children's book plot help? please read!!!

godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member
i'm writing a children's story for nano. i have a couple plot ideas, but need some help.

what sort of fun antics and adventures can my main character poodle and her doggie friends get into? tentative title is 'poodle princess in the driver's seat'.

please help me brainstorm where she can go and what she can do. 50,000 words is a lot for a kid's story. thanks!


  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    Digging up the neighbor's pansies. Having a group therapy session howling at the moon. Recruiting friends to pee on men's legs & fancy leather shoes. Chewing up expensive shoes. Managing to steal a car & go joy riding while her friends hang their heads & tongues out the windows. Staring down a pack of werewolves.
  • sbusarah
    sbusarah Posts: 163 Member
    what's nano? i believe its considered plagerism to use someone else's ideas even if they're not published...hope you have fun writing
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    NaNoWriMo is an abbreviation for National Novel Writing Month (, it's 30 days of literary abandon where you crank out a full length novel in a month.

    It's plagiarism to blatantly copy another person's work. I mean how many different versions of fairy tales are there? Did you know that Phantom of the Opera is a retelling of Beauty & The Beast? So it's plagiarism? Really? How else would you research college papers & do quotes and base your ideas around these other ideas.

  • godblessourhome
    godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member
    what's nano? i believe its considered plagerism to use someone else's ideas even if they're not published...hope you have fun writing

    not sure where you heard that but it is not quite accurate. if i said that i was writing a romantic suspense between a navy seal and a reporter, would no one else be allowed to write a romantic suspense between a navy seal and a reporter? no. if fact there are several romantic suspence books with navy seals and reporters. a general idea is not single use because it can be written a million different ways.

    i am asking for ideas that would not cause a copyright issue. examples would be, the dogs going to a park and playing tag, a dog who accidently got lost and they have to help him find his home, a dog who got caught by a dogcatcher and they have to free him, etc. they are 'free use' ideas, not specific and proprietary. the ideas, in themselves, do not tell a story or the specifics of the outcome.

    thanks for your concern.
  • keith0373
    keith0373 Posts: 2,154 Member
    Plaigarism is an easily solved problem. If you significantly use someones idea, credit them in your book and if you make money off of something that they helped with, give them a fair piece of the action. Almost every book contains real life similarities to the people the author knows and things they ahve learned from other books and life experience.

    In this case, Ideas are being offered freely in a public forum.

    And if you ever spell have as ahve . . . I have a copyright on that typo :P
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Oh boy, did your post ever reach the right eyes. I have THREE little doggies who specialize in getting into trouble. Here is an excerpt from a prior post on MFP that might give you some ideas:
    I live with three little food snatchers, a Lhasa Apso, a Shih tzu, and a Yorkshire "Terror" who I think is part goat!!:noway: :noway: :laugh: :laugh: He is also part acrobat, and perfectly capable of opening cupboards, or jumping high enough to knock things off the kitchen counter--and he is FOURTEEN!!!:noway:

    In the year since his arrival, I have lost more than one package of Orowheat Sandwich thins,--left too close to the counter's edge, or stolen from the tote bag I carried to work. My other two were never food snatchers until the Yorkie joined us.

    The little Yorkie pirate (whose name is "Bradley") SHARES, too. Last Thanksgiving, about 6 weeks after he joined my household, I came home from having dinner elsewhere to a cupboard door that was open. An empty bag of doggy chew bones was lying on the floor in front of it, with a hole chewed in one end. In the living room, I found "The Three Little Pigs," looking very thankful--each happily gnawing on their own bone!!!!:noway: :laugh: :laugh:

    More recently, the Shih tzu cost me $83 and a nervous trip to the doggie ER. I was giving the Lhasa some pain meds, since she had tweaked her back, and just as she took the pill pocket I gave her with the meds inside, my Shih tzu (whose name is "Pepper") came running in the room and startled the Lhasa, who dropped the pill pocket,. Before I could move, he grabbed it and scarfed down 75 mg of Tramadol:noway: --WAAAAY too much for a dog his size.

    I called the 24-hour vet clinic near my home, and they induced vomiting. When the process was complete, he came bouncing out of the exam room as though he had just been to the spa--acting just like the "peppy" little character that he is. They sent him home with instructions to wake him once or twice during the night to make sure he was acting normally. At 3:30a in the morning, I woke him up and HE wanted to PLAY!!:laugh: :laugh: :ohwell:

    Dogs, you gotta love 'em!!!:heart::heart:

    I also just thought of two other stories related to food that involved my late Shih tzu ("Dreyfus," who is pictured in my ticker).

    When he was a puppy, I had him in the car one day when I picked up a friend from the commuter train station, and she needed to stop for groceries. I also needed to shop, so to save time we went our separate ways within the store and met at the car, where she placed her bag on the floor behind the front passenger seat. As we were driving along, I heard rustling in the back seat, and my friend said "Hey Dreyfus, I hope you aren't eating the hamburger I just bought." :noway: I turned around just in time to see 1.5 lbs. of 20% fat hamburger disappear down his throat!!!:huh: :huh: :noway: :noway:

    (You might think this was no problem. After all, dogs eat beef, but in this case, we are talking about a 10 lb. puppy, with a history of pancreatitis, which can be triggered by eating high fat food.) It never occurred to my friend, who was not a dog owner, that a package of hamburger would become an "endangered species" in the vicinity of an inquisitive dog.

    I dropped her off and was home within 15 minutes of him swallowing the "snack." So I called my vet, who suggested using a little hydrogen peroxide to induce vomiting. It worked, and he was fine.

    On another occasion, one evening my husband purchased a deli sandwich to take with him the following morning, but he forgot to put it in the fridge--leaving the bag sitting on the coffee table instead. When I woke in the morning, I found a French roll, surrounded by plastic wrap, with a hole in one end, and the inside was completely hollowed out--like aliens had sucked it dry.:noway: :laugh: I soon discovered the prime suspect, licking mayonnaise off his nose. When I asked him "Did you eat your daddy's sandwich?" He responded with a very audible "doggie burp." I laughed so loudly, I woke my husband, who was still in the upstairs bedroom.

    This dog would also get your attention when you came in the door by untying your shoelaces!!!

    Maybe this will give you some ideas. If you want more descriptions of their antics, send me a PM.

    Since it took me a while to write this, I refreshed the page and read about the plagarism concern. The subsequent posts are correct. It is NOT plagarism to solicit general story ideas. Plagarism is illustrated by the situation where the student copies passages, verbatim, or with minimal changes, from a source (book, webpage..etc.) and doesn't credit the original source or author.

    If any of my critters' antics inspire you and are included in your story, I will be most pleased, and NOT consider you a plagarist, although a little credit is always nice.:wink::smile:
  • melodyg
    melodyg Posts: 1,423 Member
    Hmmm.... I'll have to think on this one... but bumping so I will respond later! (I must warn you that my ideas may all be heavily borrowed, even if accidentally, from the many Clifford shows I've watched over the last few years!).

    I do think that, especially since this is a children's book, you could do multiple short chapters to make a story collection (or multiple story collections!) I never thought of doing a children's book for NaNoWriMo! Hmmm.....
  • trisha329
    trisha329 Posts: 266 Member
    Oh my gosh! I forgot all about this! Can I still sign up for it?!
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    Unless it'd December 1, it's not too late to sign up for Nano! Just go to their website
  • roylawrence87
    roylawrence87 Posts: 970 Member
    They get lost in a junk yard where they have to convince the mean guard dog to help them get out and then end up befriending him.

    Well thats all I got at the moment... Kids stories are not my thing... Now vampire or angel stuff is my territory.
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    They get lost in a junk yard where they have to convince the mean guard dog to help them get out and then end up befriending him.

    Well thats all I got at the moment... Kids stories are not my thing... Now vampire or angel stuff is my territory.

    That sounds like a great storyline for "Martha Speaks" (animated PBS program featuring a talking dog --"Martha"):smile:
  • mmatteson
    I think it's great to ask for ideas and if you find one successful, acknowledge the user in your book. My idea is to use your weightloss journey somehow in your book idea. If the main characters are dogs, they could go to a doggy gym that has jumps, hoops, tunnels to crawl through to get the necessary excersise they need. They could also have doggy farmer markets where they can chose healthy treats. It would be a fun way to get across to children about making healthy choices with movement for excersise and food. I think most successful books are based on one's own journies, just written in a fun way that is appealing. Good luck and I'd love to read it when your done.
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    They get lost in a junk yard where they have to convince the mean guard dog to help them get out and then end up befriending him.

    Well thats all I got at the moment... Kids stories are not my thing... Now vampire or angel stuff is my territory.

    That sounds like a great storyline for "Martha Speaks" (animated PBS program featuring a talking dog --"Martha"):smile:

    Ohmigosh, I LOVE Martha Speaks! "Don't go in there. I just recuperated all over the floor."
  • diet45
    diet45 Posts: 392 Member
    I don't have any funny ideas, but my dogs do strike me as funny everyday!! My Scottish Terrier Shamus is a boy. He will only come in the house if my husband is home, but won't go to my husband....he comes to is the weirdest thing ever. We have a girl Scottish Terrier named Fiona. She lays on the couch (she will come in when I'm home), but will have nothing to do with me (usually acts like she is hiding) until Shamus comes in...they are such a them though!!!
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    They get lost in a junk yard where they have to convince the mean guard dog to help them get out and then end up befriending him.

    Well thats all I got at the moment... Kids stories are not my thing... Now vampire or angel stuff is my territory.

    That sounds like a great storyline for "Martha Speaks" (animated PBS program featuring a talking dog --"Martha"):smile:

    Ohmigosh, I LOVE Martha Speaks! "Don't go in there. I just recuperated all over the floor."
    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
    Do you remember....."Irritating........does irritating mean FUN?":noway: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    Maybe when you're really young, lol
  • keith0373
    keith0373 Posts: 2,154 Member
    Poodle gets a job at an authentic Korean restaurant . . .Halloween theme!
  • godblessourhome
    godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member
    thanks everyone for you help. some of these are really great.

    melody i was thinking about writing the story in 'segments'. great minds.

    weaklink, your dogs sound like a riot! i would love to use some of their antics in my story! (and i might be you for more)

    thanks again and keep them coming!