New as of today (11/12/13)

Hello, my name is Ashly, I am 27, and I have been over weight for 7 years now. I was a slim 103lbs when I got pregnant with my 1st child, and now I am 205lbs, 3 kids later. I gained about 70lbs each pregnancy, and kept 30lbs of the weight each time after delivery. I don't work out, or watch my diet, but that needs to change. I have no motivation though. I WANT to lose weight, but that's all. My spouse doesn't push me. No one pushes me. I'm hoping that joining this site will be motivation for me! Please help me guys!


  • LorSu1987
    Hey Ashly, I am about to turn 26 and I've been married for 7 years but no children. I can slightly relate to you. I have been over weight, weighing 170 pounds at my heaviest. Started my weight lost journey one year ago! Joined this site a couple months ago but I haven't been actively using it and now, I am just getting back into it. I have no support either which makes it hard to stay motivated so if you want, Add me and I can help you! I started Insanity and Brazilian Butt lift, it is exhausting but worth it! I lost 30 lbs already. My goal is to lose another 20lbs at most. The first thing I started doing when I decided to lose weight was go walking, and then jogging and it just felt better each and every time. I took my niece and nephews on jogs and they kept me going. Eventually I "graduated" to Insanity! Which really tested my strength and help me build cardio. Before this journey, I was never able to do push ups or pull ups and now I can. Being healthier gives you so much energy! Motivation starts with your own determination. You have to do it for you!