How does Ripped in 30 compare to 30 Day Shred?

Today I completed day 29 of Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred. It's been a great and surprisingly addictive way for me to get more exercise with strength training. I've loved seeing my strength and endurance improve through Shred...and the inches and weigh lost rocks, too!

I'm thinking of starting Ripped in 30 next. Does anyone know Ripped compares to Shred in terms of difficulty and results?


  • I never did 30 day shred, but ripped in 30 broke a year of plateau for me. It's moves like you never see in any workout
  • luckyclover78
    luckyclover78 Posts: 115 Member
    I would love to know too. Currently doing 30DS.
  • ktully93
    ktully93 Posts: 160 Member
    I did both programs together and just alternated routines. I couldn't stand doing the same workout 10 days before switching to another. I felt like Ripped in 30 was a bit more challenging; however, if you finished 30 Day Shred you will be well prepared. I gained a lot of strength doing these together; therefore, I bought Body Revolution and just finished it at the end of October. I lost 14 inches doing Body Revolution.

    Go for it and good luck!
  • michael1976_ca
    michael1976_ca Posts: 3,488 Member
    i'm going to start ripped in 30 tuesdat because my last day of 30 day shred ends on monday. i can't wait
  • aairs1
    aairs1 Posts: 53 Member
    I've done both workouts and am doing my second round of Ripped in 30 now. I like both videos but prefer Ripped in 30. It is very similar to 30DS the way it is set up in 3-2-1 format. I like how there are 3 strength exercises instead of 2, it just seems to go faster. When I wear my heart rate monitor it always says that I burn more calories doing Ripped in 30. I always see results in my body when doing any of Jillian's videos, if I could just do better with staying in my calorie range I know I would be losing a lot more than I am. Hope that helps!
  • bogden78
    bogden78 Posts: 172 Member
    I've done both and as others have said, enjoyed RI30 much more. Did 30Ds first and it really prepared me for RI30. You can't go wrong with JM!
  • Thanks y'all for the feedback. I finished day 30 of 30 day shred today, yay! Based on your feedback, I'm feeling pretty excited about starting Ripped later this week.
  • KimMc60
    KimMc60 Posts: 112 Member
    RI30 is really similar and has the same format as 30DS, it's just that the moves are a little bit more advanced. I did them back to back and was easily able to keep up with RI30 - at least for the first few weeks. :) I did enjoy RI30 more too!
  • dshalbert
    dshalbert Posts: 677 Member
    I just did my last day of Ripped in 30 and think I will start it again this weekend. I did the the 30 Day Shred as well and never was able to get passed phase two, becasue it was too hard on my knees, plus learned in an interview of Jillian Michaels that you are NOT supposed to do it 30 days straight, as the titles implies. That said, I really like Ripped in 30 mainly beacuse I am a bit more smart about I approach this program, by using the modifications and the rest days. Also as another poster said, I don't get as bored. Moving on the a new stage every week makes a big difference. I remember with the shred, If I were on day six, I felt like I would never make to the next stage. With RI30, you were already to move on. I really enjoyed it. . . .when it was over, that is :laugh:
  • I did 30 day shred (for actually more like 90 week level 1, 2 weeks level 2 and the rest at level 3. I am currently in day 3 of week 3 of the shred. Week 3 is CHALLENGING to me..but I felt alittle more comfortable this morning..didnt struggle. I did 2 weeks of week 2..week one looked less challenging then shred week 3.

    I am really liking ripped..I am developing more strength with this video..espc in my upper body. I am also hybriding it some nights with Yoga Inferno.
  • clarebailey355
    clarebailey355 Posts: 113 Member
    I've done both and (in my opinion) RI30 is harder. They're both good programmes but even JM says to do RI30 rather than 30DS herself.
  • alpine1994
    alpine1994 Posts: 1,915 Member
    30 Day Shred was my first regular exercise program (summer 2012) and I did Ripped in 30 right after. The first level was a bit easy but the next 3 levels (yes, there are 4 levels in RI30!) were challenging. I loved it. I have done 8 or 9 Jillian DVDs regularly since then!