Need Some Support!

Hi everyone!

I'm 22 years old and going through a bit of a rough spot in life. Just like during most rough spots in my life, I've gained quite a bit of weight in a very short period of time (about 30 pounds in 4ish months).

The trouble with this, as I'm sure many of you know, is turning to food and gaining this weight only makes getting through the hardships even harder!

In addition, I'm set to be the maid of honor in my brother's wedding coming up in May. It's already getting to be time to find my dress, but I'm determined to lose 26 pounds first, and go from 186 to 160 by the end of January.

So in a nutshell, I'm out to earn back my self confidence, and to look great in a dress! I'm looking forward to taking on this journey with the myfitnesspal community :)


  • hotjodels
    hotjodels Posts: 118 Member
    My reason for deciding it was time to change was because I was maid of honor in my best friends wedding last month (my profile picture is from that day) and looking at the pictures everyone has posted on Facebook from the wedding made me realize just how much weight I have put on. so I started last Monday on here to try to get some weight off. we are similar in age (I'm 21) so we could probably be a pretty good support system for each other. I'll send you a friend request!
  • it didn't take overnight to gain those pounds thou sometimes i think it feels like it sometimes it takes a mnute by minute to adjust your lifestyle because being healthy is not a diet its a lifestyle so just keep going girl and you will get there
  • Let's do this! I'm so excited to be your myfitnesspal friend :D
  • Welcome Katie,

    I am new as well, so feel free to add me.
  • StarbucksRN
    StarbucksRN Posts: 4 Member
    I'm so glad that you opened up and told your story. My story is very similar to yours. I went from 136 to 153 and still am gaining. I would love to add you to my friends list. We can support each other, cheer, cry, dance, pout together.

    Let's get these pound gone!!!! :)

  • golfmonk
    golfmonk Posts: 119 Member
    Friend request sent!
  • AuntieRygo
    AuntieRygo Posts: 1 Member
    Hi Katie!
    I have been on this lifestyle rollercoaster (not calling it a diet!) on and off for months now. I was doing really great way back in the beginning of this year, and then summer hit. People were visiting, I was travelling and well, I can go on and on, but the main point is I am back at it and very focused on working this weight off! Since I am doing this on my own, I would love to add you as a friend. The more moral support we can all get the better!! I am always looking for a buddy to do this with!
  • enkmom
    enkmom Posts: 61 Member
    Welcome Katie! We all can use motivation and support. The more friends the better. Friends request sent.:happy:
  • Hi Katie,
    Recently went through a bit of a rough time myself. I had some health complications that made me balloon from 120 to 160. I have managed to lose 20 of those pounds, but it is definitely a journey. On top of that in April I had surgery for my health issues, in May I graduated undergrad, and in September was married! Yay! Lots of good/bad stress. I have been managing to work out pretty consistently, my main problem is that when I have a "cheat day" or "cheat meal" it turns into a "cheat week." And I'm so busy (working and applying to grad school) that I don't exercise. It's like that saying, if you run a red light, are you going to run all the red lights the rest of the day (week)? I do! haha. So that is where I need motivation and support. I am posting another thread, but would love to add you as a friend, let's get this weight gone. Oh! I almost forgot, I am a MOH in my bff's wedding in December, we are going to Mexico. I know I won't be able to lose 20 lbs, by then, but I can get a good start! :D