Gym hating, carb eating 40 something's apply here!

Hi I'm 48. I have 40 lbs to lose. I hate the gym, and I am not into shredding, insanity etc. I would like to run short distances and probably go back to doing Pilates or yoga.

I am a dietary vegan, but I don't always eat healthily or sensibly. What I eat largely depends on what mood I am in - when stressed I eat carbs and drink wine!

I have been on here before and now I am back. I am not into anything faddy such as low carbing, zoning,5:2, IF, EM2LW, 1200 cals or anything like that. Life's too short. I have simply set my calorie goal to 1500 cals a day, a number that I am comfortable with and I feel is appropriate for my activity levels. I don't log on Sundays.

I want to ditch this weight before I am 50, so I can be FIERCE and FABULOUS.

If you are gym hating, carb eating, wine drinking non fad dieting 40 something - come and join the party!


  • lessismoreohio
    lessismoreohio Posts: 910 Member

    You sum it up well for me........"If you are gym hating, carb eating, wine drinking non fad dieting 40 something." I'm 49 staring at 50, and I want to eat healthy and sane and be fit as I enter into my fifties. Friend request on the way.

    Anyone, feel free to add me as well. The encouragement you receive on this site is so important.

  • JustLydia
    Hi lessismore and welcome.
  • tdh115
    tdh115 Posts: 52
    ........"If you are gym hating, carb eating, wine drinking non fad dieting 40 something"

    I love your tag line. I have about 100lb I would like to loose but I hate the gym and yes I love carbs. I can do without the wine though.

    I am hopping the tools provided by this site networking and logging will help me get on and stay on the right track. I think motivation from people that understand is the key.

    If you think we could be good support to each other feel free to add me. I am here everyday.

    Good luck on your journey.
  • Alisontheice
    Alisontheice Posts: 9,624 Member
    Carb loving - check
    gym hating - check (got sick of the gym oh about 15 years ago)
    Wine drinking - check!

    I do like working out though but on my own terms. :) I turned 40 this year and decided to get in shape before it became too hard so I get the whole 50 impetus.

    Feel free to add me this is a lot easier with encouraging friends.
  • JustLydia
    Consider yourselves added :wink:
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    I am not into anything faddy such as low carbing, zoning,5:2, IF, EM2LW, 1200 cals or anything like that.

    the what now?!
  • branfran2011
    I'm going to be 42 very soon, and I"m trying to lose about 50 pounds. I love carbs, but they don't love me; however I can't cut them out forever, so I"m learning to not love them as much. I do'nt go to the gym, I'd much rather be outside walking or hiking and enjoying the sunshine. I also love yoga, and practice at home since there isn't a studio anywhere close by. Not much of a wine drinker, but I love a mixed drink, usually on Sundays when I'm not watching calories too closely :)

    I log everyday, so feel free to add me. The more the merrier, and we could all use the encouragement!
  • olehcat
    olehcat Posts: 92 Member
    Feel free to add me! I'm 43 years old, trying to lose about 30-35 pounds, I'm more your style (LOVE wine, hate stuff like shredding/insanity, etc., LOVE Zumba, casual running, don't do low-carbing or anything like that, although have tried all that stuff in the past), although I WILL say that temporarily I am eating around 1200 during the week just so I can indulge a bit more on the weekends! But I can really knock back some food. 1200 would never be commonplace for me. I like food too much!
  • DiaryofaMadFatMan
    DiaryofaMadFatMan Posts: 131 Member
    I'm not 40 yet...I have 4 more years...but gym hating and carb eating describes me to a "T".
  • JustLydia
    Hey, @olechat you gotta do what suits you. If you like to eat 1200 cals in the week. Go for it. some days I am around that too. Some days I am slightly more than 1500. My beef about the 1200 is when people follow it based on what MFP generates for them and stick to it doggedly even though it makes them miserable, plateau, etc What I learned from last time I was here is that only you can know what suits you - no one else :wink:
  • JustLydia
    Good luck to you. I'm not hearing success in what you're saying. You kinda sound like you just want to do whatever, log whenever, eat and drink whatever and just lose 40 lbs. I hope you achieve that, but I would not hold my breath on it. As you know, at 48, it's really difficult and the small things matter a lot. Good luck though.

    Not true. I am being honest about my limitations. The gym is not the only place to get fit. Why go to the gym if I hate the gym? I walk, run, garden, dance around the house!

    Nowhere in my post did I suggest that I wanted to "do whatever, log whenever, eat and drink whatever and just lose 40 lbs" . I said I am a dietary vegan, who does not ALWAYS eat healthily, meaning sometimes, I too many carbs and drink twine, eat sweet things, particularly at stressful times. Of course that is something I would like to change otherwise I would not bother to be on MFP.

    I was simply being realistic about my own limitations/barriers to weight loss, my own likes and dislikes. For me, that is the key - keeping it real and being honest with myself then finding ways of working with that in order to achieve my goals. The last thing I want is to embark on some austere dietary/exercise regime that would be unrealistic **for me** to sustain, and that would likely end in failure.

    We are all at any time, I believe trying to do the best that we can.
  • nettasue35
    nettasue35 Posts: 190 Member
    I'm 45, love carbs, no gym near me, enjoy a glass or two of mascoto now and then. I have just over 60lbs to lose. sending friend request.

    anyone can add me.
  • nancybuss
    nancybuss Posts: 1,461 Member
    I will be 48 two weeks from today
    gym -- well I like classes but never get there, thanks to the kids
    carbs - YUMMY
    alcohole - double yummy

    I may fall out on this one, I'm doing T25 and Love it..... its not Insanity, but same 'grouping'... that may knock me out. I've learned to love my home workouts.

    trying to tone up the gut but yeah... that means not doing most of the above.

  • Livin4me1969
    Livin4me1969 Posts: 745 Member
    I am a 44 year old gym hating carb eating woman...I am just trying to finally be lean and mean for a change instead of fat and grumpy...feel free to add me as well :)
  • tfoxsail
    Beer = my Achilles heel! Throw in the other carbs I love, and a healthy dose of dislike for PUBLIC gyms (I like the one I have in my garage though; easy to get to and plenty of entertainment while on the treadmill!), mix in my age (45), and I guess I'm in this category.

    Fear not, for we are not alone!
  • sugaraddict1180
    The only time I ever wish I were older! This sounds like a fun group. Hate the gym? Yup! Love Carbs? YUP! Love Wine? DOUBLE YUP YUP!! But I don't meet the age requirements :(
  • Anita4life
    Ok... I guess this somewhat describes...
    Gym... Meh I can take it or leave it, I like it when I get there, but I hate getting there (does that count?)
    Carbs..... Sign me up!
    Wine... Meh on that too, I really don't like red wine, but I LOVE vodka, can that count?
    40... yeah got that too
  • mumofbugpickle
    mumofbugpickle Posts: 20 Member
    I love your tagline! I think having a sense of humor and support while losing weight is so important.

    I just turned 43 and looking for others in the same boat.

    I don't think I could ever belong to a gym. I am totally uncoordinated and don't like embarrassing myself in front of others. I do have a treadmill at home and I love walking my two dogs on a nearby trail.

    Carbs are my major downfall. I am trying to cut down on them, gradually.

    Wine and beer are so yummy but trying to cut down on them too. My husband is a home brewer so there is always beer on tap!

    Sounds like this group is going to be a LOT of fun!
  • kareniniowa
    kareniniowa Posts: 15 Member
    I am all those things as well. 47 soon to be 48. I have 80 to 100 to lose. I burned out on gym membership fees. Living in Iowa--it has been so nasty to even leave the house before work to go to a gym. I could use the support on this board :)