Almond Milk



  • chellycakes
    chellycakes Posts: 347 Member
    I like the vanilla almond milk... To dip my cookies in! I also like it in (certain!) cereals, and smoothies. I don't like it by itself however I think I'd have to get used to it!! It's pretty sweet mmmm
  • MissKitty9
    MissKitty9 Posts: 224 Member
    I THINK almond milk actually has more calcium? Maybe? I mean, I love it. And you can always pick up a bottle of milk, & a bottle of almond milk, & compare the labels. I think the biggest "pro" is that it's non-dairy (some feel dairy is irritating to the digestive system, skin, etc.) & non-soy (some feel soy is bad for you, causes you to produce too much estrogen, etc.)
  • kristy6ward
    kristy6ward Posts: 332 Member
    I use Silk unsweetened almondmilk for my protein smoothies in an effort to cut calories, but I use 1% cow milk for everything else. Almondmilk does something strange to my oatmeal in the microwave and I don't like it.
  • Cinloykko
    Cinloykko Posts: 117 Member
    im not lactose intolerant either. I prefer almond milk over cow's milk any day though!!!
    almond milk just tastes better to me.... and for a lot less claories.
    im not too sure on whether it is healthier... but it is lower in calories and that is good enough for me. lol

    I use it in everything that calls for milk - cereal, cookies, just a glass of it to drink. its all good :)
  • sunnshhiine
    sunnshhiine Posts: 727 Member
    Hey gang!
    Just thought I would ask- what is your opinion on almond milk? im sure there has been a threat on it at some point but im relatively new to this whole forum thing! i gave into my impulse and bought a carton of unsweetened almond milk. im not lactose intolerant so cow's milk is all okay with me. but i just thought i might want to spice the things up..

    so what are your thoughts on this?

    good? bad? is it better than cow's milk? is it healthier?

    thanks for all the replies!

  • Wenchiness
    Wenchiness Posts: 126 Member
    I loves the milk of the almond because it's tasty on cereal and for dunking cookies. But the real reason is because Hubby and I are not big milk drinkers, consequently the milk in our fridge was frequently chunky. Almond milk is usually dated 6-8 weeks from purchase and if I end up throwing a little bit out, I do not feel wasteful. I use it often in cooking, not especially fond of it in mashed taters, but in dishes where you add milk and plenty of garlic, it works. I just never want to have the job of squeezing itty bitty almond titties to squeeze the stuff out.
  • bcf7683
    bcf7683 Posts: 1,653 Member
    I like unsweetened vanilla Silk. My reasoning is that it's lower in calories, carbs and sugar. And it's vanilla! :happy:
  • forthemoney
    forthemoney Posts: 24 Member
    I always LOVED cow's milk, I'd drink it with any meal and I couldn't imagine coffee without it...until a few weeks ago when I switched to a "cleaner" diet. I wasn't planning on making the change permanent, I just wanted to try it for a couple weeks. One part of that was no dairy, so I started using almond milk in my coffee instead. Guess what? I can't drink coffee any other way any more! I don't drink almond milk by the glassful the way I used to drink cow's milk, but I love it in coffee.
  • dawningr
    dawningr Posts: 387 Member
    I dropped milk at the beginning of the year (and all other dairy in Sept).

    Blue Diamond unsweetened vanilla is my favorite.
  • spoiledpuppies
    spoiledpuppies Posts: 675 Member
    I like the unsweetened original Blue Diamond or Silk brands.

    I actually switched to soy milk recently due to its protein content -- almond milk doesn't seem to have a lot going for it other than added calcium which I could get from a pill. However, I just switched back to almond because of the much lower calories. To me, soy is definitely richer/thicker, but for now, lower calories (and tasty enough) wins!
  • tifferz_91
    tifferz_91 Posts: 282 Member
    I personally hate the taste of cow milk on its own.

    Almond milk is one of my favorite nut milks.

    I prefer to make my own & in variety flavors.

    I still get great taste & plenty of its nutrients.

    It's easier on my stomach & healthier to me, imo.
  • RealMarkD
    RealMarkD Posts: 92 Member
    I started drinking almond milk when i was diagnosed with a milk allergy (I'd get congested, sneezy, phlegmy, etc). I've tried sweetened, unsweetened, regular, vanilla, and I've settled on unsweetened vanilla (whatever brand is cheapest the day I go to the store), and I really like it. I pretty much just use it for protein shakes and in cereal, but it's still good.
  • janinab75
    janinab75 Posts: 147 Member
    I was never a big cow's milk drinker. Even on cereal, I left most of the milk. I started using almond milk when I started back on MFP and will never go back to cow's milk. I prefer Silk unsweetened, it seems to have the least additives to it and tastes the best in my opinion. I use it for everything, cereal oatmeal, baking, whatever I used to use cow's milk in, I now use almond milk instead.
  • LosingExtraKristy
    LosingExtraKristy Posts: 164 Member
    I like the vanilla sweetened with certain kinds of cereal and we LOVE the dark chocolate flavor. I like cow's milk too, but the vanilla changes things up and has fewer calories. I didn't like the unsweetened at all though.
  • ThatSoundsHard
    ThatSoundsHard Posts: 475 Member
    Almond milk FTW! Also lactose intolerant.

    My favorite brand is Almond fresh by earth's own. I usually buy original or original unsweetened.
  • Dante_Cubit
    Haven't checked the nutritional information yet, but I have one burning question - how the hell do you milk an almond?!
  • Dante_Cubit

    And there you go ;) so, nutritionally it is better than bovine milk, and is probably a better alternative if you are intent on losing weight due to the natural high natural level of protein in cows milk - unless you're doing nines exercise your body converts extra protein into carbohydrates, and if you're not especially active then again into fats.
  • lynn_glenmont
    lynn_glenmont Posts: 10,028 Member
    Not lactose intolerant. I mainly started drinking plant-based milks at times when I couldn't find shelf-stable cow's milk in whatever store I was in, and I could always find shelf-stable almond/soy/rice etc. milks -- I like to have milk (as opposed to powdered "creamer" or that liquid "creamer" that's a mix of vegetable oil and corn syrup) in my coffee at work, and I like to keep an unopened carton in my desk until the one I'm using runs out. Also, as noted, it does seem to keep longer than cow's milk after opened, even the ultrapasteurized sort.

    I only drink the unsweetened versions because I can't stand sugar in my coffee; it tastes absolutely vile to me. I can't even drink the coffee-based frappucinos at Starbucks, although I can eat coffee ice cream. (I also can't stand sugar in my peanut butter and other nut butters, and if anybody could point me to low or nonsugar versions of ketchup and spaghetti sauce, you'd earn my undying gratitude :love: :flowerforyou: :love: :flowerforyou: :love: :flowerforyou:

    I think nutrition-wise the big advantage unsweetened almond milk has over cow's milk is that it's so much lower in calories (the Silk unsweetened also has good amounts of calcium, vitamin D, vitamin E, and vitamin B12, which, since I eat a lot of vegetarian and vegan meals, is good for me).

    I mix it up, consuming dairy and plant-based substitutes both. Blue Diamond has an unsweetened almond-coconut milk blend that tastes wonderful.
  • yogicarl
    yogicarl Posts: 1,260 Member
    Relatively low in protein compared to soya milk - shame as I prefer almond.
  • lindabreve
    lindabreve Posts: 6 Member
    I recently mustered the courage to try almond milk in my cereal and I LOVE IT! Less calories than cow's milk and more calcium too! It is more expensive but I think it is better for you. I use it in my coffee now instead of half and half too. Not quite the same, but I will use it for less calories.