Exercise for Busy Mom?

Hi there.

Back when it was nice out, it was easy for me to fit in a half-hour walk almost every day. Now it is cold and dark when I get home from work, and my motivation to exercise is dropping fast. (As is my rate of weight loss.)

- I work 8:30 to 5:30, three days a week. The other two days I have the mornings for errands and am with my toddler all afternoon. I usually do manage at least a walk on the days when I don't work.
- I don't own any home gym equipment beyond a yoga mat; we could theoretically get an exercise bike, but it'd be a tight fit in terms of physical space. I have a pass for a community pool about 15 minutes from my house but not a gym membership.
- I like walking, swimming, Pilates, yoga and weight training. I don't mind exercise bikes or elliptical runners. I lack the coordination for most aerobics/dance classes.
- Usually the kids are both in bed by 8 p.m., at which point all I want to do is curl up and watch TV or play online.
- If you tell me to get up at 6 a.m. to work out before the kids get up, I may cry. Which doesn't make it a bad idea, just one I hate.

So -- suggestions? I know some of what I'm doing is making excuses to get out of something I don't really like doing, so encouragement to kick my *kitten* into gear as well as actual ways to fit in a workout would be appreciated.


  • k1214
    k1214 Posts: 33 Member
    How about waking up at 5 am to exercise instead of 6 am? LOL! I'm also a busy mom and that's what I do. I am too exhausted after I get the 3 of them to bed so I have to fit my exercise in when I can, and that's early in the morning. Do you belong to a gym? My Y offers child care so I can drop the kids there so maybe that's an option for you. Good luck!
  • rowanwood
    rowanwood Posts: 510 Member
    I have a kettlebell and a weight bench, but honestly, you can do a lot with just a kettlebell in a short amount of time. Even just starting slow (which is what I'm doing) with kettlebell swings? Let me tell you, I can work out pretty hard in 10-35 minutes, depending on the day, while my kid watches TV after dinner. And my daughter isn't even 3 yet.
  • Mokey41
    Mokey41 Posts: 5,769 Member
    There are tons of DVD's you can do at home with your kids there. Get them involved. My 3 granddaughters love to workout with me. Their favorite is anything with a stretchy band! Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred Level One if on Youtube as well as lots of other workouts. If walking is your thing, Leslie Sansone has her Walk Away the Pounds program that you do in your home.
  • mmsilvia
    mmsilvia Posts: 459 Member
    I work out either before my son wakes up or after he is in bed. If I get up early I will go out for a jog. If I don't I take full advantage of ondemand (& library dvd rentals) workouts. This way I never get board and most of them are about 30 mins.

    On weekends I use my son as the best excersie...I take him to outside where we run around and play. If we are stuck inside...I tell him that mommy needs some time and I put on a workout video. My son (who is 2) usually does it with me...which is funny to watch & helps pass the time. Plus it's teaching him that exercise is fun!

    The key is to be flexable & open with your workouts and schedules.
  • septembergrrl
    septembergrrl Posts: 168 Member
    I have a kettlebell and a weight bench, but honestly, you can do a lot with just a kettlebell in a short amount of time. Even just starting slow (which is what I'm doing) with kettlebell swings? Let me tell you, I can work out pretty hard in 10-35 minutes, depending on the day, while my kid watches TV after dinner. And my daughter isn't even 3 yet.

    I had no idea what a kettlebell was until I googled, but they really do look about ideal for me -- will check them out ASAP. Thanks.
    My son (who is 2) usually does it with me...which is funny to watch & helps pass the time. Plus it's teaching him that exercise is fun!

    I hadn't thought of doing a workout video with the kids around, but that sounds like a great idea! And yes, watching the toddler try Pilates would be HYSTERICAL.