How do you plan on getting through the holidays?



  • phoenixrising31
    phoenixrising31 Posts: 15 Member
    Lucky for me, it's only me, my husband, and our daughter. She's 1 so she doesn't eat a lot. I can make enough for us and some leftovers for the next few days. Possibly a friend might come, but that's it!

    You could buy a turkey breast instead of a whole turkey, that should be enough and will cut back on the leftovers.
  • I'll be at the inlaws' house, where they have no idea what dieting is. I'll probably attempt to be good at theirs other than christmas day and boxing day and just make sure to eat in moderation, stop when full etc.

    I have to say, I'm so jealous of black friday....I wish we had that in the UK.
  • With moderation. It's the holidays, and my family has always been big on food. My mom and dad are on board with dieting, so I can probably count on them to have some healthy yet delicious stuff. But I honestly don't see this as something I can maintain forever if I don't indulge occasionally, especially on the holidays. I just got back from vacation and I ATE while I was on it. (Best slice of cheesecake ever.) I didn't fall off the bandwagon or lose focus. I'm back and on track and feel fine.

    As I explained to my mom, two days (Thanksgiving and Christmas), which for us really translates into two meals and two desserts, each set a month apart from each other, won't make or break overall weight loss.

    I intend to get through the holidays by getting up, going see family, eating (probably less than last year just because my ability to eat a lot fails me these days) - including pie and wine, having fun, and moving on.

    As long as you don't have any food allergies, medical problems, or mental binging issues, I don't see the bad in indulging every now and then for a special occasion. It's life, after all. It's to be lived.
  • kdiamond
    kdiamond Posts: 3,329 Member
    I am going to enjoy every bit of it, but only on the actual holiday can't let leftovers keep you eating all weekend long!
  • StacLegg
    StacLegg Posts: 346 Member
    My husband, daughters and I are going to Run / Walk a "Turkey Trot 5K" Thanksgiving morning at 9am! Then we are going to a Moose Lodge with Family for Dinner, so there will be no left overs at home!! I plan on eating my favorites, small portions, and enjoying my day with my family!! I have so much to be Thankful for!!!!!!!
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    We just moved and don't have any family close and none are visiting so it will just be me, my husband, our 2 year old daughter and 6 month old son. I'll be making a traditional meal, just smaller. I'll try to keep it lower cal by using Yukon Gold potatoes instead of russets (their creamy texture means less milk and butter), plenty of steamed vegetables, and no cheesecake (my Thanksgiving staple). Homemade cranberries, stuffing made with whole grain bread and yummy roasted turkey, all made with plenty of herbs and spices for flavor.
  • lculian
    lculian Posts: 313 Member
    I plan on enjoying the holiday and putting an extra workout in that week and two the next week:) I LOVE PUMPKIN PIE, mashed potatoes, gravy, turkey, green bean casserole, oh let's not forget the bread and the wine! Oh you're making me hungry:tongue:
  • dogdaze
    dogdaze Posts: 110 Member
    One day of increased eating is not going to undo everything I have worked for. I just have to make sure it IS just one day for each holiday and that I really enjoy it. Last year, I found that I simply could not eat as much as I expected and I did avoid those things that are specially calorific but not my all time favorites!

    The kids are getting pencils and stickers, not candy for Halloween (so I don't need to keep candy and other treats in the house(:smile: ).
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