Do you have a fitness tracker?

Hey everyone.

Well, I'm looking for a wearable activity tracker. The amiigo looks promising, but it's still not out. I really like the shine, with how pretty it looks and the fact that it can be worn in different ways (and just look like a bracelet or whatever and not out of place) really appeals to me, and I think I'd be more likely to wear it because I'd just never take it off. The amiigo, om the other hand, looks like a fitness device and would stick out.

Is there a calorie/food tracker with either of these, or can I connect them to MFP? And I heard that you can't really keep track of anything except running, swimming, walking, etc on the shine. If you have one, is that a big problem? I was going to start running a few times a week, and maybe do yoga once or twice.

It's more the motivation I need, so should I get the shine, since it tells you right on the face how close you are? Does it motivate you? I would get the app for any device on my iPod, but I think I'll forget to "check in" which makes the shine really convenient with at-a-glance information.

Anyway, what fitness tracker do you own? Would you recommend it?

Edit: I also have very, very small wrists. Most bracelets are too big for me.


  • cuinboston2014
    cuinboston2014 Posts: 848 Member
    I use a body media arm band. They aren't very pretty but it's winter and it's covered all the tiem anyways. The only time I would really care anyways is on vacation/dates/nights out which aren't that frequent anyways - maybe once a week if that. People do ask about it when they see it but I don't really care?

    I think it does a great job of monitoring calories burned. It also has a bluetooth device that connects with an app on my smartphone so I can always see the display. And it connects with MFP.

    It definitely motivates me. Most days I check my activity levels and steps taken and amke sure I'm at least going to hit the bare minimums I've set for myself. There are so many gadgets out there - just make sure you know what will work for YOU - and read reviews online before you buy to see what people like/don't like.
  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    I don't bother with fitness trackers. Because I log everything I eat, all exercise, and daily weigh-ins, I have a very clear "specific to me" understanding of what my BMR and TDEE are.
  • Territravel
    Territravel Posts: 165 Member
    Sorry, I don't own one Yet. However, I am asking Santa for one, so I'm interested in reading your replies.
  • Mokey41
    Mokey41 Posts: 5,769 Member
    I have a Fitbit Zip but it's more of a toy than anything to me. It shows me how many steps I've take and how that translates into calories burned for the day so it's a motivator to get moving more. I could totally live without it though.
  • RaineBacon
    I have been looking at activity trackers for months and could not decided which one to get. Then Nintendo released their fit meter to go with the new Wii Fit U. My kids got that for me :) I can't tell you how it compares to the others as I don't have those. It has a step tracker, altitude tracker, calories, temp, time and it uploads to the game where you can view reports. It appears to be relatively accurate. I have not done any elaborate testing to check it though. I think the calories are much more realistic than MFP's. Wii Fit U is a free trial download and if you connect a fit meter to it then you get to keep the game for free, so total cost of the game and fit meter is $19.99. I don't have a problem wearing a device that looks like a activity tracker so that is not an issue for me.
  • azidae
    I think I need the effortless tracking of my daily goal to encourage me to go out. Honestly, I've tried tracking and done it for a good week or two, and then start forgetting. I don't even really mind if it's inaccurate, as long as it tells me, generally, how much more I need to go.
  • TeamDale54
    I use the FitBit Flex.
  • WalkingAlong
    WalkingAlong Posts: 4,926 Member
    I use a Fitbit and like it but wanted to upgrade since mine is getting ancient. The Misfit Shine was a frontrunner until I noticed the accessory prices. Each piece is like $50 or more, on top of the $100 device (or is it $129)? I mean the little bracelet, watch band and neck lanyard. Too pricey for me, though I love that it's not all plastic. I'm not wearing an oversize cause bracelet around, and it'd be nice to get the tracker off my clothes.