Done with this.

Ok, I'm done. I'm tired of waiting for the right moment, the less stressful week, the free weekend, the perfect moment to start my journey. I've been unhappy with myself for years. Years. I've tried to lose weight, not ever successfully. I've never tried that hard. I can't stand the girl in the mirror. She doesn't match my head. In my head I'm tall, athletic, lean and beautiful. In he mirror, I'm lumpy bumpy in ill fitting clothes. I have potential to be awesome, why am I wasting it. If I just get started and lose the weight, then it's gone, and I'm where I want to be. It might not be quick, which I admit could be a problem for me, but once it's gone, it's gone. I can do it. How can I keep this motivation, how can I start to see that I'd rather be feeling good about myself and my weight than have another glass of wine. How can I learn to eat at home and not equate my happiness with getting my family together at a restaurant? I've got to do this. My birthday is 33 weeks away. I bet I can make a pretty good dent in it by then, and then I can tell people i need new clothes as presents! I'm tired of being the fatest girl in my family. I will do this.......


  • SherryTeach
    SherryTeach Posts: 2,836 Member
    When I felt that way, it was after I saw a photo someone had taken of me. I went home that afternoon, cleaned out the freezer, refrigerator and pantry. I shopped for the food I planned to eat, started logging every bite, and did not turn back. That was 506 days ago. You can do it. Make your plan moderate, manageable and delicious.

    You do not need to feel hungry or deprived to lose weight. You do have to make different choices every day and catch yourself when you are tempted to make excuses.
  • SweetlyVague
    SweetlyVague Posts: 172 Member
    Sometimes motivation is really hard to hold on to, but I think when you feel down you should come right back here to the post and re-read what you wrote! Cone back and remember what you felt right here and know that we're all here to motivate you if you need it. We're all in the same boat here on MFP, whether we're one day in or one year in. We all have off days and we all need to find it in ourselves to get back at it!
  • Make TODAY your best friend and kick tomorrow to the curb!!!
  • My experience has been having to heal what was going on - on the inside before I could honestly own what was happening outside of me. The fat (and my highest weight was 170) was a reflection of the relationship I had with myself. Until I worked on that, could I really own the reflection on the outside even at goal weight. The other part was knowing that wheat sugar and flour made me chemically depressed so I had to take those foods out that addressed my food addiction. That's just been my experience. Don't know if there would be a relation but thanks for sharing how you are feeling.
  • dga226
    dga226 Posts: 224 Member
    very good i was the same way I am one of the biggest guys in family and all i hear is how so and so lost it and your sister is down this. and if you keep the way your eating your going to die

    i started in a 52 pants now down to a 46

    add me
  • Pete0725
    Pete0725 Posts: 36 Member
    Just like the Nike 90's slogan "Just Do It".
  • 9thChakra
    9thChakra Posts: 141 Member
    Rock on!
  • la8ydi
    la8ydi Posts: 294 Member
    One year from now you will be so happy that you started today. I agree with the one poster that said to periodically refer to what you have written - your original post - as motivation. Just remember, it's one step at a time though. It took a long time to gain the weight, it will take a while for the weight to come off - but come off it will!!! Good luck!!!
  • alechua
    alechua Posts: 224 Member
    You can do it! :)
  • MyJourney1960
    MyJourney1960 Posts: 1,133 Member
    you can do this!

    I started 170 days ago. the weight loss is slow but it's a great process. some weeks i lose, some weeks i stay in place, and some weeks i gain. but i remind myself to look at the big picture. funny, since it was a photo of myself (the one in my profile) that got me started in the first place . :sad: )

    33 weeks you can make a dent but my best advice is don't get stuck on numbers or dates or "have to lose by X time". I really really wanted to lose A LOT by this past october, because we had a family event and i was going ot be down to a size 12. or even 10. or OK i would've settled for 14. but i wasn't - i was an 18/20. which is not where i want to be, but six months before THAT i was 22/24 so i was in a much better place and i was very proud of myself.

    To paraphrase Nike - Just Start It. today. now. take *one* habit and start to make the change. with me it was the mindless grazing at night which i have more or less conquered, and pushing myself to exercise after i finished my gym membership. now i am pushing myself to train for a five k in march and add strength training in the morning.
  • brown46545
    brown46545 Posts: 81 Member
    You can do it. And you can do it without feeling deprived. I am in charge of the kitchen at home, so my family eats what I cook. I cook healthy. When we go out, they obviously order what they want (my husband has very bad eating habits, but I can't control him - only myself). I easily eat healthy when we go out. Sure, I'm not ordering burgers and fries, but I order a delicious salad or grilled fish.

    At first it is difficult because you may feel like you are depriving yourself of all the "good" things. But after awhile you will realize those good things were crappy food and if you are now eating healthy, you will realize how much better it is. I don't even long for a "cheat day." But if I want a piece of halloween candy and I have enough calories to afford it from working out, I will have one.

    Once you get into the routine it's a lot easier I think. Plus MFP is awesome. You have awesome "friends" who motivate you and you can see what they are doing in their diets/routines that you can do as well. When you have an off day, nobody is going to call you a loser. :-)

    One more thing - I had to say goodbye to wine for awhile. Wine and sugar are my enemy. I'm at the point now where I will have a glass now and then, but not on a consistent basis. Too many calories for me. That was the hardest.
  • One more thing - I had to say goodbye to wine for awhile. Wine and sugar are my enemy. I'm at the point now where I will have a glass now and then, but not on a consistent basis. Too many calories for me. That was the hardest.

    I had to do the same thing as I cannot have one glass - it turns into two or three and then I eat more. This is the hardest for me also. I use the excuse when I go out or at home that the wine has too much sugar and causes more hot flashes and I was sick of not sleeping. This is partially true as I am in menopause but... it works!!!
  • everyone`s right when they say, just do this. But my road has been rocky. I`m finally coming to grips with how little wine I will be allowed in order to lose, well, don`t we all have to think of a reason. I`m sure you could come up with a good one.
  • DoingitWell
    DoingitWell Posts: 560 Member
    You can do it!!!
  • brown46545
    brown46545 Posts: 81 Member
    One more thing - I had to say goodbye to wine for awhile. Wine and sugar are my enemy. I'm at the point now where I will have a glass now and then, but not on a consistent basis. Too many calories for me. That was the hardest.

    I had to do the same thing as I cannot have one glass - it turns into two or three and then I eat more. This is the hardest for me also. I use the excuse when I go out or at home that the wine has too much sugar and causes more hot flashes and I was sick of not sleeping. This is partially true as I am in menopause but... it works!!!

    Yep, that is me too. It was difficult to have a 6 oz glass for 150 calories. I was used to having a goblet (or 2!) every night. Probably 6 "glasses" lol. The key is moderation - something I struggle with, so it's easier just to say no all together. Although I did allow myself 1 glass last night and then tucked the remaining bottle in the cupboard.
  • Ahhh same thing happened to me today
    I ate some unhealthy food and i was like i just can control myself i have no will power :( and by thinking that i even ate more i dont know what to do :( feeling bad
  • It's like you took the words out of my mouth!

    I walked past my full reflection (something I have gone to GREAT lengths to avoid in recent years unless I had full control over angle/lighting/pose, etc) and frankly it disgusted me. So I got mad, made a decision and now I'm trying to lose weight!

    Wine is my taboo too. More specifically, sparkling perry like Lambrini or Babycham. It's like liquid sugar!
  • RSBrewer1961
    RSBrewer1961 Posts: 13 Member
    You are where I was at on Feb. 7th, 2013. I look back now and am so HAPPY I made the same decision you're ready to make. Deprivation is not what I was going to go through again.....Atkins, South Beach. yada, yada. So I found MFP, I set a goal and expected that this was at least a 2 year journey. Well logging everything, giving myself the ability to slip occasionally and getting right back on when I got through whatever made me slip has proven to be enough to keep things going in the right direction. My weight loss graph looks like a really nightmare-ish treadmill program with so many peaks and valleys but the overall pitch is down. I have 2 or more cocktails a night with Rum & Diet (90 cals each) so alcohol is just another thing I log. Don't sweat the little stuff and keep that goal in your heart. If you do your part 90% of the time, you will succeed. You have to burn more than you eat so for me that meant working out hard and eating more!! I do 4.5 miles walking(4.3 - 4.5mph, level 16) on the treadmill 5 or 6 days a week and lose between 1-2lbs a week eating as much as 2000 calories a day (usually). The biggest sacrifice is 65 minutes out of my day and is something I am willing to give up ;-) I started at 3.3mph but continued to push levels and speed. If you want this you will have to work but you'll have plenty of support from this group I assure you! Good Luck!!!
  • Krohnie
    Krohnie Posts: 286 Member
    Thanks guys! Today is the day. No waiting til Monday. I'm going to take a break from the alcohol, until Saturday when I get to go to a badger football game! Got to have a beer there or get kicked out. ;) But I can do it. It might be bumpy but going forward is the only way. Time will pass anyway, might as we'll be moving towards my goal. Watch out world, here I come!
  • eileenjez
    eileenjez Posts: 38 Member
    you can do this!

    I started 170 days ago. the weight loss is slow but it's a great process. some weeks i lose, some weeks i stay in place, and some weeks i gain. but i remind myself to look at the big picture. funny, since it was a photo of myself (the one in my profile) that got me started in the first place . :sad: )

    33 weeks you can make a dent but my best advice is don't get stuck on numbers or dates or "have to lose by X time". I really really wanted to lose A LOT by this past october, because we had a family event and i was going ot be down to a size 12. or even 10. or OK i would've settled for 14. but i wasn't - i was an 18/20. which is not where i want to be, but six months before THAT i was 22/24 so i was in a much better place and i was very proud of myself.

    To paraphrase Nike - Just Start It. today. now. take *one* habit and start to make the change. with me it was the mindless grazing at night which i have more or less conquered, and pushing myself to exercise after i finished my gym membership. now i am pushing myself to train for a five k in march and add strength training in the morning.

    I have felt the same way as you. I know something is happening because my clothes fit better but the scale is telling me I'm not changing. One day I'm sure some of these extra pounds will come off if I stick with my program. For me I just have to remember what my husband always tells me I didn't put this extra weight on overnight so it isn't going to come off that way either.