Eating too much

I was doing very well at 1620 calories, losing between a quarter and half a pound a week. (My body doesn't lose any faster and I've learned to live with it.) However, for the past few weeks I have been going over and I really need to get back at it! Every Monday I tell myself it's a new week, I can start fresh, but then I end up ruining it for myself. I need motivation to start eating under my calorie goal again!


  • bellalee426
    bellalee426 Posts: 25 Member
    Do you find yourself eating more foods you shouldn't, like high fat/sugar/carbs? Maybe try filling your day with lots of protein to help keep those craving down. Lots of veggies are great too, you can have a ton of them and keep the calories low.

    I feel your pain and my biggest down fall is at night. I go strong all day then just as I begin to watch TV and settle in for the night I fit the urge to eat! I don't always win lol. So I go to bed earlier these days haha.

    But just stay positive and really think about why your doing want you are doing. Thinking of the long term goal always helps me. I don't lose weight fast either, so it's hard.

    Good luck, stay strong!!
  • Lizzy622
    Lizzy622 Posts: 3,705 Member
    You may be looking too far ahead. Tell yourself." I will be under my calories TODAY. " Start each day saying this to yourself. Don't worry about tomorrow or Monday or some other time in the future. Just do it today.
  • tibby531
    tibby531 Posts: 717 Member
    I'm with lizzy; each new day is a new chance to start over. :)

    I'm also in the same boat. and I'm finding that the more I'm overeating, the more my body expects me to KEEP overeating. I wanted to binge with breakfast, this morning, but told myself I was running late for work, so I would just have to wait until snack time to eat more. I'm going to start calling this my "no and go" approach. :p
  • emAZn
    emAZn Posts: 413 Member
    Do you pre-log your day? I find it helpful to know that I have a snack or meal planned that fits into my day... I'm still hungry pretty much all the time but at least I'm not giving into cravings I just have to wait till food time :)
  • lambchoplewis
    I lost the weight and maintained for over 9 months. Then I stopped weighing myself, logging food and execs and voila - find myself with 10 extra lbs. I am back at it with the discipline I used to have. I weigh myself every morning - very controversial as it keeps me from shoving things into my mouth. I log food, exercise and read these posts to stay motivated.

    Make TODAY your best friend and kick tomorrow to the curb!!!
  • amyisme
    I do the same thing. I am spot on during the week but on the weekends, I tend to go off the rails. I start each week new, but it ends up being the same story on the weekends. And then there are those days that turn into weeks because "I already blew it so why try". I just keep picking up and getting back on it! Sooo...with that said, today is Monday so here I go!