What day/moment caused you to get serious?

soze Posts: 604 Member
edited September 22 in Motivation and Support
For me the straw that broke the camel's back was just 16 days ago. Oh, I had been thinking of it for a long time but that Sunday was disturbing. Now I've been called all kinds of names and insulted in ways many of you cannot imagine. This summer I was called FatAzz, several times. At the gym a couple of years ago I ran into an old class mate, He said is that you in there and the list goes on. Now calling me names doesn't bother me because I just have no respect those people. However that Sunday I was pulling up to the table to eat. It just seemed I couldn't pull very close to the table because of my big belly. It was disturbing. It was sickening. Then I felt fat between my legs. That was horrendous. The next day I weighed myself. Then after talking to a bud he recommended a weight watching site. I couldn't find it but I found this place through the app store.

So here I am and I am on my way.


  • darkrider42
    darkrider42 Posts: 5,391 Member
    First of all, I'm new here too, but welcome! You're among friends and nobody is going to call you any names here. =)

    Congrats on the decision to take your life back!
  • You know name calling goes both ways. As a kid I was tall, lanky, and skin and bones. I used to be teased by all the boys and girls. I always wanted to be chubby, it seemed like they didn't have it as bad. When I got there, it was all the same. People are mean, hateful, and jealous. They have low self-esteems and love to pull others down with them. I'm sure you have some awesome attributes. I commend you for taking on this challenge to better yourself. You have to be happy with yourself. Chubby or skinny, you have to do what you do for yourself and for no one else!! To be a healthier you. Because even if you're fit, people will still find hurtful things to say, you'd be surprised!! Especially** as a woman!!! They're meaner when you're at your fittest!

    I wish you the best of luck in your journey, and pray you keep with it!! :)
  • oEmmao
    oEmmao Posts: 466 Member
    welcome to the site! :flowerforyou: good luck on your journey? :drinker:
  • catcrazy
    catcrazy Posts: 1,740 Member
    Lots of moments but the 2 that did it were....

    I had another hospital appt that threw me into despair. No clothes looked even halfway decent, I nearly didnt bother doing my face and hair cos it felt like sprinkling dog *kitten* with glitter, totally pointless, its still dogs *kitten* (sorry but thats exactly how i felt at the time)

    Same day, was still pretty down and my son took a photo of the cat but caught me unaware in the back ground. I yelled and screamed like a banshee, Banned my kids from ever taking a photo of me and made him delete the picture, went to bed and bawled my eyes out.

    I knew I had to do something more than settle for stable, I'd finally got my weight stable at 1300-1500 calories but couldnt drop any lower on the calories because all the literature says you need x amount to live blah blah blah. Decided that my body obviously hasn't read the literature and i was going to do it MY WAY because everyone elses way wasn't working and I was getting more and more miserable. MY way is working but its taken a 700-1000 calorie intake to get it shifting
  • mum23
    mum23 Posts: 248 Member
    mine is pathetic.
    i lost the weight i wanted to loose, got to 11 stone, and at 5ft 7, was possibly not low enough for the charts etc, but i was happy.
    then i piled on over 2 stone. i lost it alone, with no support other than my hubby. and my family didnt even acknowledge that i was loosing.
    then my mum lost 4 stone. and my dad started on me. telling me i was the fat one in the family. how did it feel that my mum looks better than me.
    made me feel like utter crap.
  • The day i saw a hideous picture of myself and I have always been photogenic. . . pagents, parades, cheerleading, Dancing (2 performances televised), riding barrel, rodeo, Gymkanah. . . until that bad picture came along. . . ughh I was done!

    ANNNND here I am 6 months later, back to me :)
  • I have been here (on MFP) for 3 months, trying to watch the calories, clearly failling, I started at 122kgs. I was 124 last week. HOW did that happen? I walk 4kms almost every day (atleast 3 times a week), I watch what I eat, and I gain 2 kgs in 3 months? That. THAT made me go to the gym and get a personal trainer. I start with her next week (should have been sooner, but she's a busy lady apparently). I have been large framed for as long as I can remember, up until my teens I was a solid type of girl, it wasn't fat, i was active as a child, so I am doubtful my goal weight will be achievable. I will gladly admit that at the age of 16. I weighed 80kgs (over 160lbs) Being that my "idea weight" now is 57kgs (120lbs). I was fat then. Since then, the self esteem, the lack of good eating habits handed down through my family because I used to cook THEM dinner when I got home from school because they would work all the time.

    I had kids drive around the block twice when I was about 20, TWICE, they did a second lap to yell obscenities out of the window at me. I have had random school kids walk past me and do the *coughs*who'sfat*coughs* thing.

    I want to be happy with ME. I want my son, who is now 16months old to have a mother that can run WITH him around the park and not sit there like a vegetable because she gets too tired. I tried last summer to lost weight, meal replacement shake diet, walking the same route every day. I lost close to 10kgs. I don't know what's going on right now. But yeah.

    I am at the point now when I look down while I am sitting and see my fat belly and just feel sick. fat fingers, fat feet, fat belly, back fat, that's my fear, I don't want to get to a stage when I have back fat, I am lucky to not have it that bad now. I don't want it ot get to the size of my boobs.

    SO. I have taken control. I am eating an apple a day. watching my calories, watching my sodium and drinking a buttload of water! And next week. I have a personal trainer kicking my *kitten* when I don't do what I am supposed to!
  • cmw72
    cmw72 Posts: 390 Member
    I vividly remember my moment, and in retrospect ... it sounds completely silly.

    A friend gave us a Nintendo Wii for Christmas last year. My wife was pretty excited about the concept of the Wii Fit and the balance board, so as soon as they were back in stock, I rushed out and purchased it. I was pretty excited too ... It seemed like a fun way to lose some weight.

    I was saddened to realize that the thing tops out at 330lb. It wouldn't even register for me. I was pretty bummed, but I figured I just needed to drop a few pounds. Later that night, I dug out the old scale, which is rated up to 400lb. I knew I was big ... but I was shocked to see that I was up to 370 pounds. I mean I was literally floored. For some reason, it just all hit me at that moment. I freaked out. I was depressed, I was angry. I didn't break down into tears ... but I could have.

    I started looking online for some viable diet options. I stumbled across something called The Hacker Diet, which is essentially just making sure more calories go out, than go in. One of the requirements is logging your calories so you can accurately track your input. I whipped out my trusty iPhone, thinking that surely there must be some sort of app for that. I installed the MFP app and went to bed.

    The next day, I discovered that there is a whole community side to MFP, and that sealed the deal. That was January 5th, 2010.

    It's been an amazing ride ever since.
  • Toddy67
    Toddy67 Posts: 24
    Just this Sunday!! Biyfriend bought caravan, excitedly just SITTING on the bed converted from the dining table and you guessed it, it collapsed. Boyfriend helpfully ststed that he will get it re enforced so we can take a trip!!!
  • NeuroticVirgo
    NeuroticVirgo Posts: 3,671 Member
    I had been building up to it for a while..pictures did NOT help...but honestly I think their was 2 factors that made me get serious. 1st....Shaving my legs was a full cardio exercise...I mean I was huffing and puffing, and practically ready for nap...and i had only done one leg...to the knee.

    The other was having my gallbladder removed, honestly, I'm healthy in almost every way except for my weight, much healthier than I probably should be. My gallbladder was fine except for ONE stone...which my doctor said can happen to anyone not just people overweight...but that stone gave me problems and I ended up having to have surgery...most terrifying experience of my life. I've never had anything like that done, no broken bones nothing. For some reason, the day after surgery I decided that was time, I just had this overwhelming feeling to just do it!
  • i had my gallbladder out back in 2007 i think it was ><

    even then i wasnt phased by weight. i still have the jar of stones. a full small pee cup 100's of them. There was a 'skinny' lady in the room with me that night after the op who was actually worse off, they had to put a drain in hers, so i know that gallstones aren't a fat person problem, but it doesn't help to be overweight.
  • Soozcat
    Soozcat Posts: 34 Member
    It was the last time my mother, who is overweight and a Type 2 diabetic, visited my home. She brought her blood glucose monitor with her, naturally. I checked my blood, and it was close to 150. If I'm not actually a diabetic right now, I'm hovering on the edge. Scared the hell out of me.

    I've seen my mom's health go steadily downhill ever since she was diagnosed with diabetes in her forties, and she's not the only person in my family who's diabetic. I'm hoping to head it off before things get any worse, and the best way to do that is to lose the excess weight.
  • Sh1tsRainbows
    Sh1tsRainbows Posts: 1,227 Member
    i could tell i was gaining weight...i ran a 10K last memorial day, then for some reason i decided to "take a break" as a reward..DUMB!!! so i did nothing all summer, and my changing moment was seeing my S/O eat a gallon of ice cream in 2 days...it made me sick and i dont wanna be that unhealthy!!!!!
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