Skinny fat help! Lost 43 pounds...large belly

Hi! I had baby #4 3 yrs ago....I lost 45 pounds last yr by eating all foods in moderation and going to gym....I am 5ft8 and 35 yrs January 2013 wanted to get down to 152 (this was my teen weight)... I did lose about 8 pounds doing turbo fire..and for down to about 168...this summer I stayed active and stayed around 165....sept 1st..I decided maybe I needed less cardio and more toning because I am so jiggly all over even tho pretty arms and lower legs are great!! But by far my worst is mid section! So I did 30 day shred and lost 4 inches off waist and 8 total but actually gained right till the end then lost 2 pounds. So now I am 163 and decided maybe I need more for an elliptical and I burn about 10 calories a minute (I have hr monitor)....I just don't know what I need! I wear a Sz 6-8 and could wear smaller but my stomach is huge!!! I literally look 3-4 months pregnant....I can see definition on top half but lower is like a soft beer is NOT extra skin...def fat! I need to post a pic to show...I haven't seen anyone like
Measurements are 36 bust...30 smallest waist at top but around belly button is 37 and hips 39! Please help! And guidance? I really liked strength training but can't afford gym....was thinking buying a 110 pound weight set..but even then don't know what to so w it??? Also I have no butt!! It is very flat...been doing squats, lunges, etc....I also eat very good but not it helps me to log food and keep my calories up...I drink daily protein shake and lots of water....any advice at all?


  • wheird
    wheird Posts: 7,963 Member
    Please post your daily calorie goal and macro breakdown as well as your weekly cardio and strength routines.
  • mammamia811
    mammamia811 Posts: 15 Member
    Mfp has me at 1800 calories (losing 1 pound a week) is very hard for me to eat this ESP when burning 300-500 calories a day in exercise...when I got down to 152 after baby 2 I did it w weight watchers and eating around 1200-1400 calories a day and doing 20 minute Pilates and treadmill 20 min a day. However that was 10 years ago and I was 25. I do try my best to eat 1800 but usually it is more 1400-1600 calories. This is mainly what I eat long as it fits my calories:
    Breakfast: tall glass water...small coffee 1 tbs creamer... And either 100% whole wheat toast w spray butter and jelly....or bowl of oatmeal: snacks: Greek yogurt...Apple...banana, grapes....protein bar....carrot sticks...small
    Salad....tuna w 6 crackers..... (Again I choose from these, not all each day)

    Lunch normally: turkey lunch meat..or chicken..or small chicken breast grilled..w side of broccoli....peanut butter sandwich ...cup of soup.....small salad w lite dressing (2t)...scrambled eggs...protein shake added w spinach....flax seed

    Dinner: try and eat "normal" food but small meat w veggies and rice....or pasta w salad....homemade soups like potato soup or beef stew...homemade chicken noodles....tacos..(one soft taco)....chicken w brown rice....

    Not much of snacker....we buy no junk food or chips...only drink water or occasional unsweetened tea.....

    My workout routine since 30dayshred..has been elliptical or treadmill 5 days a week 30-45 minutes...followed by squats and lunges....reverse crunches..bicycle crunches...planks, about 25 of each
  • wheird
    wheird Posts: 7,963 Member
    Would you please set your food diary to "Public" so I can get some additional information? :smile:
  • raegrove
    raegrove Posts: 37 Member
    Can't wait to hear others feedback as we are very similar measurements, but I'm still in size 10:( I have a 4 year old and 6 month old and have lost 25 pounds (at 163 right now) just with a calorie deficit but need to start exercising. Hoping for good input for both of us!
  • mammamia811
    mammamia811 Posts: 15 Member
    Sure will but don't think I put it in mfp for awhile...I found easier to write down...
  • mammamia811
    mammamia811 Posts: 15 Member
    Ok looking thru it, I haven't used mfp food tracker for months!! But looking at my calories netted is anywhere from 700-1400 a day....and I know that is not good!! I'm going to log everything into mfp starting now!!!