min.

    That's it! If you eat the buns immediately after taking them out of the oven, they're pretty fluffy. However, I think they taste more bread-like if you let them cool and then briefly toast them in a toaster oven before using for sandwiches/snacks/whatever.

    Good luck! I promise gluten-free isn't as restricting as some might think, especially if you like cooking. :)
  • julieannezen
    julieannezen Posts: 51 Member
    Wow thank so much for taking the time out to help me! I appreciate it!!! I will look into this recipe!!!!!! :)
  • This is my all time favorite.

    20 large frozen peeled deveined shrimp, thawed
    1 tablespoon chopped fresh basil
    1 teaspoon extra-virgin olive oil
    1/2 teaspoon lemon zest
    1/2 teaspoon kosher salt
    1/4 teaspoon red pepper flakes
    1/8 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper
    10 (about 4 ounces) very thin slices prosciutto
    Cooking spray
    8 lemon wedges, for serving


    1. Preheat broiler.

    2. In a medium bowl, combine the shrimp, basil, olive oil, zest, salt, red pepper flakes, and black pepper. Mix well and set aside.

    3. Lay the prosciutto slices on a large work surface, and cut prosciutto in half lengthwise so you have 20 pieces. Wrap the prosciutto around each shrimp, leaving the tail hanging out, and thread on an 8-inch skewer. Repeat with remaining shrimp for a total of 4 skewers with 5 shrimp each.

    4. Place the skewers on a broiling pan lightly coated with cooking spray. Broil the shrimp 2 minutes on each side. Serve hot with lemon wedges.

    You might also get a lot of other recipes here.
  • Phrick
    Phrick Posts: 2,765 Member
    I suggest Pinterest, it's crammed full of gf recipes and most of them look pretty good. I have a GF board even from when we did a 6 month trial of being GF as a family to see if it helped with my son's migraine headache problem (it did not, but it was a worthwhile effort). I made pretty much everything from scratch and learned a lot about baking/cooking, that's for sure! My favorite thing to make is a recipe called "Gluten Free Bread THAT DOESN'T SUCK" here is the recipe:

    4 cups Brown Rice Flour Blend (see recipe below)
    1 tablespoon xanthan gum
    1 tablespoon gluten-free egg replacer
    2 teaspoons salt
    ½ cup powdered milk
    3 large eggs at room temperature
    ¼ cup butter at room temperature
    2 teaspoons cider vinegar
    ⅓ cup honey
    1 package (2¼ teaspoons) active dry yeast (not INSTANT dry yeast)
    2 cups warm water

    A couple of notes:
    If you are allergic to eggs you can replace the 3 eggs with: 9 Tbsp. water and 3 Tbsp. ground flax seed, or follow the instructions on the egg replacer powder.

    You can also make this bread using water instead of milk or a plain gluten free non-dairy milk.

    Allow bread to cool COMPLETELY before cutting (this is important! Don’t rush it and cut into it while it’s still warm or you will flatten it).

    Let your bread knife do the cutting for you – this is ALSO VERY IMPORTANT! You provide the “sawing” action, but let the knife blade do the work. Don’t press down, just keep “sawing” across the top until you get all the way to the bottom of the loaf and hit the cutting board. The bread slices will keep their shape much better this way!

    Makes 4 cups

    1⅓ cups brown rice flour
    1⅓ cups tapioca flour/starch
    1⅓ cups cornstarch
    1 tbsp potato flour

    Mix all ingredients together.


    • Spray cooking spray into two 8-inch bread pans.
    • Add the yeast to the 2 cups of warm water and stir until mixed. Set this aside to activate while you mix the rest of the ingredients.
    • Mix the flour blend, xanthan gum, gluten-free egg replacer, salt, and powdered milk together in a medium-size bowl and set aside.
    • Put eggs, butter, vinegar, and honey in the bowl of your mixer. With the paddle attachment, mix together for about 30 seconds. The butter will be chunky, that’s OK.
    • Add half the dry ingredients to the wet mixture in the mixer. Mix just until blended, and then add the remaining dry ingredients and mix for another 30 seconds, until blended.
    • With the mixer on low speed, slowly add the warm water and yeast mixture, then turn the mixer to medium-high speed and beat for 4 minutes.
    • After the 4 minutes your bread dough should resemble thick cake batter.
    • Spoon the dough into your greased bread pans. Dip your fingers in water to smooth the top of the dough, if desired. Set aside in a warm place to rise for approximately about 50 to 60 minutes. While dough rises, preheat oven to 375 degrees.
    • When the dough has risen to about an inch above the top of the pans, place the pans in your preheated oven on the middle rack and bake for 45 to 55 minutes or until the bread’s internal temperature reaches 200 degrees with an instant-read thermometer. (This is very helpful! It’s hard to tell when gluten-free bread is done. But if you don’t have an instant read thermometer you’re going to have to use your best guess based on your particular oven.)
    • Remove the bread from the oven and let cool in pans for 10 minutes. Then remove loaves from pans and place on a rack to cool.
  • mnkarp
    mnkarp Posts: 38 Member
    There are tons of web sites with gluten free recipes! Start surfing the net and find some that share your taste in food and time needs.

    One suggestion I have is to eat whole foods that are naturally gluten free; they are better for you than the processed foods and easier on your wallet. Sweet potatoes, brown/wild rice, quinoa, etc. If you are interested, check out anti-inflammatory diet recommendations and align that with gluten free choices for your fibromyalgia pain. Good luck!