Snacking at Work



  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    This might sound extreme/nutty but could you try NOT snacking at all and see how it goes? Imagine you work in a place where you risk being fired if you consume anything other than water during the working hours (minus lunch break of course).

    I worked retail for years, and that's how it was. So when I started working in office jobs, I COULD NOT get over the way people snacked at their desks on everything from nuts to sliced up apples to burritos. LOL Seriously, I think that old retail mentality of "no snacks on the sales floor ever" was so ingrained in me that even though now I may have a kids Clif Z bar at my desk when I know I'll have a later than normal dinner, it feels "wrong" to me!

    Honestly though I think it's not very professional to snack a lot at your desk especially people who eat breakfast and lunch at work at their desk. That does not seem like a healthy balance to me. OF COURSE I understand some jobs don't allow "real" breaks etc...I don't want to offend anyone, as I said this is just my opinion. I eat my breakfast at home and my lunch either at home, in a restaurant, or in the break room at work. So that's my .02. I drink cold water or hot flavored teas at my desk.

    ETA: If you are really having trouble staying alert and awake, that is kind of worrisome. Is there any way you can get up more frequently for walks around the office? I know some jobs aren't conducive to that, especially if you're "tied to" a phone or something. Maybe try sleeping more at night? I'd be a little concerned about some sort of imbalance if I was that tired.
    Its not very professional to snack a lot at your desk? That doesn't make sense to me at all. I've never thought about eating as unprofessional.

    I think it looks really tacky. Am I the only one? I guess so.

    Like I mentioned, maybe it comes from those long ago years of retail. But when I go into an office, let's say my insurance agency or financial planner or especially doctor's office...I am always kind of taken aback when the secretary (or agent) has food laid out across their desk. It seems like they're less credible and prepared, and I lose confidence in their abilities. I think of food/eating as something for kitchens, dining areas, break times. Not during work.

    Wow I sound mean! LOL Not my intention, this is just the way I feel.

    Well I agree with that point. As a customer or patient, I think it does look unprofessional to see people eating in an office. If you work in a corporate office like I do, you never see customers, just the same old stinky coworkers. In my case, I think its ok to eat :)

    lol I am glad I'm not totally nuts. I agree with other posts about some jobs where you really can't take a standard lunch break. That definitely makes sense to me!

    At my current job, I could face the public at any given time...even though I typically don't. In the past I worked as an internal auditor for a social service agency with the type of private cubicle/office environment some of you describe. I DO agree that for those workers, it was not a big deal to eat at their desks when they were closed to the public (which was most of the working hours). However, I think like anything else it varies from totally appropriate (sandwich, apple, nuts) to a complete distraction (sliced up mangoes on paper towels, huge piece of heated-up steak on top of a paper plate with grease soaking through onto a company-provided planner).

    At that office, upper management actually made a rule about no breakfast at our desks past 8 am when work began. Too many people were in the kitchen making oatmeal, eggs, coffee, etc, from like 8-8:30 am when they should have been working. Granted, it was a really laid back office but it was getting a bit ridiculous. To me, that's essentially the same thing as stopping your work at 4:30 and prepping a family dinner in the office kitchen up until 5 pm when work ends ;-D
  • sd_dilligaf
    sd_dilligaf Posts: 146 Member
    This is a great thread! Lots of ideas; lots of different and conflicting ideas, but it gives me a list of things to try. Some things will not likely work, but others may do wonders. I am a compulsive office candy eater. People load up those jars and bowls with Peanut M&Ms and I can hear it across the cube farm! The vending machines know my name and my number (AA6).

    So far I no longer carry cash - that ends the vending machine runs. I also have nuts on hand, but I eat them after the M&Ms, not instead of. It really comes down to no self-discipline/addictive behaviors. I am hoping tiny changes made over time will wean me of my bad habit. Thanks for all the suggestions.
  • Confuzzled4ever
    Confuzzled4ever Posts: 2,860 Member
    Good idea! I will walk to my co workers office and then stand in their doorway or next to thier desk to have a conversation rather then call them. I also use the bathroom down stairs instead of across the hall if I can make it

    i drink hot tea and lemon water in between my glasses of water and this helps keep me full too

    I also walk for lunch and have lunch at my desk.

    I feel much better with the movement.

    If I am trying to figure something out, i will pace in the hallway in front of my office.

    Of course i have a desk job where there is little face to face public interaction.

    A friend of mine has one of those stepper things under her desk that she uses while she is sitting there. She isn't free to roam as much as I am so at least it is something. When I worked in a call center, we used to stand while talking to customers as much as possible.
  • SushiPunk
    SushiPunk Posts: 30 Member
    If getting to bed earlier is an option, try that, it will help you feel less sleepy, then less inclined to eat. I am a night owl and love to stay up late, but sometimes I give in and go to be by 11pm b/c watching tv or working on art isn't a good enough excuse lol. I am much less draggish the next day and don't start to yawn till about 4pm. If you have responsibilities that keep you up late, baby, health issues or whatever than you don't really have much of an option. I will suggest making your daily meal plans before hand and include desk snacks in those, take calories and sugars into account. Even if its low calorie, those processed sugars will load on the fat and that's what we usually turn to to keep us awake. Try natural sugar snacks, like fruit, or there are many other little things that hardly amount to nothing. I would stay away from nuts b/c they are high in calories. Chug down some water or flavored water, the ice cold hit to your mouth may jolt you awake. Try not to over do it on coffee and caffeinated teas(warm drinks personally make me more sleepy). I have been into the dried kale chips lately, they come in a variety of flavors. If I need that chocolate fix I always do dark(actually has some benefits to it), dark chocolate covered currants have been a lifesaver. Best of luck.
  • rabblerabble
    rabblerabble Posts: 471 Member
    I snack a few times a day but it is healthy snacks. My lunch box I bring to work each day always includes a bag of celery sticks and/or carrots, a bag of grapes, an apple, and in my desk I keep a jumbo bag of jerky (has a lot of sodium, but loads of protein and quite low in fat). I also drink lots of water during the day which keep me hydrated and curbs the appetite.

    When there are unhealthy goodies supplied by co-workers or the company (today our department has Haggen-Daas ice cream bars for example) I simply pass and turn to a healthier option.
  • booboo68
    booboo68 Posts: 302 Member
    I chew sugar free gum, drink ice water and run the stairs outside my office. Works about 90% of the time. If it doesn't work, then I will have a handful of almonds or something else healthy because I figure if my go to plan doesn't work, my body needs something, not just wants something.
  • toffee322
    toffee322 Posts: 186 Member
    i work at an office too! it gets pretty boring i know! lol. i usually bring an apple or banana to eat between breakfast and lunch. if i wanna eat something before i get off work, it's probably coffee or some drinks like coke zero. if i didn't eat enough for lunch, or i'll have a late dinner, then i'll have a granola bar or nuts. if you're just bored, try to chew gum or have green tea.
  • RllyGudTweetr
    RllyGudTweetr Posts: 2,019 Member
    Sugar snap peas are a nice, low calorie option with a satisfying crunch and a hint of sweetness.
  • tfleischer
    tfleischer Posts: 199 Member
    I own the office where I look (and the furniture and computers, etc.) and snacking at the desk is bad for the office. It ruins keyboards, and mice, etc. etc., which adds up to costs.

    We have a breakroom and kitchen, a table and a fridge in the back.

    We encourage breaks twice a day (at least) for snack and have no problem with employees leaving for lunch.

    Eating while sitting at the computer just encourages more mindless nibbling even when we aren't hungry.

    If you can, take a five minute break at mid-morning and go to the break room, or a bench outside, and sit down for a quick snack. Bring your own snack in a small cooler.

    Eat lunch away from the desk. In the break room, at a bench or away from the office if you can.

    Afternoon snack away from the desk.

    The green tea idea is great, too. Green tea is very healthful. Hot and not in a bottle. That stuff is loaded with sugar oftentimes.

    Good ideas are to prepare your day's snacks ahead of time. We have a fridge, so we load it for the week.

    I know other co-workers can be bad influences even when they mean well, but be prepared so that you have an alternative. "Hey you want to eat these eight pieces of cheesecake with me?" "No, I think I'll stick to my strawberries and blueberries with yogurt"

    Preparation, I am teaching myself again, is the key to success!
  • RllyGudTweetr
    RllyGudTweetr Posts: 2,019 Member
    I own the office where I look (and the furniture and computers, etc.) and snacking at the desk is bad for the office. It ruins keyboards, and mice, etc. etc., which adds up to costs.

    We have a breakroom and kitchen, a table and a fridge in the back.

    We encourage breaks twice a day (at least) for snack and have no problem with employees leaving for lunch.

    Eating while sitting at the computer just encourages more mindless nibbling even when we aren't hungry.

    If you can, take a five minute break at mid-morning and go to the break room, or a bench outside, and sit down for a quick snack. Bring your own snack in a small cooler.

    Eat lunch away from the desk. In the break room, at a bench or away from the office if you can.

    Afternoon snack away from the desk.

    The green tea idea is great, too. Green tea is very healthful. Hot and not in a bottle. That stuff is loaded with sugar oftentimes.

    Good ideas are to prepare your day's snacks ahead of time. We have a fridge, so we load it for the week.

    I know other co-workers can be bad influences even when they mean well, but be prepared so that you have an alternative. "Hey you want to eat these eight pieces of cheesecake with me?" "No, I think I'll stick to my strawberries and blueberries with yogurt"

    Preparation, I am teaching myself again, is the key to success!
    Some office cultures encourage workers to take their lunches/breaks at their desks, probably because workers will theoretically feel compelled to continue to work through their breaks if they are still at their work stations. It all depends on the specific office culture.
  • DapperKay
    DapperKay Posts: 140 Member
    Ah yes, the art of the office snacks. Took me years to master this one. :P

    Na, really we are all in the same boat, particularly those of us that are stuck in this rotten place for 8-12 hours a day. Snacking becomes one of the few things that gives you a mental break of sorts. It also gives you momentary happiness which not surprisingly is something all office workers long for.

    I would suggest you stack up on:

    - sugar free gum - keeps the mouth moving, tastes sweets, very little (although some) calories
    - sugar free drops - same as above, less harmful to your teeth though.
    - some light cookies (in the 30-40 cal/cookie range) - I like to time their consumption. Normally one in the morning with a hot drink and one after lunch
    - a fruit a day (don't over do this because this will contain sugar after all)

    Do not stack up on:

    - chocolate
    - nuts - starts off with a pinch, ends up becoming an addiction mostly because our brains get wired towards certain movements. Therefore you'd want to wire your brain on something less calorific, hence sugar free gums
    - chips or anything crunchy, not least because of the unsociable factor

    With time you'll get there.

    My biggest problem is that our office ALWAYS has junk food all around because its always someone's birthday/leaving/arriving/etc so cake is in abundance. These are the times when I'm like great yet another mental battle today.
  • alisonlynn1976
    alisonlynn1976 Posts: 929 Member
    I get a cup of tea in the afternoon, and I make sure to drink water throughout the day.
  • RachelRuns9
    RachelRuns9 Posts: 585 Member
    Chug water


    Crystal Lite

    Baggies of raw veggies

    I also spread out my lunch over the entire mid-day if i'm in a snacky mood!