I HATE going to my gym



  • Rogstar
    Rogstar Posts: 216 Member
    Oh excellent...I used to live in Greenfield! In fact my husband and I looked at the AF on 60th street (not sure if it's the same one you're at)...it was just a mile or so north of our apartment, but we ended up not joining since we decided to go house hunting and moved out to Waukesha. Not sure if I ever met the owner...if I did, I don't remember anything about him.

    All I can say is keep going! I know the guy sucks...but there has got to be a way to get him to scram. Maybe if you're there more, he'll actually talk to you less. Perhaps him talking is actually him trying to be friendly and welcoming...and motivating? I don't know...he might have a different definition. Just tell him to get lost...but politely!

    I keep going back and forth whether or not to join a gym now. I live less than a mile away from an AF here and a Wisconsin Athletic Club and only 2-3 miles from Gold's. But honestly, I haven't run out of fun things to do at my house yet. There are so many fitness videos to do (thank you fitnessblender!) and bodyweight exercises to try out. But, now that we've had our first "snow" on the ground, I'm starting to rethink the whole jogging/walking outside thing. I nearly slipped last night...so I might try a couple gyms out to see how they are. At least for treadmill and freeweight access.
  • ElizabethFuller
    ElizabethFuller Posts: 352 Member
    It's really hard to be assertive but you have to smile and say "Sorry, I really have to concentrate, I'll catch up with you when I finish" then put your headphones back in and don't make eye contact. He's probably trying to drum up business for the PTs or he's just bored. Until you can get out of your contract you can't really change gyms and it's such a waste of money to pay for a subscription and not use the facilities. Be polite but firm!
  • WVprankster
    WVprankster Posts: 430 Member
    In these parts, having head phones in is universal for "don't talk to me unless I'm on fire." Keep 'em in, and don't let him distract you. If he refuses to respect your personal (mental) space and touches your shoulder to get your attention, use your newfound muscles to drop his *kitten* like a bad habit.
  • Athena53
    Athena53 Posts: 717 Member
    It's interesting that so many people are suggesting that the OP go to a different gym, try to go at odd hours when she won't see the owner or skip the gym entirely and workout at home.

    It can be difficult for people, particularly women, to tell people, particularly men, to leave them alone. But it is an invaluable skill.

    Practice what you are going to say before you say it if you think that will help you in the moment.

    Next time he saunters up to you and tries to talk, just tell him you don't like to be distracted when you are working out. I promise you, it works.

    I agree- why should the OP have to work out at home or use the gym at 3 AM just to avoid the guy? Tell him you don't like carrying on a conversation when you're working out. Repeat as often as necessary. If he doesn't get the message, then you complain to the franchisor- but try to resolve the problem with him directly first.
  • prettyface55
    prettyface55 Posts: 508 Member
    When I go to the gym, I usually have my headphones on and don't make too much eye contact.
    But the reason I hate my gym s because so many of the cardio machines are always out of order!!
  • MyPureSteez
    MyPureSteez Posts: 265 Member
    Cut the membership and workout at home. Educate yourself (youtube) then once you really know what you want/need to do, to take it to the next level go back to the gym if you choose.
  • MysteriousMerlin
    MysteriousMerlin Posts: 2,270 Member
    This tell him you want to get your workout in and you can talk to him afterwards... problem solved...

    This is EXACTLY what I was going to say. There's no need to be rude, and he should get the idea not to bother you while you're working out.
  • Aviendha_RJ
    Aviendha_RJ Posts: 600 Member
    Next time he asks how you like his gym, say you'd like it a whole lot better if you could focus on your workout without distractions. :tongue: There's a trainer at my gym keeps screaming "SPRINTS!!!" at me while I'm on the treadmill (context: I run for an hour about 3-4 times per week, steady pace). It's really annoying. WORSE... he tries to set me up with some of his clients!!! The last one? EASILY 15 years older than me!!! REALLY? Do I LOOK like I have Daddy Issues?

    I just keep the headphones on, & wave. Or pretend to be completely zoned out. They go away.
  • diana_marie8302
    diana_marie8302 Posts: 84 Member
    You have all been super helpful! I do really appreciate the advice. I do go to the AF on S 60th in Greenfield, literally 3 blocks away. The cardio seems like its refurbished, most of the time 1 or more of the few cardio machines there are broken in some way and the tvs attached never work like they are supposed to. The owner is there from 11-7 M-Th and 11-3 on Fridays. I go right after work because if I go home, I won't go to the gym... the couch always wins and I know myself well enough to not even try that game. It is a very small gym and even though its $30/month, its still seems like its filled with cheap equipment. Getting the personal trainer to help me is not an option unfortunately... I tried once and had to limp for a week after that because he really had no clue how to train someone who wasn't already somewhat physically fit. I literally couldn't sit or stand or walk without some sort of major pain shooting through my legs and butt and arms and everywhere else Lol I previously went to Planet Fitness and I really like their 30 minute circuit because it takes the guesswork out of making a routine. That's not an option at AF. I had been there before and it helped me get to my weight loss goal. I want to get there again and I don't think AF is the key to that. Just the thought of going makes me unhappy... which I know I have to change if I want to lose weight. I know I need to cut the excuses and just get off my *kitten* and do it. Thanks again for all of your advice!