How do I find the time to trim down???

I desperately wanna lose at least 10 lbs. And I don't wanna just lose the inches, I need to see it on the scale too! My only problem is i work full time, go to school part time, have a husband and a daughter. I'm just worried that I won't stick with it cause I already have a full plate. But I can't keep looking in the mirror and feeling the way I do about myself. How do some of you busy moms stay motivated and find time to trim down?


  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,309 Member
    The full plate is 100% the thing to focus on here.

    You lose weight by creating a calorie deficit.

    No time is needed for that. Well, five minutes to log a day's worth of food. But you can find five minutes, surely.

    edit because can't type :grumble:
  • LessthanKris
    LessthanKris Posts: 607 Member
    I am a SAHM so I have the luxury of nap time. Before I had kids and worked I used to get up at 4:30-5 in the morning to workout. It sucks at first but you get used to it eventually. It is the only time that does not get jeopardized by something "coming up".

    I totally believe diet is what makes you lose weight, not exercising. Exercising just allows me to eat a little more and to build strength. I am personally a fan of Jillian Michael's programs because most are only 30 minute workouts and I think they are effective in building strength.
  • jessicapk
    jessicapk Posts: 574 Member
    Agreeing with the posters above me... eating less actually takes LESS time :)
    And, if you really want to increase your fitness level, too (highly recommended), find something fun that you can do with the family to improve your health, as well as theirs. That will teach good habits and help you feel better.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,902 Member
    Weight loss comes down to intake. You still gotta eat so all you're doing it reducing it. And workouts are out there that are only 7-10 minutes long.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • Kevalicious99
    Kevalicious99 Posts: 1,131 Member
    Inches are more important than the scale. The scale is not a great indicator of much of anything. It will even make you cry.
  • Hi there, yep sticking to it id hard al right. I did really well a couple of years ago because I had paid entry to my first ever 10km race and people were sponsoring me. After the race it all fell apart. Just now things are going well because I have a Christmas holiday to look forward to and I want to look good in a little black dress. For me it's about and event that I'm aiming for, something I've paid for :) I love cooking and finding low calorie recipes that the kids can eat with me is good fun. My hubby is also trying to get fit at the moment too, so that's making a huge difference. Good luck. If you want to add me as a friend so that we can keep eachother motivated then please feel free. All the best, Ruth
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    Losing weight is all about a calorie deficit. You can create this calorie deficit by eating less, or exercising more, or a combination of the both. Of course there are health benefits to exercise, even if it is not strictly necessary for weight loss. Exercise also need not be an hour at the gym and need not take time away from your family, you can fit it into your life, playing with your child, etc.

    So, first, plan your meals. You don't have to have salad all the time, you can eat regular food, just eat portions that fit into your calorie goal.

    Set your goal to lose half a pound a week, with only 10 pounds to lose, you can't safely or permanently lost more than that.
  • Ed98043
    Ed98043 Posts: 1,333 Member
    I don't exercise and have lost 23 lbs just through calorie deficit (not recommending that you don't exercise, just saying it's possible to lose weight without it). Eating less takes no extra time at all.
  • msjac23
    msjac23 Posts: 140 Member
    Buy yourself a Fitbit tracker, I wear the Fitbit flex wristband. I have a goal of taking 10,000 steps a day. It sync with my iPhone so I know how many steps I've taken and helps me to move more.
  • ArghMonday
    ArghMonday Posts: 6 Member
    Eating less and make a point of tracking your intake through MFP. I have to agree also with msjac23, some sort of activity tracker can help you to stay motivated. I use the Fitbit Force (used to have the Flex) and it helped me lose 25 pounds. Also don't forget the power of people, a good motivational buddy will go a long way especially during low times where you think nothing is working.
  • Thanks everyone!!! Your advice is very valuable! I'm going to start logging everything into MFP and really focus on my intake as well as find at least 20-30 min a day to workout. Good luck to everyone on meeting your goals!!!
  • acollis1
    acollis1 Posts: 167 Member
    I am a Mom to 2 kids, and I work full time! I get up everyday at 4am to fit in my P90X !!! Really sucks at first, but once you get in the swing of it, you can't start your day without your workout!!!
  • I'm a mom of 4 kids. 2 babies under 2 yrs old & 2 teenagers. I'm a personal trainier, fitness instructor. I get up early @ 4:30am to workout and teach classes, I find that I get it done before my day gets busy while kids & hubby are still asleep and excuses get in the way. Just remember something is better than nothing, even if it's only 30 minutes! Good Luck you can do it!
  • MamaBear05
    MamaBear05 Posts: 100 Member
    Do you have stairs at work that you can take 5 minutes every couple of hours to climb, even if all you can do is a flight or two? Or during a school break, can you go for a quick walk? With the right changes to your diet, even squeezing in little things like this can help.

    As a single mom with a full time job, I felt I had no time to workout. Over the summer, I joined a great group of friends (most of them are couples) that get together 3 times a week to do a pretty hard core workout that takes us about 40 minutes. We do it at the park and we all bring our kids. They have a blast running around and playing with each other while the adults get a great workout.

    The 2 weekdays we get together are after work so dinner gets a little screwy and I usually end up eating something different than my son, and not eating it until after I get him to bed. But it has definitely been worth changing up our routine a bit for the benefits I get. My son also gets to see the benefits of working out and a healthy lifestyle. Oh, and working out with a big group of friends really helps keep me accountable and showing up to every workout.

    I also want to echo what a few others have said, and it has been difficult for me to get this through my head until recently. The number on the scale, especially when it comes down to just a few pounds, does not really indicate fat loss. In the 4 months that I have been working out with the group, I have lost 4% body fat, but only about 5 pounds on the scale. When I started, I wanted to lose 10 pounds, but the transformation in my body would not have been nearly as healthy if I had simply dropped just the 10 pounds.
  • I work full time and have 2 kids under 4, so I decided to get up a 4am to run and now have added Jillian's 30 day shred after my run. It is uninterrupted "me" time and I feel great afterwards. LIke others have said it takes getting used to. Even adding the 30 day shred might help, as it is only 20 minutes. Good Luck!
  • You have to make the time! Even small changes will eventually add up. Take the stairs instead of the elevator, park further away from the store, go visit someone rather than call or email.
  • trudijoy
    trudijoy Posts: 1,685 Member
    I'm a teacher, with an incredibly busy schedule and a father who has terminal cancer who I sometimes have to visit at home/in hospital every weekend, but never any less than a weekend every 3-4 weeks, plus I coach netball etc. You make time. MFP doesn't require you to excercise. It's easy to trim down without excercise - but if you want to be fit/healthy/toned, you make time.

    Sorry, but it's true.

    You have kids - take them out for a walk/run/game of something. When they're not with you, walk places, or invest in a piece of home cardio equipment. There are always options.
  • Gkfrkv
    Gkfrkv Posts: 120
    Take an hour once a week to create a meal plan for the entire week make a recipe book (or log the meals here) to have control over how many calories each meal contains.

    I don't exercise. But I do the little things, I walk to a bus stop further away, take the stairs and stand more instead of sitting and do sneak squats at work when I have a few minutes.