My Journey so far... 35lbs GONE!

I started my journey when I seen these two first pictures, I was horrified how I had "let myself go"! I had 3 kids within 4 years, gained 80 lbs, and when I seen these pictures and the scales were tipping very close to 200 lbs that was NOT ok with me! Something finally hit me and I started exercising slowly cut out soda and watching what I eat.

I lost 25lbs in 4 months, went on a vacation and continued while on vacation if you can believe that! Came back and quit! Went back to eating and drinking what I wanted and not exercising for 9 months!! Gained 10 lbs back of course. Decided I was so getting so close to goal I couldnt quit and give up time to get in gear again!

So I started again, lost 20 lbs 4 months (10 of those is what I had gained back though :( ), for the last 3 months I am kinda being lazy again, I am maintaining my current weigh so I starting yet again to get my booty in gear! I decided to go back and look at my progress I decided just because I am not at Goal doesnt mean I cant post my success! I should be proud of what I HAVE lost so far! Keep me motivated!!

The hardest part is done, getting started!! And sticking to it!!! I am on the downhill slide now!





Hope my pictures works!


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