I need motivation!

I really need some motivation this morning. I did a few minutes of cardio earlier, but that's about as far as I've made it. Some days I can jump out of bed and immediately be in "work-out mode" but then days like today I just want to sit on my butt lol. How do you motivate yourself?

Xoxo~ Fiona

Ps- feel free to add me on here! I just started adding friends today :)


  • FabulousFiona12
    Lol *crickets* :-/
  • kimberpossible
    kimberpossible Posts: 11 Member
    lol i try to motivate myself by imagining how much better I will feel AFTER the workout. Iti s hard to get to the gym, or get up and get started, but once you are done, the feeling of accomplishment is worth it!

    You can do it! I too need motivation....please feel free to add me and we can nudge each other to stay active!
  • VelveteenArabian
    VelveteenArabian Posts: 758 Member
    You have to do activities that you enjoy at a time if day that works for you. If you have to force yourself to get up earlier or do a tape you don't find fun you're going to have a harder time sticking to it.

    Outside of that, the only motivational stuff we can give you are canned phrases and little posters of kittens hanging on branches or perhaps of someone running :)
  • beanrider
    beanrider Posts: 66 Member
    I agree with Kimber, there are some days that the only thing that gets me to workout is knowing how good it feels afterwards! That, and how guilty I will feel if I waste that time sitting on my rear. I know this isn't what you want to hear, but just power through it. Eventually it becomes a habit you don't want to do without! You can do it!!!
  • prettyface55
    prettyface55 Posts: 508 Member
    I remember how terrible I feel about myself at the end of the day when I do not get a good workout in.
    And then I remember How amazing I feel when I do get a workout in.
    Then I make a choice :)) Usually works!!

    But sometimes your body and mind need a break.. then you come back that much stronger and ready to take it!!

    Good luck :flowerforyou:
  • EDesq
    EDesq Posts: 1,527 Member
    Go to YouTube and LISTEN To: Nina Simone: "Feeling Good" at least 3 times; THEN Listen to Katey Perry: "Roar," 3 times. Remember: There are a ONLY a FEW Things in Life You can control, ATTITUDE and EFFORT are the Top 2, and Happiness is the 3rd.
  • lezaregina
    Days like that I don't think, I just get up and do. But sometimes my body is tired and needs a rest so I chose an easier exercise. If the weather is nice then I don't want to go to the gym. I go for a brisk long walk with the dogs or a bike ride. Maybe you need variety.
  • Ekienholz
    Ekienholz Posts: 1 Member
    Motivation is a difficult thing to create. For a long time I used my health as a motivater, I joined a gym after being released from physical therapy to correct a back issue. Once that no longer worked as well after losing 30 pounds, I sort of lost steam. I have lately been starving for motivation. Any secrets to creating motivation I would appreciate!
  • Lizzy622
    Lizzy622 Posts: 3,705 Member
    It sounds like you are getting bored. Find something new to do. Sometimes I just need to switch things up because of boredom. If you have a gym membership try a new class or go on the internet and search for a new app. I just downloaded the Runtastic six pack app and my abs are hurting but in a good way. Find something new and get out of the rut.
  • FabulousFiona12
    Well, I never did find the motivation to get dressed and go for a walk/jog/run or anything like that.....but I did turn the music way up and dance around like I was having a seizure for a while. Then I tried some exercises I found on YouTube (epic fail, I am so WEAK). I'm pretty content with that. Just gotta tell myself SOMETHING is better than NOTHING :)
  • twinmoon
    twinmoon Posts: 108 Member
    Exercise tones and earns you extra calories, but ultimately it's about what you eat and how much you eat. That said, I'd recommend getting a Fitbit. Try to walk at least 10,000 steps a day. Gyms aren't my thing, so I spin at a small spin studio a couple times a week, and I walk. Nature is my motivator. I love scenic walks. What do you enjoy? Being outdoors? Swimming? Walking? Do what you enjoy the most. With the spin classes, if I cancel the day of, I still have to pay, so I never cancel. And I feel like a million bucks afterwards. Feel free to friend me - if you log daily and want some motivation. I'll help you.

    And yes, as a dog owner, I agree - dog groomers rock. LOL. :)
  • socialdeee
    socialdeee Posts: 87 Member
    Well ive decided to document my weightloss on you tube. I have about 7 more lbs to lose and wanted to gain incentive by having people watch my every weigh in!!! Seems to be working so far! My channel has loads, from me trying the 30 day shred to a food diary of a whole week. Maybe i can motivate u?!

    Im just an average girl. Im no gimic or fake channel. Im just your average girl from london trying to lose weight!!! Hope you can enjoy and sympathise. Check out my latest weigh in vid.

