T25 - reviews



  • Valerie_BoraBora
    Hello. This is day 2 for me on T25 Alpha. I only made it half way through the first disc yesterday. I made it all the way through disc 2 today. I am doing the modified moves. I can't believe how bad my balance and co-ordination have become with age.

    I am loving the program so far. There isn't obnoxious music blaring that you will get sick of. Plus there are settings to turn the music up or off.

    I would love to do this with you guys. I can't do it alone. I need workout buddies. Please feel free to add me. I'm not sure yet how this site works. but I look forward to making my weght loss goal here.
  • IhScoutII
    IhScoutII Posts: 162 Member
    My wife and I just started T25 today & we both liked it. She loved the fact it was only 25min and the modified info because her feet hurt..I liked it also and since it was only 25min I had energy left over to do a round of P90X chest & back.
    Can't wait for day two tomorrow!!!
  • mmm_drop
    mmm_drop Posts: 1,126 Member
    I just finished Beta on Friday! :) Today was the first day of Gamma and holy smokes is it burpee-licious! I'm really close to my goal weight and for the first in over a decade I'm a healthy weight for my height. :) I wrote about my experience and results in a blog if you are wanting more information. :)

  • kgeyser
    kgeyser Posts: 22,505 Member
    I just started Beta today. I'll be completely honest, after 5 weeks I've lost 0 lbs and only 1/4 inch overall in my measurements. I'm not following the diet plan because I find the method of calculating dietary intake ridiculous, and am instead just trying to make better choices. I'm definitely not eating more than I was before starting the program and am taking into account my calorie burn and replacing calories as needed; by all scientific logic, I should have lost something just be virtue of going from no exercise to sweating my face off 5 days a week.

    Overall, I like the program and the variety of a different workout every day. I've had some issues with all the jumping and muscle soreness in my legs, as pretty much every workout incorporates lunges and squats and I don't feel my muscles get an adequate break. I am sticking with it, though, and hopefully including weights in Beta will jumpstart some results for me. I just wanted to offer a different perspective, I know I am not the only one on the boards who is not seeing fantastic results from the program.
  • Commander_Keen
    Commander_Keen Posts: 1,179 Member
    Why not just do the 1st 20min of Insanity?
  • codycsweet
    codycsweet Posts: 1,019 Member
    I started my second round of t25 loved the first rnd. I am also doing some turbo fire, but so far I am having a harder time getting in to it, mostly because it's harder to get is workout in the am.
  • hollybeari07
    I just did the week 1 day 1 cardio, holy cow!! It kicked my bootie and I was sweating. I had to take a couple of water breaks, but I am looking forward to staying on track with this, and since it is only 25 minutes, I feel like it is completely doable. Great kick start to the day :) Looking forward to day two tomorrow, add me if you want and we can do this together and keep one another motivated!
  • zopapito
    zopapito Posts: 2 Member
    I started T25 Alpha 3 months ago, right after finishing the C25K program (initial weight was 197lbs). I found that after 3 weeks of Alpha it really was not that challenging to me and decided to start Beta (my wife decided to join me at that time). We both loved it. After that we went on to Gamma. I cant really tell you how much weight I lost on the program (since I only remember my overall starting weight but after all was said and done my weight was down to 157lbs. So in summary it really works my wife lost around 5lbs (but she really didnt need to lose much) but her stamina improved a lot and had a lot of NSV along the way (she looks even sexier now). Just keep motivated and keep doing the exercises (its only 25 minutes for <Deity's> sake. :)