50 year old femaie - need help losing weight!



  • 366to266
    366to266 Posts: 473 Member
    Does it never occur to anyone that the OP's weight may be right and natural for her body? She does not look remotely overweight to me and I sincerely believe that if she lived on a desert island with no weighing machines, no charts telling her what weight she is supposed to be, no magazines and tv etc, the thought of dieting would not cross her mind.
  • sunman00
    sunman00 Posts: 872 Member
    I hate to put it this way but I feel it gets tougher the older we get. Dealing with hormones & things make it even harder. Getting the right carb/fat/protein ratio is important too. You can add me as a friend if you want and we can talk more.

    I'm 53 & have lost 15kg/ 34lb this year so am bound to contest your theory, sorry:flowerforyou:

    In reading these forums for 8 months it nearly always comes down to mis counting intake, & exercise. Granted in a (very) few cases there are medical reasons.

    - get some kitchen scales & weigh EVERYTHING, cups of tea, squidges of mayo/ ketchup, everything that passes your lips.

    - 50's people normally walk, you can book 100 cals per mile roughly for exercise.

    - keep logging (exact) food, & exercise for a month; add those numbers together; IF you don't lose any weight that is your TDEE & you can work out a 10% or 20% deficit by cutting food & increasing the exercise.

    I don't want to address the 'those who eat too little' issue here because I think women who eat less than 1200 & men less than 1500 are simply silly.
  • sunman00
    sunman00 Posts: 872 Member
    oh, & if any 50's people would like a supportive & helpful friend to keep you going please feel free to add me :-)
  • DebbieLyn63
    DebbieLyn63 Posts: 2,654 Member
    Hi I just hit 50 myself this week. It really does make a big difference after about 45 or so. Women under that age just really don't get it, until they get it! And I don't think men EVER get it! Our caloric needs are just much lower than many people on here claim they should be. The online BMR calculators are extremely off for most of us.

    I started here on my 49th birthday, wanting to get to 155 by the time I hit 50. Didn't quite make it, but did get within 30 pounds, and I feel much better than I did a year ago. I still have 28 more to go, but I will get there eventually.

    I do have to be extremely strict with my measuring and logging. I simply can't get away with slacking off if I want to see the scale move any at all. I have recently started doing 5:2, and so far that is working pretty well for me.

    The keys for me have been consistency and patience. Surrounding myself with other women on here around my age has been so important as well. I could not be doing this without their support.

    Sending you a FR.
  • Athena53
    Athena53 Posts: 717 Member
    Two things started happening 10 years ago, when I was 50. I married DH, who is a wonderful cook, and I went from about 130 lbs. to 147 lbs. over a few years. I just figured that menopause was messing with my metabolism. I'd always done 45 minutes of cardio per day and eaten reasonably, although I wasn't very good at exercising portion control over DH's good food. Fortunately he didn't go heavy on cheese, fried stuff or cream sauces, but lean meats and starches have calories, too!

    A few things came together to change things. First, I discovered 5:2 fasting, which somehow suits me. It taught me to ignore minor hunger pangs even on the non-fast days, or to eat something like baby carrots that are practically zero calories. Second, I started doing cardio more seriously because I got into sprint triathlons (typically 1/3 mile lake swim, 9 miles on the bike, then a 5K). I'm up to 55 minutes during the week (I work for a living so I don't have infinite time) and longer on the weeknds- sometimes I'll go out on my bike for 2 hours in nice weather. I also got a heart rate monitor so now I know when I'm really pushing it and when I'm being lazy during my workout.

    It was very slow going and I never weighed myself (day-to-day fluctuations drive me crazy) but I'm now back down to 130. Last weekend I completed a 31-mile charity bike ride (pic in my avatar) and next month I have a 38-mile ride for MS.

    So, yes, you can lose weight after 50. If what you're doing doesn't work, change it around, but don't give up!
  • Armyantzzz
    Armyantzzz Posts: 214 Member
    ARMYANTZZZ at your service...:wink::wink:
  • judechalmers
    judechalmers Posts: 32 Member
    Hi Kristen

    I am really keen on this challenge and also on the Olivia method , i may be a bit thick but cant get my head around the calculations .
    My BMR IS 1473 and i have been working on a weight loss goal of 1200 cals (recommended ) my loss has been very slow and you may have the answer(Olivia method ) - i have changed my goal to maintainance as suggested by yourself which give a calorie intake of 2533 which seems high . I exercise at least 4 times a week .
    I am getting my deficit to 1060 cals - is this right

    Help please
  • 5ftnFun
    5ftnFun Posts: 948 Member
    Does it never occur to anyone that the OP's weight may be right and natural for her body? She does not look remotely overweight to me and I sincerely believe that if she lived on a desert island with no weighing machines, no charts telling her what weight she is supposed to be, no magazines and tv etc, the thought of dieting would not cross her mind.

    You might be right, but I don't know how you can tell that from just a face picture. Some people don't carry much weight in their face. And I know that the BMI charts can be flawed, but they show her to be overweight. Losing 30 lbs will put her near the top of the "normal" range. Again, you could be right, but you cannot make that determination just from her profile pic.
  • I am also having the same problem.I was the type of person who lost weight without trying. Who is living in my body??? I think my hormones really have been doing a number on my weight for the last nine months. I have gained 35 nasty pounds. Started using the food diary {Per Arrigosauce's recomendation} I can't believe how much I eat. It really helps to put everything into light. I also walk every single day. I just can't budge a pound. I guess I need to step it up a bit. Now I have started the T25 workouts. It is a really good workout. I feel great afterwards. Energized.The next thing I think I have to do is stop eatting so late. Like right before bed. A bad habit I have had since being a little kid. Now at 50 It goes straight to my hips, butt, and thighs. I feel like I am having some bad nightmare. Arrigosauce is going to look over my food diary and see if she can put me on right path. I know my biggest obstacle is fixing my diet, which is bad.
  • tmarshbanks
    tmarshbanks Posts: 2 Member
    Okay Everyone my name is Tyletta I am 48 years old and have recently found more energy that I had since I was in my teens and my weight is coming off!!! I have lost 2 dress sizes and stopped drinking coffee and have put on 10 lbs of muscle. After receiving these results and feeling great, I have decided to help others do the same. Take a look at this clip below by highlighting it and left click and select go to motiveeight.. I'm starting my third 24 day challenge right after the thanksgiving holidays and would love to have any where from 10 to 15 people join me in this.How may know that weight loss if much more fun and easier when you have people doing it with you... and holding one another ACCOUNTABLE.. I lost 20 pounds the first time I did one. If you have found that you are having a hard time losing weight or just need to kick start your weight loss this could be for you. COME ON WHO IS WITH ME.. WE CAN GO INTO THE NEW YEAR WITH A BANG!!

    www.motiveeight.me/Tyletta Marshbanks?refuid=225008890&refmid=2053
  • G__Force
    G__Force Posts: 280 Member
    input your food on here, if need be weigh it, you might be supprised how much you really consumealso try to mix your work out up, get some ankle weights or hand dumbells so you can add some resistance to your walk,
  • canadjineh
    canadjineh Posts: 5,396 Member
    edited October 2014
    Total answer (in the absence of real medical issues) is WEIGH & MEASURE religiously, and if your health allows work INTERVALS for your exercise. Then add weight training if possible to help reshape better. shape.com/fitness/workouts/8-benefits-high-intensity-interval-training-hiit