Jillian Michaels is in hot water...



  • jeremyw1977
    jeremyw1977 Posts: 505 Member
    I think the bigger question is "Why does this surprise anyone?"
    If anything, this is similar to Al Capone getting busted for tax evasion.......The Biggest Loser promotes the unhealthiest methods of weight loss, exercise, diet, etc., most of their contestants put back on the weight and more and develop eating disorders after the show, and they are shamed into doing so.

    The contestants are put through such hell.......exercising at an intensity level and for durations that are unsafe and unhealthy, held to an unhealthy calorie intake, and other arcane torturous methods..........not to mention the fat shaming that is the theme of this show..........that for caffeine pills to be the one thing that's taboo is ridiculous.

    If anything, caffeine pills are relatively humane compared to everything else they are subjected to.
    I'll get off my soapbox now..........afterall, the contestants do volutarily audition and participate in the program, and the show is now in its 15th season..........so who's really to blame; the torturer, the victim, or the audience who applauds for a great show.
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    I think the producers decision was silly about the whole freak out over a caffine pill, but I agree she shouldn't be giving her contestants any pill or creams or whatever without the doctors say so. The constestants are supposed to be under doctor care during the show, and need to know everything the contestants are taking.

    That being said . . . maybe she should have just given them a 5 hour energy or red bull (or similar) and that would make it less controversial?

    ETA: So she gave them caffine pills. If you look around on here you'll see some people recommend elimiating all caffinated beverage to enhance progress, so would caffine pills really help with anything? Yes? No? Maybe?
  • InForBacon
    InForBacon Posts: 1,508 Member
    Oh my gosh, I'm so appalled. I can't believe anyone would intentionally put something so impure in their bodies. She should be promoting clean eating and without supplements! What kind of role model is she? I guess we know now...
  • farmgirlrrt
    farmgirlrrt Posts: 168 Member
    The white team losing a player wasn't because of the penalty. They had the lowest percentage lost before the penalty was added.
  • CTCMom2009
    CTCMom2009 Posts: 263 Member
    I do watch the show, no I do not think its realistic.. But I have to say that she looked extremely pissed.. I was a little shocked that she would break the rules. It actually cost her team to lose another player so I know that must have pissed her off even more. Out of all the trainers she is the one I like the very least.. Dolvett is my favorite and I also really like Bob.. I could do without her.

    I watch the show also, mostly for entertainment though I do see some exercises that I 'borrow' from time to time. I think based on the weight loss %, her team would have lost anyway, but I was shocked after so many seasons of doing this that she broke the rules. It was probably her product that she used too! LOL Dolvett is also my favorite... I'd love to get a training session with him! It would probably break me out of the rut I'm in!
  • CTCMom2009
    CTCMom2009 Posts: 263 Member
    How long should we let her cook for utmost tenderness?

    Low and slow is always best! LOL
  • FrenchMob
    FrenchMob Posts: 1,167 Member
    Oh no, a caffeine pill? Big deal.

    FYI - I take a EC stack. It's a great stimulant and multiple studies have shown in works to reduce fat and while maintain LBM compared to just a calorie reduced diet.

    Unfortunately, ephedrine is banned in the US, but not Canada.
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    How long should we let her cook for utmost tenderness?

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :drinker:
  • Summer_Lunatic
    Summer_Lunatic Posts: 543 Member
    *grabs big stick to stir the pot* Meh. Just another season of Jill being down to one female competitor super early on. Maybe she needs more crossfit in her program like Bob has. :bigsmile:
  • Mia_RagazzaTosta
    Mia_RagazzaTosta Posts: 4,885 Member
    And not a single *kitten* was given
  • disasterman
    disasterman Posts: 746 Member
    Most of the energy gels contain caffeine. Would anyone have raised an eyebrow if she had given them GU instead?
  • ajsimyan
    ajsimyan Posts: 177 Member
    I still Love doing her videos, because they are whooping my *kitten* into shape, and I love it! I do take L-Carnitine in with my vitapak from time to time to get that extra boost that I sometimes need!
  • CountryGirl8542
    CountryGirl8542 Posts: 449 Member
    that show is lame...

    I agree...
  • MercenaryNoetic26
    MercenaryNoetic26 Posts: 2,747 Member
    a No-Doz has 200 MG caffeine. A cup of coffee Contains 100-200 mg. [insert hot water pun that I haven't had enough coffee to make yet]

    I fail to see a problem.

    :laugh: :drinker:

    My first thought.
  • contingencyplan
    contingencyplan Posts: 3,639 Member
    If you needed an incident like this to know she's a hack, you clearly don't know a lot yourself, IMO.
  • FrenchMob
    FrenchMob Posts: 1,167 Member
    Oh no, a caffeine pill? Big deal.

    FYI - I take a EC stack. It's a great stimulant and multiple studies have shown in works to reduce fat and while maintain LBM compared to just a calorie reduced diet.

    Unfortunately, ephedrine is banned in the US, but not Canada.
    BTW, here are the studies;

    ...and there's plenty more of them out there.
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    It is interesting how many people hate on the show.

    hate is too strong a word, but the whole mentality of trying to lose as much weight as you can in a short a time as possible isn't good. The goal should be long term maintenance of healthy body composition, it really doesn't matter how fast or slow you lose the weight, so long as you can stay there for life. A lot of people are disappointed in their own very good progress, because they lost 1-2lb but think from seeing shows like that, that they should be losing like 5-10lbs and a 1-2lb loss is a big fail (when actually it's the optimal rate for most people!), they see their success as failure, plus there's enough people already with the whole quick fix/fast weight loss mentality who do really unhealthy things to see big losses on the scale, which are totally unsustainable and generally water weight and not fat. Even the biggest loser contestants a lot of their losses are water weight, and there are quite a few reports online about high rebound fat gain in former biggest loser contestants... which is pretty much entirely due to the focus on short term big losses rather than long term maintenance.

    I'm not going to pretend to like a show that promotes this mentality just because there are some good things about it as well. IMO the bad outweighs the good in this case.

    I agree caffeine pills are no big deal though.... and if the'd been drinking redbull or similar no-one would have batted an eyelid... but oh no, shock horror, they're PILLS!!! probably most of the people objecting to them did so while drinking tea or coffee...
  • abickford82
    I've taken them before. Yes, I know the health risks...but if anyone takes a pre-workout stimulant it essential causes you to do the same thing (preforming better, better workout, etc). I don't see anything wrong with it.
  • bmqbonnie
    bmqbonnie Posts: 836 Member
    A while ago someone posted a blog posted by a former contestant. Caffeine pills are the least of their problems : / they cut way back on water intake too to help fake big losses. That show isn't about safety or losing weight sustainably or healthily.
  • odonogc
    odonogc Posts: 223 Member
    I was thinking that they wanted a reason to get Reuben back because he is a celebrity so they made a big deal out of nothing. Would they do the same if the contestants had a 5 hour energy?

    All for the ratings IMO

    Totally agree.