How to get started with the treadmill?



  • kroonha
    kroonha Posts: 102 Member

    Cute, but my gym is 10 metres from my apartment ;) And I've finally found a good running route. Living in a historic city means ****ty roads.
  • shirieshipp
    shirieshipp Posts: 20 Member
    Couch to 5K - Treadmill version

    Was totally going to recommend this. I am starting when I get off of work :)
  • msf74
    msf74 Posts: 3,498 Member
    get on.

    press start
    increase speed to walking pace
    get comfortable at that pace
    up it a few ticks
    get out of breath
    slow down
    increase again when comfortable
    get out of breath
    slow back down...

    or go out side.

    What she said.
  • itsfruitcake
    itsfruitcake Posts: 146 Member
    The treadmill is actually quite nice to do intervals since you don't have to think about what's the right pace or watch the time.

    But you'll notice that running outdoors is not just good as exercise, but it gives you a lot more that you can't get at the gym - if you find a suitable route, of course: fresh air, nice views, greeting other runners (or just watching other runners run past with big smiles on their faces. That always makes me happy :) ), being able to change the route and get a change of scenery...

    So I'm +1 for outdoors, and +1 for treadmill if you want to try doing fast intervals (i.e. faster than the couch to 5k walk/jog intervals) or train for a specific pace.
  • IronSmasher
    IronSmasher Posts: 3,908 Member

    Plus C25K
  • Sandigesha
    Sandigesha Posts: 226 Member
    First, you learn barbell squat. Then. you learn hyperxtention. Then, you learn some exercises for upper body. Do this 3x a week, and on rest days do 20 - 30 mins of treadmill (just keep your hr between 140-160). This is how you go about treadmill.
  • JaxDemon
    JaxDemon Posts: 403 Member
    I used to just walk on it on a incline for 40-60 mins now I have it on Interval and I have it on 4 incline, 3.4 jog speed, 12 sprint speed.

    I warm up for 4 mins at jog speed then hit interval and sprint for 1:30 to 2 mins, Then hit interval again and cool down for 2 mins. I rinse and repeat this 4-5 times. Takes around 20 mins in total.

    An interesting fact is that people who did 6 x 30 sec full pelt sprints with as much rest as they wanted between sprints burnt more cals over the 24 hours then those who used the treadmill for 1 hour doing walking speed.

    For some reason I find this more enjoyable and time goes quicker instead of walking on treadmill for so long.
  • IronSmasher
    IronSmasher Posts: 3,908 Member
    I used to just walk on it on a incline for 40-60 mins now I have it on Interval and I have it on 4 incline, 3.4 jog speed, 12 sprint speed.

    I warm up for 4 mins at jog speed then hit interval and sprint for 1:30 to 2 mins, Then hit interval again and cool down for 2 mins. I rinse and repeat this 4-5 times. Takes around 20 mins in total.

    An interesting fact is that people who did 6 x 30 sec full pelt sprints with as much rest as they wanted between sprints burnt more cals over the 24 hours then those who used the treadmill for 1 hour doing walking speed.

    For some reason I find this more enjoyable and time goes quicker instead of walking on treadmill for so long.

    One measurement is 24 times the length of the other! Duh!?
  • soldiergrl_101
    soldiergrl_101 Posts: 2,205 Member
    Hi all,

    I've started dieting and exercising properly about three weeks ago.
    At the gym I usually do weights and use the elliptical, step machine or exercise bike.
    I would like to start using the treadmill but the last time I tried I was already quite exhausted after 5 minutes of jogging at a moderate speed.

    Are there any steps or perhaps a method I should take in order to ease myself into successfully running on the treadmill for 20-30 minutes?

    Any information would be much appreciated!

    I just started using the tredmil last week, I did 10min of running at 4.8...I hated every minute of it. But then I tried something different, Intervals, run a minute/walk a minute. Not only has my time increased to 25minutes, my speed has increased to 6.8mph!!! It doesnt hurt as bad and its actually making me like running. Try it out :)
  • JaxDemon
    JaxDemon Posts: 403 Member
    I used to just walk on it on a incline for 40-60 mins now I have it on Interval and I have it on 4 incline, 3.4 jog speed, 12 sprint speed.

    I warm up for 4 mins at jog speed then hit interval and sprint for 1:30 to 2 mins, Then hit interval again and cool down for 2 mins. I rinse and repeat this 4-5 times. Takes around 20 mins in total.

    An interesting fact is that people who did 6 x 30 sec full pelt sprints with as much rest as they wanted between sprints burnt more cals over the 24 hours then those who used the treadmill for 1 hour doing walking speed.

    For some reason I find this more enjoyable and time goes quicker instead of walking on treadmill for so long.

    One measurement is 24 times the length of the other! Duh!?

    How is it? one is 1 hour workout the other is a minimum of 10 mins if that. lol

    Around 2:55 in on video very interesting.