Diet Soda Anyone?



  • Cindyinpg
    Cindyinpg Posts: 3,902 Member
    Everyone's opinion is so different, but you guys are also helpful. Its good to see other POVs of this BC I am truly confused lol.
    I was confused too. Then I properly researched it. Tigersword's and Ninerbuff's posts are absolutely correct, as always. :happy:
  • mrsamanda86
    mrsamanda86 Posts: 869 Member
    I used to drink like ONLY pepsi all day long, then a few years ago switched to diet pepsi. Apparently I just upped my food calories to compensate because I didn't lose any weight after switching lol
    I don't really drink any soda anymore, mainly just coffee, water, and tea now. Soda makes me feel bloated and I just don't love the taste of it anymore like I used to. I'll occasionally have one if I go out to a restaurant but that's very rarely even then, usually I'll get like a strawberry lemonade or some other fruity type of drink if I'm out.
  • Siansonea
    Siansonea Posts: 917 Member
    "Diet soda is full of chemicals!!!!!111!!!!!" :noway: :laugh:

    All matter is composed of "chemicals", btw. :huh:
  • If I didn't eat or drink everything someone said may be harmful to me in the long run I would probably have to be growing my own garden right now. Like Ninerbuff said, sooo many of the foods we eat daily are said to have bad long term effects on us but I'm certainly not going to starve because of it. So yeah I drink Diet Dr. Pepper quite a bit, not exactly daily but I don't knock those who do. Weight loss is about you and doing what works for you. If you deprive yourself there's a good chance you'll end up binging later. It should be a lifestyle change not just a temporary diet so you have to figure out how to make that change for yourself.
  • lissaann29078
    lissaann29078 Posts: 53 Member
    If I didn't eat or drink everything someone said may be harmful to me in the long run I would probably have to be growing my own garden right now. Like Ninerbuff said, sooo many of the foods we eat daily are said to have bad long term effects on us but I'm certainly not going to starve because of it. So yeah I drink Diet Dr. Pepper quite a bit, not exactly daily but I don't knock those who do. Weight loss is about you and doing what works for you. If you deprive yourself there's a good chance you'll end up binging later. It should be a lifestyle change not just a temporary diet so you have to figure out how to make that change for yourself.

    I feel the same way!
  • somerisagirlsname
    somerisagirlsname Posts: 467 Member
    I will drink it when I go out to eat or if I'm really in the mood, but it's not a staple in my diet by any means. I don't purposely avoid it because I think it's bad for you though, I just can't have other options of beverages around the house if I'm going to meet my water intake.
  • Good because i was kinda under the notion that it was terrible for you with all of those artificial sugars and such.
  • kdhamner
    kdhamner Posts: 309 Member
    I would love to drink my Diet Dr. Pepper - miss it - but it makes me sick. After many, many tests ran by specialists, we found out I was sick from soda. Doesn't matter if it is diet or regular, must be something in the carbonation.
  • knittinlady
    knittinlady Posts: 143 Member
    Nope. I can't stand the taste of the fake sugar. Aspartame, Splenda, whatever. They all taste nasty to me. I'd rather drink regular soda, but even that is rare these days. I'd rather eat my calories than drink them. :)

    I drink water. And occasionally juice. And green tea.
  • Diet coke does have that certain aftertaste that I dislike. I also am not a fan of Splenda. It doesn't taste right.
  • TigerBite
    TigerBite Posts: 611 Member
    Tastes weird ... If I want bubbles, I just drink sparkling water (or sparkling wine :P ... )
  • I should try sparkling water...
  • aimforhealthy
    aimforhealthy Posts: 449 Member
    I should try sparkling water...
    I love flavored sparkling water. When I started my weight loss journey I was drinking a full liter of regular soda daily on some days because I worked overnights and though I now drink some diet soda, I used flavored sparkling water to wean myself off the soda kick.
  • bellevie86
    bellevie86 Posts: 301 Member
    Looks like you've gotten a lot of mixed opinions on this one and I'm not surprised. I rarely drink them, if I do I'll drink the real thing and factor it into my calories. I don't ever keep it in the house, for me it's not something I ABSOLUTELY have to have. If I go to a fast food joint where you fill up your own cups I only fill it up halfway so that I drink less and don't just mindlessly drink a giant soda. There's an inordinate amount of research done on diet soda and regular soda and majority of what I see doesn't say great things. But, to each their own. If it's something that makes dieting easier do it, but don't drink a lot everyday. The way I see it is if it doesn't hurt you to NOT drink it then try to cut it out as best you can. No harm done if it's not a huge need for you to keep you on track. However, I used to live in a copper building where the plumbing was too old to use Draino, the people in the building, including myself had used coke several times to unclog drains. So take what you will from all these responses, cause this is a HUGE debate. Good luck!
  • bellevie86
    bellevie86 Posts: 301 Member
    Like so many things, it might not affect your weight loss in a week or a year, or even years but the toll it takes on your health otherwise is really not good. Diet soda has been accused of causing migraines, brain tumors, ulcers, rotted teeth, cancer, gut issues and leaching calcium out of the bones. Why knowingly drink acid? If someone flavors goat piss with enough fake sugar to make it palatable and put it over ice, it probably wouldn't cause weight gain either. But why?
    Why knowingly drink acid? Seriously? 99.9% of all foods are acidic. Oranges, lemons, limes, and grapefruits are all much stronger acids than diet soda. Yes, diet soda has been accused of causing lots of health problems. So have eggs, butter, milk, meat, bread, rice, apples, and pretty much every food, ever. The evidence shows diet soda doesn't cause any of the things you listed. Again, stop spreading fear and ignorance, take the time to actually study these things.

    I'm curious, when have apples been accused of doing damage to the body? (other than organic vs. non organic) And yes lemons and limes go in acid, but are turned alkaline in the body. Alkaline= good. Other than apples all of the other food you mentioned are acids.
  • Grafakos
    Grafakos Posts: 22 Member
    We have a free soda dispenser at work, so occasionally I'll get a cup of Diet Coke to go with my brown-bag lunch. That's pretty much the only time I drink soda, though. I'm more of a beer and whiskey guy :-)
  • Carnivor0us
    Carnivor0us Posts: 1,752 Member
    Diet soda is a must in my diet! It would otherwise be very difficult to eat my ketogenic diet with my sweet tooth....
  • Carnivor0us
    Carnivor0us Posts: 1,752 Member
    Like so many things, it might not affect your weight loss in a week or a year, or even years but the toll it takes on your health otherwise is really not good. Diet soda has been accused of causing migraines, brain tumors, ulcers, rotted teeth, cancer, gut issues and leaching calcium out of the bones. Why knowingly drink acid? If someone flavors goat piss with enough fake sugar to make it palatable and put it over ice, it probably wouldn't cause weight gain either. But why?
    Why knowingly drink acid? Seriously? 99.9% of all foods are acidic. Oranges, lemons, limes, and grapefruits are all much stronger acids than diet soda. Yes, diet soda has been accused of causing lots of health problems. So have eggs, butter, milk, meat, bread, rice, apples, and pretty much every food, ever. The evidence shows diet soda doesn't cause any of the things you listed. Again, stop spreading fear and ignorance, take the time to actually study these things.

    I'm curious, when have apples been accused of doing damage to the body? (other than organic vs. non organic) And yes lemons and limes go in acid, but are turned alkaline in the body. Alkaline= good. Other than apples all of the other food you mentioned are acids.

    Your stomach acid has a pH of 2. Nothing is turning alkaline in there.
  • MyPaperBleedsInk
    MyPaperBleedsInk Posts: 240 Member
    Yep. Diet Pepsi for me. I know, it doesn't taste as amazing as regular Pepsi, but it's 0 calories sooooo. I'm a bit of a soda addict so there's no way I'd be able to quite entirely or find a better/healthy substitute, so if I have to drink diet, I have to drink diet. Once in a while I'll go for regular soda like at a family holiday event/gathering.
  • erinkeely4
    erinkeely4 Posts: 408 Member
    It's a no for me. Too processed and full of chemicals. But I've never been much of a soda person. I'd much rather have tea!