Can I workout without sport shoes


I am planning to go to the gym from today but I completely forgot about that and dont have shoes.. and I cannot buy any atleast till next weekend.. Now, if I do moderate workouts.. is it dangerous to workout without proper shoes? I am kinda wearing kito sandals like this ones search?q=kito+shoes&client=firefox-a&hs=QR7&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=J3yAUtOMAYe0iQf92IDQBA&ved=0CAcQ_AUoAQ&biw=1366&bih=642#facrc=_&imgdii=_&

is it okay if I workout in these for a week before getting proper shoes?


  • Ian_Stuart
    Ian_Stuart Posts: 252 Member
    What kind of workout are you doing? I run and lift in these

    In fact, doing squats and deadlifts in gym shoes is usually considered bad because the padding creates odd pressure on your joints and the heel lift puts you in poor starting form. Gym shoes don't really do much to protect your feet from dropped weights and such. Maybe stubbed toes.
  • sola24
    sola24 Posts: 334 Member
    This is what m planning to wear this week before i get proper shoes.

  • Ian_Stuart
    Ian_Stuart Posts: 252 Member
    That will be just fine. What does your workout look like?
  • Archanasatyam
    Archanasatyam Posts: 28 Member
    they seem fine to start off with dear.. as long as they hold the foot firm.. treadmill.. and weights shouldn't be a problem with these.. good luck
  • MelodyandBarbells
    MelodyandBarbells Posts: 7,724 Member
    I see people do some fitness classes barefoot. Some martial arts almost seem to require it. But I fear some gyms may send you out if you do not have proper attire including footwear. Just thought to mention it so you do not potentially waste your time.
  • lauraspberry
    lauraspberry Posts: 655 Member
    I workout barefoot at times you'll be fine :) sometimes I feel like my shoes are causing me knee pains so I take them off lol
  • sola24
    sola24 Posts: 334 Member
    I will mostly workout on treadmills and cross trainer
  • lauraspberry
    lauraspberry Posts: 655 Member
    I will mostly workout on treadmills and cross trainer

    I tried working out on a treadmill barefoot... stupidest thing I've ever done :laugh: I was 14 then