Cleaning out friends list...



  • brower47
    brower47 Posts: 16,356 Member
    You're a lot nicer than I am.

    I do what I want and don't discuss it.

  • I think this is a great topic and I just wanted to chime in. Personally, when others are a vampiric drain and consistently are checked out in their ability to connect appropriately with others, they probably aren't a good source for friendship and one can delete them at will. Nothing worse than guilt trips and drama hanging one up in a non supportive and non encouraging relationship.

    Everything else I just ignore, people come and go, commitment levels differ, people can be crazy, but I am here like everyone else, to improve, grow, be connected to others with similar goals, encourage, be encouraged and inspire.
  • Well I've noticed within the past few weeks that I was getting virtually no responses from any of my friends ( I don't have many) with the exception of about 2, even when I finally hit the BIG 20 lbs lost :). I just now checked and quite a few of them haven't checked in weeks, so I deleted them. I have only deleted one active friend due their constant complaining about life problems. I have NOTHING against venting, but honestly I joined this group to be a healthier me, to learn and be encouraged by others, and to encourage others. I just realized that you can hide peoples post also without deleting them.

    Congrats by the way, I just hit the big 20 too.
  • I just cleaned mine out tonight. I generally have a clear out once a week. I delete people if they are non interactive, collector or drama Llamas.

    Now, I generally don't delete people because they haven't logged in for a few days, there could be many reasons why. However, if they have been gone for over a month I will send a message to make sure they are OK.


    Drama llama, love it!
  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member
    I clean out the ones who deactivate and the ones who are kind of weird about the guy who would eat soup and run 3 hours a day for about a week and then you wouldn't see him at all for 2 weeks and then he was back doing the same thing, but griping because he wasn't losing.

    Everyone else can pretty much stay.
  • abtsdiet
    abtsdiet Posts: 39 Member
    I totally understand. Several of my friends tend to ignore my
    news feeds and offer no support.

    I try to give words of encouragement to all my friends several times a week. And they still ignore me. I feel a little rejected. Right now I have about 5 friends but I'm going to drop a few. Feel free to add me. I will defiantly offer encouragement.

  • srogers89
    srogers89 Posts: 190 Member
    Toally justified in doing that. The idea of having friends on here is for motivation not for the sake of having 100+ 'friends'. If they aren't providing that motivation and support, cut em loose
  • bceltic
    bceltic Posts: 135 Member
    Thanks much!!!