Quit Smoking!

So I vowed to quit smoking 62 days ago and I am happy to say that it has been 62 days since my last cigarette. I did gain about 7 pounds but now my body is allowing me to take it off. I just thought I would share my success and how happy I am to becoming a more healthy me!


  • Amarillo_NDN
    Amarillo_NDN Posts: 1,018 Member
    congrats, very proud of you.
  • nursee67
    nursee67 Posts: 503
    Congrats to you! My smoke free year anniversary was on the 13th. Keep up the great work!
  • smuehlbauer
    smuehlbauer Posts: 1,041 Member
    Very awesome! You should be very proud of your self!
  • hpdoxi
    hpdoxi Posts: 32
    Way to go!!! The weight will come back off, and hopefully you will notice the bigger change in your body without the harmful cigarettes!!! My mom quit a few years ago for the 50th or so time, but has now stuck with it. She still struggles, but ultimatly feels better!!! Keep up the great work!!!!
  • tawnyamorgan
    Awesome!!! Great job!!! I'm only 4 days in, and it makes it easier to hear success stories like yours!!
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Lots of congrats! I am 6 months smoke-free. The weight is coming off (I, too, put on about 7 pounds)--it just takes a bit of time. Besides, I feel SO much better!
  • butterscotchice
    butterscotchice Posts: 9 Member
    My goal quit date is November 10th! Congrats to you on your success!!!
  • dfwtxmissy
    I have been smoke free for approx 3 months. It feels so good. No weight gain...thank goodness...Congrats!
  • megsta21
    megsta21 Posts: 506 Member
    Congratulations!!! I needed help to quit... (Champix) But now i have a great motivation to "Stay Quit" hahaha

  • muth3rluvx2
    muth3rluvx2 Posts: 1,156 Member
    20+ year veteran here - quite in Dec. I have to be honest and say I still have one now and then but the good news is that apparently, I can do that without becoming the die hard addict again! Didn't think THAT would be possible. However, I inevitably end up running the next day even when I don't plan on it and that is never very pleasant. I think I subconsciously do it to remind myself why I quit in the first place and what it would be like (X10 - literally!!) if I went back. And of course, the only reason I'd go back - to lose the weight I put on. Unlike the rest of you (:grumble: :noway: :noway: ) I put on a whoppin' 30 lbs. :sad: :mad: :sad: :brokenheart:

    I don't think I'll be able to honestly say I'll never smoke again until I take this weight off. I think I kind of need to keep proving to myself that I don't want to get addicted again because the weight is NOT coming off and it is very frustrating. But I think I'm finally on the right track so hopefully by spring or early summer at the absolute latest, I'll be back into all my size 4 jeans!!! :drinker:

    My point being - if you find at any point that you fall off the wagon or have a slip - just so long as you get back on (whether it's your eating or smoking) and don't give up. I don't know how long you smoked or how much of an addict you were - but it's not an easy thing no matter what. Congratulations on a marvelous job! I'm jealous!!! lol...
  • NutritionDivaRD
    NutritionDivaRD Posts: 467 Member
    Congrats to you! Its a tough decision but one of the best you will ever make!

    I quit over 13 years ago, the day I found out I was pregnant with my first child. I tried to smoke one about four years ago and got sick as a DAWG! I'll never do THAT again! Plus I love being a non-smoker now......feels so much better.

    Keep up the good work! You are SO worth it! :)
  • Scorpiomom222
    Scorpiomom222 Posts: 1,462 Member
    That is so great! I quit smoking about three weeks ago and going strong! Keep it up!
  • xsmokernow
    Congratulations on quitting smoking!!! I did that almost 6 years ago and promptly gained 60 lbs, I'm glad you didn't gain that much from quitting.
  • brendansmom1
    brendansmom1 Posts: 530 Member
    I quit too! 4 years ago last month. It was soooo difficult! I too gained between 30-40 pounds, but that is why I am here now. LOL IT WILL come off. I feel soooo much better not smoking. I will be honest, I miss it from time to time, but it's not worth throwing away all my hard work by giving in!!

    Good luck to you and to everyone else who is quitting!!!

    :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile:
  • cjusticeg
    cjusticeg Posts: 90 Member
    I have also quit smoking. Best thing I have ever done since I have begun this journey to lose weight. I definitely do not need to be wheezing when I am running!
    MISTTIMG Posts: 136
    Congrats! By making this choice you probably have added years to your life!
  • eglass64
    eglass64 Posts: 180
    Congrats. I quit 2 years ago and never looked back.
  • priskar
    priskar Posts: 156
    Congratulations!!!! Stick with it. I know sometimes it's day by day or minute by minute but its worth it! Good job!!
  • umfan85
    umfan85 Posts: 113 Member
    Congrats! I am just over 30 days quit as well, it feels GREAT!
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