trying to keep going

its hard to get going when youve stepped away for a while (in my case frw years) i have tried on and off to lose weight sometimes more succesfully than others. Hopefully this time setting myself small goals rather than worrying constnatly about punds that have or havent come off will help like i need fit in this outfit, workout for this much longer than before , I dont look stupid when i go to mcm next year. I havent done much to my eating apart from cut out the majority of the rubbish I was eating no chocolate or sweets or fizzy pop in the house now, I am concentrating on exercise something that has been lacking in my routine for a long while. I have managed a week of at least and hour of aerobic activity everyday but today im wiped and feeling unmotivated but worried that skipping a day may make it easy to skip another and another


  • jadethief
    jadethief Posts: 266 Member
    Hang in there. It does get easier the longer you do it. Make sure you've chosen an appropriate calorie goal and weigh and log everything. Diet is importatnt for weight loss, exercise is important for fitness.
  • dawn139
    dawn139 Posts: 14 Member
    im trying to keep within 1200 and 1500 calories but seem to be struggling to hit even the 1200 at time. My eating habits for a long while have been awful and adding at least three meals a day is proving a bit much iv always skipped breakfast only sometimes eat lunch and then have a big meal and this has been my downfall i then pick in an evening and its not good healthy stuff. I am making sure i eat a breakfast now and a lunch as well as my main meal and have found im not hunting out the chocolate biscuits like I was. Breakfast is the hardest to remember. Ive added exercise im walking to and from work as well as walking the dog and doing an aerobics dvd or prancing around to just dance on the wii for at least an hour in the evening and playing with the hoolahoop when the dog isnt trying to attack it, and I have sucesfully so far kept this up for 6 days but aching and tired today but hoping that if i take a rest day today from the aerobics i will feel a bit more enthusiastic tomorrow.
  • 86sarahb
    86sarahb Posts: 84 Member
    I'm forever struggling too, as soon as I start to see results I think it's ok to have a 'Day off' from the diet then I end up piling it back on. I decided to give up chocolate (my biggest downfall) for 40 days, currently on day 22 and have lost 5lbs, just hoping I can keep it off.
  • dawn139
    dawn139 Posts: 14 Member
    thats great hope cutting chocolate out has the same effect for me :) its the break day thats so easily becomes a break week then a break month then im where i am today because it turned into 18months of not really putting the effort in and im back to square one i dont really want to do that this time
  • I find it hard to keep going too. I lost the weight, maintained for 9 months and then stopped the tracking. Now I find 10 extra lbs on my body. I am back on track but find that for me, I have to get in a habit and routine (most of the time). I weight myself every morning - very controversial as you have to be able to handle a 1-3 lbs increase when eating good and exercising. I log food and exercise for the day and read these posts to stay motivated. It works for me. I want to fit into the new winter clothes I got last year!!!

    I also have to remember why I started my weight loss journey. I had enough listening to girl friends talk about their 30 day cleanses, Advocare shakes etc. I decided not to say anything and just lose. I don't want them saying behind my back "See, she gained it all back"!!!
  • dawn139
    dawn139 Posts: 14 Member
    ive never traked it properly before but hoping if i make that part of it i can see where im going and whats working. Im the same im doing it for me and not really advertising within my friends that im trying to lose, they talk constantly about whatever latest fad they are following and i dont want to get into all that jumping from one wierd eating experiment to another, i just want to improve what im doing overall and lose weight (and improtantly stick to it this time), also its nice when someone asks are you losing weight because they have noticed not just to make you feel better
  • DebbieLyn63
    DebbieLyn63 Posts: 2,654 Member
    I spent several years going on and off diets, losing a bit, then gaining it back. FInally, with my 50th birthday a year away, I mentally committed to doing whatever it took to get the weight off once and for all.
    This meant, for me, that I will spend the rest of my life on a 'diet'. That means knowing every day what I am putting in my mouth. After 15 months and over 50 lbs gone, I have a better idea of how many calories are in the things I eat, and what portion sizes are, so now I don't have to weigh and log everything, every single day, but most days I still log. And I frequently weigh meats and cheeses to make sure I don't under or over estimate.

    This has become a way of life.

    I know that if I am to lose the rest of my weight, and not gain it back, I will have to keep this way of life forever.
    Once I accepted that, the hardest part was behind me.

    I may not eat at a deficit every day, or even every week, but I am always aware of generally where I am on weekly calories.
    I also weigh every day to see the fluctuations and overall trend for the week or month.

    If I ever let myself start thinking about the "time I don't have to do this anymore", then I am on my way to self sabotage.

    This is my life. Just like brushing my teeth twice a day.
    I just keep doing the right things, and the weight takes care of itself.
  • LunaInverse
    LunaInverse Posts: 109 Member
    It took me a long time to realize that if you aren't one of the lucky people who is naturally thin, then losing/maintaining weight will be a life long journey! And there's nothing wrong with that!!

    I was thinking about it this morning as I was getting ready for work--I have been trying to lose weight since I was 15...doing diets, exercising, everything! But diets aren't everything (although they are 70% of the work), and then when I would exercise I would just jump into it like I was already physically fit....when I was not even KIND OF physically fit LOL!

    Yesterday I started day 1 of week 3 of 5k training from the couch to 5k program. I could have started earlier, but I have been so scared to move to week three because it involved running for lengths I didn't think I could I repeated week 2 for almost a month. But yesterday, I did it, and it felt good.

    Welcome back girly, and remember just because you fall off the train for a few days/weeks/years (heck sometimes I fall off for months at a time!) there is still always time to jump back into it and you should never NEVER beat yourself up for it :)
  • dawn139
    dawn139 Posts: 14 Member
    Thanks all, I have been on here a while and not really utilized it it was just another app on my phone, I have also not posted in the forum at all. I think this time im more determined and have set myself achievable goals in small steps rather than wanting it all and wanting it now, however doing it on my own with not wanting to be dragged by what ever diet bandwaggon my friends have jumped on this week is proving hard ocassionally you need someone to tell you to get off your backside and do it, or ocassionally to say its ok your doing great just keep at it. Today feeling sore and tired from pushing myself left me feeling a bit sorry for myself and a bit unmotivated coming on here has shown me sometimes you need that boost or shove in the right direction, I may leave the aerobics tonight (6 nights out of 7 is ok for now) but take the pooch for a bit of a longer walk an early night tonight and i will back at it tomorrow
  • dream86d
    dream86d Posts: 5 Member
    just kerlep gong wether you messed up or its a day off.. keep going really at the end you will surprised that u lost some weight or you can see the difference in ur cloths..