23 years old & want friends :)

Hi, I just joined in my own efforts to lose weight after 29 Ibs of depression. Was hoping to find anybody to share diaries and inspiration :)

age doesn't really matter to me.


  • You can add me of you want. I log in everyday and my diary is open.
  • Ichigo!! :D

    ok I'll be adding you then :)
  • PradaGx
    PradaGx Posts: 29 Member
    I could use moar friends.
  • Ri0t801
    Ri0t801 Posts: 12 Member
    I just started today, and I think I have different fitness goals in mind. But, I think my diary is open as far as I know, and I would like to be friends to inspire/motivate and be inspired/motivated by others :smile:
  • Hi! I'm recovering from depression too and would love to make new friends on this journey :) before using myfitnesspal I've already lost 20lbs but I'm still another 20lbs away from my goal.
  • Hey, im allison, 25 years old. Ive only just joined so feel free to add. Neeing a motivational kick up the butt!!
  • Im 22. From australia. U can add me if u Want to .I have it where people who add me can view my diary.