Females with 50lbs to lose? Please add me!



  • KateK8LoseW8
    KateK8LoseW8 Posts: 824 Member
    Hey there! I'm 63 pounds into my goal of 82 pounds total. Anyone feel free to add me, I'm very active on here and love having new friends to encourage and chat with! Please send a message with your FR letting me know you found me here. :)
  • piggyb73
    piggyb73 Posts: 67 Member
    I'm less then 5 lbs until I hit 50! I've ben on here for a little over a year but am always excited to get new friends.. please feel free to ad me, (and that goes for everyone here) Not sure still what my end goal is but plan on sticking around mfp for quite a while
  • I want to lose about 70 pounds and I need all the support I can get. I will send ya a request!
  • yornma
    yornma Posts: 58 Member
    Hi I've got a lot of pounds to lose. I've lost about 13 so far (yay!) and I am not going to fall of the wagon this time and lose the rest. Please feel free to add me.
  • newme1850
    newme1850 Posts: 16 Member
    I added you. I have 50lbs to lose myself. Trying to get there with exercise and healthier meals.
    I'm doing 1200 calories a day, and speedwalking/jogging with toning and light weights.
    Good luck to everyone!
  • blably
    blably Posts: 490 Member
    I added you. I have 50lbs to lose myself. Trying to get there with exercise and healthier meals.
    I'm doing 1200 calories a day, and speedwalking/jogging with toning and light weights.
    Good luck to everyone!

    please upp your calories a bit.... i know its workin for now, but you want the lbs to keep away forever right?

    im at 1800 daily and i am losing nicely...
  • RaquelR926
    RaquelR926 Posts: 1 Member
    I have 78 lbs to lose to reach my goal weight. I have yo yo'd all of my life. Please add me to your friends like. I'm not sure how to achieve this goal yet. Any one that has already had success, please send me messages and add me to your friend list. Not sure how to really start.
  • kmurphy0403
    kmurphy0403 Posts: 24 Member
    I have about 50 pounds to loose as well! I just joined MFP yesterday. I am a fairly healthy eater but need to exericise much more especially since I sit at a desk all day. Looking forward to using MFP and getting more motivated. Please feel free to add me, would love to give and receive some support!
  • 86muffintop
    86muffintop Posts: 69 Member
    Hi there. I got serious about shedding some weight on Sept. 27th and have lost 9 lbs... I have about 50 to go as well. I log every weekday (good and terrible days), but sometimes the weekends end up blank, but my diary is open. Anyone can add me. Good luck!
  • EandA85
    EandA85 Posts: 63 Member
    I'm 17 pounds into a 50 pound journey. Feel free to add me!
  • Well I am starting to diet ride. I know how to get the weight off but I don't know how to keep it off. Sugar is an attention for me and I need to stop it. I am going for about 60 pounds.
  • addiction not attention
  • I have over 70 lbs to lose :( I hope we can reach our goals! Anyone feel free to add me! I need some MFP friends for motivation!
  • I'm looking to lose around 50lbs. I'm an elementary teacher and find myself getting off track when work gets stressful- which is like all the time! Feel free to add me. I could use the support and external motivation.
  • Please add me too :) just joined. got 55 pounds to lose and need all the support. Lets all help eachother :)
  • Will try to add you all in too! I've been in a plateau for quite some time now so I need all the inspirations & motivations too! :)
  • blably
    blably Posts: 490 Member
    Well I am starting to diet ride. I know how to get the weight off but I don't know how to keep it off. Sugar is an attention for me and I need to stop it. I am going for about 60 pounds.

    then maybe try a lifestyle change not a diet? i mean...eat a bit under your tdee, do not restrict yourself, and the weight will stay off.

    if youre gonna restrict youself and after some time start toe at those things...its gonna be the same circle all over
  • Me! Someone add me! I've been on here since June 2012, taken it seriously since January. Lost 18lbs this year, slow but steady, and have about 60lbs to go... I have NEVER thought to look at the forums until this morning, and I found this thread...
  • I have over 50 to lose, count me in as a friend:)
  • I want to lose 50 more (8.5 lost so far) Add me!!!