
question... do i need to portion my meals even if im not going over my calories?...

and also can i snack throughout the day on pretty much anything as long as im not going over my calories?

any advice is welcomed!


  • colortheworld
    colortheworld Posts: 374 Member
    As long as you stay within your calories, eat when you feel like it.
    I actually try to average through the week, not from day to day. That way if I'm not as hungry one day, I save the extra calories for a day where I'm a little hungrier or want a treat (wine :happy: ).
  • RyanJK85
    RyanJK85 Posts: 580 Member
    I prefer to portion my meals out to help me stay full...

    Snacking...My snack usually are healthy...carrots and celery with hummus. If I am not getting enough protein I eat peanut butter. The goal is to be as healthy as possible right? so make the snack healthy is possible...not like the snickers I had tonight haha

    Overall, just eat as healthy as possible, there will be days where you go over, days where you eat something not healthy...dont sweat it ;)
  • leonelsanchez
    Snacks are my weakness. I try to snack as much as possible with foods that will make me feel full and are high on fiber like raw unsalted almonds or peanuts. They are high on fat but make you feel full. I also snack on grapes and strawberries, nutritious and sweet. My strategy is exercising to burn calories. I run three to six miles a day; tracking helps me. I haven't lost that much but I'm maintaining my weight and feel stronger and more agile.
  • phraxathity
    As long as you stay within your calories, eat when you feel like it.
    I actually try to average through the week, not from day to day. That way if I'm not as hungry one day, I save the extra calories for a day where I'm a little hungrier or want a treat (wine :happy: ).

    That's right! It is very good idea to try to average through the week, because things going on in our bodies are not that fast. So as long as you are within your calories in a long run, you should be fine.

    When you trying to lose weight, the most important thing is calorie deficit. So when your snacks fit your calories, you can snack on whatever you want to :) Of course the healthier the snacks, the healthier you are :)
  • Work2Bfit89
    Thank you for all the advice and encouragement :) i should probably try to eat more veggies and fruits, and less wheat thins lol

    ive only lost 1 pound in 9 days:(
  • meeper123
    meeper123 Posts: 3,347 Member
    1 pound in 9 days is pretty good.
  • Work2Bfit89
    Oh really? i thought that was pretty bad actually... everyone says at first you drop a ton of weight...

    im gonna start running and using the eliptical tomorrow to hopefully help..
  • LitheVixen
    LitheVixen Posts: 27 Member
    I usually eat 3 meals a day and then snack whenever I feel hungry. 'Portioning' my meals doesn't work, however! I can't just eat one plate of a salad if it only has 75 calories in it. I usually stick to eating at least 300 calories with every meal, unless I'm saving up for something.

    Today, for example, I had an apple for breakfast, I'll be having another in half an hour, and I'll have soup during lunch. All so I can eat pizza tonight.
  • Work2Bfit89
    that makes sense... so 300 calories a meal is pretty healthy ?
  • mamadon
    mamadon Posts: 1,422 Member
    It doesnt really matter when or how often you eat, so whatever works best for youis fine. As long as you are eating at a calorie deficit, thats all that matters. You can eat healthier foods for overall good nutrition and you can generally eat more because they tend to be lower calorie but, at the end of the day, when it comes to just weight loss, you can eat what you want as long as your at that deficit.
  • Roneillelizabeth
    Good Morning, I'm new to the program. I've been tracking for about a month now and still have not seen a change in my weight. I was really hoping to see results by now. Feeling a little discouraged :(
  • Roneillelizabeth
    I always thought you should eat more than 300 cals per meal? I'm not sure....Google, maybe?
  • Work2Bfit89
    thank you for the advice!!

    im going to eat more veggies and fruit, and try to add chicken into my meals instead of sandwhiches and things....