picky eater


I'm a picky eater trying to reform my ways! I need to take off these extra pounds so I can keep up with my toddler (who is a much healthier eater than I am). Once upon a time I used to be "heavy". Then I lost a lot of weight. I met the guy of my dreams. And then he died. And then I found out I was pregnant. At the end of my pregnancy I was the heaviest I'd ever been. Single motherhood is a lot tougher than I ever imagined so after losing almost all of the baby weight I gained it all back. And then some. I have a sneaking suspicion is has something to do with the absolute lack of veggies over the past few years. And all the carbs. And condiments. Somebody stop me!!!!

I don't want to be Gilbert Grape's mom.

Anyone else a picky eater???



  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    Not a picky eater, but I live with a picky eater.

    He's managed to lose 50lbs through portion reduction and replacing regular Dr. Pepper with Diet Dr. Pepper.

    There are only a few ways I can get him to eat more vegetables.

    Daily salad I use Romaine his salads are simple usually meat cheese and finely diced baby carrots

    Fried (yeah probably too calorie dense, but he will eat okra, green beans, mushrooms, and zucchini this way) mixed with tons of dipping sauce

    Chopped very very small or blended. If he cant see it he can usually tolerate it. Now if it is an uncooked vegetable and he tastes the bitter compounds he wont eat it. Texture doesn't bother him as much as the bitter taste that I cant taste.

    Dried vegetables. We just recently discovered this he will eat tomatoes or peas like this.

    Just keep experimenting. Keep it small and be proud of yourself for when you do introduce new foods.
  • michael1976_ca
    michael1976_ca Posts: 3,488 Member
    yeah me the list of thing i wont eat is long but its ok i make up for it with other healthy foods
  • see449
    see449 Posts: 8 Member
    Hi I am a picky eater also, I do not eat veggies or fruit or very little fruit. I need help changing this around.I guess all my life I have been a picky eater & it is going to be very hard for me. Any suggestion would be appreciated & friends that use to not eat Veggie or fruit and have changed this around I would appreciate support together. Good luck everyone. Trying my best.
  • manders376
    manders376 Posts: 53 Member
    I am not crazy picky but do have a hard time with vegetables. I have found that eating the same ones that I like or can tolerate over and over is better than not eating any at all.

    Good luck!
  • moxigirl79
    moxigirl79 Posts: 6 Member
    I am an extremely picky eater. I barely eat any meat/protein. I can't stand the taste or texture. I'm picky about fruits, too. I like a lot of vegetables, so that's a plus. I am very particular about seasonings on food and how they are prepared. I've never liked beans either, so I have a very difficult time getting enough protein which makes it hard to build muscle and stay full. I've recently discovered I have allergies to soy, peanuts and tree nuts which basically eliminates what protein I did eat. I'm just starting over with my weight loss so, I'm trying to mentally prepare myself to eat foods I don't like. I've heard when children are picky, it's best to give them 1 tablespoon of a new food 15 times before increasing the amount. This way they can develop a taste for the food without it being overwhelming. Thinking about doing this myself and starting with baby steps. Good luck with your weight loss!!
  • FattyFatsoMcTubby
    FattyFatsoMcTubby Posts: 170 Member
    I'm a very picky eater. I have slowly forced myself to develop a taste for asparagus and broccoli which are the only green vegetables I eat. I can; however, eat the same foods several days with little variation and not get sick of them. I have found foods that I like to eat but are low in calories and filling. I track my calories consumed and burned religiously, and when I have too many calories, I try to burn more to compensate. 60 lbs down and 80 to go.
  • KimR87
    KimR87 Posts: 295 Member
    Im an extremely picky eater and had been able to lose 46 pounds. It took me finding alot of recipe websites with some amazing things like emilybites.com has alot of food ill eat but lower calorie versions. I still dont get veggies in like i should but i try to get them in drinking the v8 fruit/vegetable juices sometimes and sometimes a green smoothie.
  • I am also a picky eater as I don't eat raw onions or green/red peppers. It is always hard to find recipes that don't use those for flavor. And almost all pre-packaged low calorie meals have peppers in them. Any ideas where to find menus that would help me out? I just started on my weight loss journey today and am hoping to find lots of motivation on this website.

    Good luck to everyone!!
  • I think vegetables should be outlawed. I am a very picky eater. Scratch that. I am a picky eater when it comes to health food. I don't think I would be here trying to loose weight if I were that picky. Anyway, I do not like seafood or veggies. I love carbs, meat, some fruit and dairy. Yum! I "try" to incorporate healthier food into my diet but its hard.
  • haha i bet he must drive you nuts! i am trying to eat one salad a day and i'm trying to add other veggies than lettuce and cucumber but it's agonizing lol. i just started eating green peppers raw but they're a small portion of a salad. i wish i could just not use salad dressing but that is light years away right now! i've switched to just oil and vinegar instead of any type of creamy dressing. thanks for the advice- congrats to both of you for your 50lb weight losses!
  • ok didn't realize i can't reply to everyone individually. thanks for all the responses! i don't know why it's so hard to just eat things. my 3 year old is less picky than i am! i have lost a total of 5 lbs over the last 2 months. i'm hoping that logging my foods on here will keep me on track better. and i'm trying to cut down on carbs but it's IMPOSSIBLE since they make up the bulk of my diet. i'm at a loss as far as meals are concerned. what do you do without pasta and breadcrumbs??