Why does water give me heartburn?.....



  • ILovePink77
    ILovePink77 Posts: 4 Member
    I am struggling with this as well. I can drink Diet Coke till I float and I am not kidding. But water cold or room temperature will give me a horrible stomach ache. Burns so bad. Occasionally it will come up into my throat but not always. The flavor packets or mio cause issues for me as well. I do not drink any juices with sugar in it as I am a faithful low carber for 9 years. I do not like tea and can drink coffee but need cream in it.

    I read this, if you put acid in water it will not cause issues but if you put water in acid it will bubble up. So the theory is that when I drink the water it mixes with my stomach acid causing this. I would like to curb my diet coke addiction but not sure what to drink.
  • papbruin
    papbruin Posts: 1
    Finally, someone other than me has this issue. I did check with my Doctor who said he had never heard of this before (he is a young Dr. however), and has me on famotidine. When I was young I could drink gallons of water a day and never had a problem,and I loved water. For about 3 years now I Ihave been unable to drink any amount of water without getting indigestion. I take my medication and drink gatorade, however if I consume too much, I get indigestion. I will check with my Dr. again because I am beginning to have some trouble swallowing foods. Thanks to everyone for all the tips.
  • blanca186
    blanca186 Posts: 1
    I also have this problem! I thought I was a big weirdo. Glad to see I am not. I have been drinking water instead of coffee, soda, etc. When I drink it i get heartburn. Not a mild one either. It also causes me to burp uncomfortably.
  • missshyeviolett
    missshyeviolett Posts: 310 Member
    Happens to me sometimes too. I was once told that if you drink too much of it at a time, for some people it will spill upward and cause reflux symptoms.
  • I have had this happen to me to. i found something interesting.

    I usually drink filtered/tap water from fridges to water coolers and Brita. Recently i got a Zero Water filter. i filled both the Brita and the zero water.

    Drinking from the Brita i get heartburn.
    Drinking from the Zero Water, i do not get heartburn.

    I tried switching back and forth to keep testing and anytime i drink from other then the Zero, i get heartburn bad.

    This may be me, but i know if someone knew this and it would work for me, i would have wanted to know about it. I know the pain so i hope this helps someone else too.
  • I think this had been happening to me as well. I just started mfp last week and upped my water intake to a healthy amount however since Monday I have had what I call gut rot (not quite nausea) and today I am starting to feel heartburn. Today I decided to take it easy on the water and will for a few days to see what the result is. Thanks so much everyone for the posts. It's good to know I am not the only one!
  • I have this issue as well. I have a hiatal hernia which causes frequent heartburn. A lot of people have mentioned tap water verses filtered water. I know reverse osmosive water does not give me heartburn. Not all bottled water is reverse osmosive, but auquafina is and it's all I drink. I used to have a reverse osmosive system at my last house which was great! Room temperature is better than cold too. I'm sure everyone's issue may be slightly different, but I hope that helps. Definitely see a doctor, this could be a symptom of some bigger issue.
  • MuseofSong
    MuseofSong Posts: 322 Member
    I agree with everyone who says it sounds like reflux. Talk to your doctor about it.

    I take the OTC prevacid or the generic version of the same medicine, and it really, really helped! My reflux was terribad before, and yes even water would bother me.

    Just remember, doctors need to know everything you take, including otc meds.
  • Ladyboomer2
    Ladyboomer2 Posts: 19 Member
    Well you know the saying-misery loves company ha ha.

    But I must say I am glad in a strange way to know that I'm not alone with this issue. People give me strange looks when I say water gives me vicious heartburn:ohwell:

    I think I will have to see if I pace myself and just take a bit of water at a time-coupled with getting the weight off-that hopefully should "cure" it.

    I'll keep u posted:wink:
  • ahamm002
    ahamm002 Posts: 1,690 Member
    The main reason people get heartburn from water is simply due to it's volume. If you fill you stomach up with lots of food and liquids, the liquids can reflux up your esophagus and cause heartburn. Don't lay down flat after drinking lots of water, and don't chug the water quickly.

    There are tons of factors that also play into heartburn. For example, certain foods like tomato sauce can cause it. So if the heartburn continues consider seeing a doctor to discuss treatment options.
  • Im glad to know Im not the only out here w/ this. I have recently given up caffine and sugar substitues. That leaves options for drinks outside water pretty limited! Ive tried lemon in it..even tried cool-aid. I have switched to Rootbeer. Frosties brand is the best. No caffine and its made w/ pure cane sugar rather than processed....and no reflux! :)
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,740 Member
    I have the same problem if I drink ice water. I HATE that feeling!! ugh.

    I don't have any trouble with this if I drink water that is refrigerated, though. Or room temp.

    Generally I keep reusable cups with lids at work and at home, in the fridge, and drink them. I order water no ice in restaurants. Sometimes I forget and usually get at least a vague heartburn feeling, yuck. Hope this helps.

    ETA: Ice water is the only thing that ever gives me heartburn, ever.
  • srcardinal10
    srcardinal10 Posts: 387 Member
    I just got so happy to see that I'm not the only one that this happens to!!! It's been going on for the last couple of months and I've just realized that it happens whenever I'm drinking more appropriate amounts of water. I don't have any problems when I drink soda (RARE), alcohol, coffee, tea, or juice...but when I drink around 2-3 cups of water, my body is NOT having it. I'll start with trying to drink room temperature water throughout the day to see if that alleviates the problem.

    Thank you!
  • Binkie1955
    Binkie1955 Posts: 329 Member
    sounds like Gastro Esophagal Reflux Disorder to me.
    see http://www.amazon.com/Dropping-Acid-Reflux-Diet-Cookbook/dp/0982708319

    you'd better have it checked out. the fluid hits the stomach and the valve connecting your esophagus to your stomach doesn't close properly. the extra water in your stomach gives the acid a medium to back up into the esophagus and begin corrosion of the esophageal lining. Ulcers and cancer can result from this condition if you don't get on top of it. the book referenced above is nice but you probably need to have a doctor conduct a sigmoidoscopy and send a small camera into the esophagus and stomach and figure out what condition you're in. get the colonoscopy done too as long as you're knocked out and then get the prognosis.
  • Warchortle
    Warchortle Posts: 2,197 Member
    because it can push acid back up depending on how much liquid you're drinking.
  • This happens to me as well. I cannot explain it. I drink ozarka water from a cooler and after the 2nd glass I can barely tolerate swallowing anymore of it. I just fight through it because without proper hydration the body will not cooperate.
  • I've had this at times, and once read somewhere that water can cause heartburn if consumed on an empty stomach. Maybe eat a couple of crackers first? I have also heard that milk and bananas are natural heartburn cures for many people.

    The BEST advice I have is for bedtime. If you have heartburn, or the beginnings of it, sleep on your left side. In this position, your esophogus is higher than your stomach, so stomach contents do not spill over into it. This sounds crazy, but has been the BEST trick ever.
  • emmycaitlin0304
    emmycaitlin0304 Posts: 147 Member
    I have a hiatial hernia so that impacts it to a degree. But I also notice that it is tied to my weight. The more weight I am carrying in my stomach, the more instances of heartburn I have in general. When I am not carrying that weight, water won't do this to me. Might not be the case for everyone, but that's my big indicator.
  • I have this often. It has become considerably worse over the last few years. I started noticing a correlation between the heartburn and water that has been fortified with minerals. Most all bottled water has been altered for cleanliness and taste. So I started to drink spring water and noticed that it doesn't happen with the spring water. It took a while to get used to the taste of the spring water, but now it's the only kind I can drink. Hope this helps.
  • shawn5090
    shawn5090 Posts: 2 Member
    I dont know if someone else has said this. But I used to get heart burn when drinking water also. I found out that I was drinking too much too quick. What was happening was the belly was filling with water and what I ate before was just floating to the top and causing heart burn. The reason room temp water helps in because room temp water coats more and doesnt just shoot straight down and make the food rise. I was drinking 2 litres in less then 8 hours and sometimes the first litre was in one hour. Not saying this is for sure the cause but I changed to monitoring my water intake times and doing some room temp water as well.