How often to you weigh in and record weight?

I've decided to record my weight everyday. I weigh in in the mornings. I get really frustrated because of fluctuations and non-linear weight loss. I know the scale is not a good way to measure success, but in the end it does matter to me. I figure if I record weight every day I will be able to see long term patterns that are encouraging. So I will be able to look back and see even though I gained weight one day...a few days later I was back down and had actually lost. So for instance....on day 10 of being perfect with my diet and exercise with no loss ( actually a gain)...I can look back and see that if I keep with it...all of a sudden things even out and the scale finally reflects my hard work. How often do you guys track / record your weight?


  • KateK8LoseW8
    KateK8LoseW8 Posts: 824 Member
    I record my weight every day on It gives you a moving average of your weight, so it sort of blurs the data noise. Your moving average weight is tracked on a line, and your actual weight is recorded in dots below it. As long as your dot is below the line, you are still on track.

    Here's a picture of my graph this month to show you what I'm talking about:


    You can see that I had a pretty bad "stall" for a while, but I was still under my moving average as it dropped. Helps keep your sanity!

    As far as logging on here, I only record when I get a new lowest weight. Sometimes that's a couple times a week, sometimes it's once every two weeks.
  • MysteriousMerlin
    MysteriousMerlin Posts: 2,270 Member
    Every three months, when I go to the doctor. Or if I happen to be at my parents' house, I'll step on their scale. I don't own a scale myself.
  • Collier78
    Collier78 Posts: 811 Member
    About once a month...maybe twice...I have decided this time around to be focused on the getting healthy part and not the number on the scale. I keep going down in sizes and inches, but my scale says only about 39lbs gone.
  • rosemary98
    I record my weight every day on It gives you a moving average of your weight, so it sort of blurs the data noise. Your moving average weight is tracked on a line, and your actual weight is recorded in dots below it. As long as your dot is below the line, you are still on track.

    Here's a picture of my graph this month to show you what I'm talking about:


    You can see that I had a pretty bad "stall" for a while, but I was still under my moving average as it dropped. Helps keep your sanity!

    As far as logging on here, I only record when I get a new lowest weight. Sometimes that's a couple times a week, sometimes it's once every two weeks.

    I am a daily weigher and recorder. I have a similar chart...but yours in way cooler. what is the line above? also, I have a trend line, but I don't know exactly how that helps. i would post it if i knew how.
  • lawlorka
    lawlorka Posts: 484 Member
    I record my weight every day on It gives you a moving average of your weight, so it sort of blurs the data noise. Your moving average weight is tracked on a line, and your actual weight is recorded in dots below it. As long as your dot is below the line, you are still on track.

    Here's a picture of my graph this month to show you what I'm talking about:


    You can see that I had a pretty bad "stall" for a while, but I was still under my moving average as it dropped. Helps keep your sanity!

    As far as logging on here, I only record when I get a new lowest weight. Sometimes that's a couple times a week, sometimes it's once every two weeks.

    This is basically me! I use an App called Libra and record my weight every day and it lets me see a graph just like above and keeps me sane!

    I also record once I hit a new lowest weight, which last week was three times in the last week and a half but nothing yet this week.
  • JessR0se0001
    I step on the scale every morning, but I don't let fluctuations bother me. My sister is a personal trainer and told me about water weight and different food doing different things to your body. I only record my weight once a week. My sister even suggests every two weeks. If I do really well all week, and eat extra calories on the night before I weigh in, the scale will most likely show extra ounces or even pounds. But weighing in regularly keeps me on track and lets me know what foods work and do not work for weight loss.
  • tibby531
    tibby531 Posts: 717 Member
    I started at once a week. then I started twice a week, "weigh in day" and "day after splurge-day," and then that graduated to every day, and I started hating myself SO much because I wasn't seeing what I wanted to see. and I got really depressed.

    so now I'm back to a minimum of once a week. :) it was hard to break the habit. but I have to get back into doing this for ME, not for the numbers on the scale.
  • juleszephyr
    juleszephyr Posts: 442 Member
    I tend to hop on the scales most mornings first thing after a pee and naked but I only log my weight on the Friday mornings...
  • Amandatorie
    Amandatorie Posts: 93 Member
    I have the FitBit Aria scale, which automatically records my weight right into MFP every time I weigh myself. For me, this has been a GREAT investment. Previously I was in the habit of only recording my weight when it was "good" , and was really just avoiding the truth. Now, I'm forced to face the truth. I can't hide from a plateau and/or gained weight. This works for me because I don't let a couple days of high weight (some times seemingly ridiculously high, like a few pounds) derail my commitment or my mood. If you can't handle that, then definitely weigh less frequently.
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    I weigh every morning. Since starting MFP about 7 months ago, I may have missed a dozen days (I don't really consider that an issue though). I only record the 'new' weight after I have sustained a loss for 3+ days. For example if my weight fluctuates between 2-3 lb like it has been for the past 2 weeks, I don't record a change. I've seen 211 many times over the past couple of weeks but then it always goes to 213 and 212 within a day or two, so I have yet to record 211 as my 'new' weight.
  • Lizzy622
    Lizzy622 Posts: 3,705 Member
    Once every one to two weeks and never during TOM. I concentrate on non scale goals instead.
  • robinandjoe2006
    I weigh every day but I'm really frustrated that after ten days of strict adherence to 1200 calories and moderate exercise I haven't shown any weight loss at all. Does it usually take this long for results to show up? I do eat quite a bit of salty food; would that matter? Thanks!
  • LanaeCarol
    LanaeCarol Posts: 158 Member
    I weigh every day and record that weight in an excel worksheet that lets me see, in a graph, how I am doing over the long run. I only record my weight on MFP once a week.
  • KateK8LoseW8
    KateK8LoseW8 Posts: 824 Member
    I record my weight every day on It gives you a moving average of your weight, so it sort of blurs the data noise. Your moving average weight is tracked on a line, and your actual weight is recorded in dots below it. As long as your dot is below the line, you are still on track.

    Here's a picture of my graph this month to show you what I'm talking about:


    You can see that I had a pretty bad "stall" for a while, but I was still under my moving average as it dropped. Helps keep your sanity!

    As far as logging on here, I only record when I get a new lowest weight. Sometimes that's a couple times a week, sometimes it's once every two weeks.

    I am a daily weigher and recorder. I have a similar chart...but yours in way cooler. what is the line above? also, I have a trend line, but I don't know exactly how that helps. i would post it if i knew how.

    The line above is where my weight was 28 days ago.
  • QuilterInVA
    QuilterInVA Posts: 672 Member
    I'm a daily weigher but I only compare today's weight with that of the same day last week. Then I get a better picture of what's going on. The National Weight Loss Registery says 83% of those who have kept the weight off for at least 5 years are daily weighers.
  • rosemary98
    I've decided to record my weight everyday. I weigh in in the mornings. I get really frustrated because of fluctuations and non-linear weight loss. I know the scale is not a good way to measure success, but in the end it does matter to me. I figure if I record weight every day I will be able to see long term patterns that are encouraging. So I will be able to look back and see even though I gained weight one day...a few days later I was back down and had actually lost. So for instance....on day 10 of being perfect with my diet and exercise with no loss ( actually a gain)...I can look back and see that if I keep with it...all of a sudden things even out and the scale finally reflects my hard work. How often do you guys track / record your weight?

    It helps understand the fluctuations. and if your fluctuations continue to may be time to reevaluate your diary.
  • amyliz810
    only 1x a week and always at the same time...first thing in the morning. This way I'm not getting to uptight about it but still monitoring my progress.
  • iRun_Butterfly
    iRun_Butterfly Posts: 483 Member
    I'm a daily weigher as well, I have a Fitbit Aria scale, which I love, love its integration w/ MFP. I don't let the daily fluctuations bother me, as long as my overall trend is downward, I'm a happy girl. I also use Trendweight, my scale links to that as well, I can see my trend for body weight, bodyfat %, lean mass, and fat mass. I like!
  • lvlupfitness
    I weight myself once a week but I also check my body fat % using calipers. Your weight fluctuates daily based on the amount of water you have in your body. You could weight yourself on the same scale 3 times a day on the same day and have 3 different weights.
  • Ejourneys
    Ejourneys Posts: 1,603 Member
    I weigh myself daily. These days I record only when my weight drops.
    I got into the habit of daily weighing and recording in 2001-2002. During that weight loss I took a weekly average:
    The averages give a smoother decrease than either daily or weekly numbers because the fluctuations are evened out.

    These days I log only a decrease in weight. Here's what that looks like:
    (I've lost another 7.5 pounds since I generated the graph.)

    The slope of my weight loss keeps getting shallower as I get closer to goal, meaning my rate of loss keeps getting slower. This is natural and is to be expected. During plateaus my weight fluctuates up and back down, before it drops again; so far my longest plateau has been 48 days. Sure I feel impatient from time to time, but I know I'm doing the right things and I'm cool with that. I'll get there when I get there.