Back again.

Hello I am back once again. After trying on jeans that I have in my dresser and weighing myself this morning to find that I have gained everything back, I have decided it is time for me to try again. I am not embarrassed to be fat, and I feel that to be a woman I should have some curves. I do not wish to be stick thin, just be able to do things, such as take a walk and not get really tired. I feel sluggish and slow. I think my oldest son is embarrassed of me and that really hurts me. If I can get down under 200 pounds I would be happy.

I have a hard time keeping up on logging because I am taking college classes, which take up most of my time. I also have to transport my children back forth from school. With all these stresses I tend to "crave" sweets and end up eating a whole bag of candy or half a pie in one sitting.

I really need some friends that will stick by my side and encourage me to eat better and be more active. I'm pretty lazy. Also understand that I don't want to be stick thin, just healthier; for me and my children.


  • monisiaczeq
    monisiaczeq Posts: 131 Member
    lets do this!!
  • samanthasimps0n
    samanthasimps0n Posts: 88 Member
    Friend me!! I would LOVE to help support you along the way :) And I personally love that your goal is not to be stick thin. Once you start eating healthier consistently, you will not feel sluggish and start feeling better about yourself, mentally and physically. We don't need to be stick thin to respect and love our bodies. You can do this!
  • kingscrown
    kingscrown Posts: 615 Member
    You're in college and i know you're busy, but does your school have a gym? Make exercise your priority. 3-4 days of week of real exercise. Not the mamby pamby "Oh look I'm walking on the track." Build muscle. Get in some cardio with your heart rate in the proper zone. You don't have to love it. You just need to learn that you need it and just do it. Once you've got that going then start thinking about healthier food choices. After about 2 months that came naturally for me. I was working so hard at the gym I didn't want to mess it up in the kitchen.
  • llonka
    llonka Posts: 76 Member
    Friend me!! I would LOVE to help support you along the way :) And I personally love that your goal is not to be stick thin. Once you start eating healthier consistently, you will not feel sluggish and start feeling better about yourself, mentally and physically. We don't need to be stick thin to respect and love our bodies. You can do this!
    Thank you! I'm glad somebody understands what I mean. :) Friend request coming your way!
  • llonka
    llonka Posts: 76 Member
    You're in college and i know you're busy, but does your school have a gym? Make exercise your priority. 3-4 days of week of real exercise. Not the mamby pamby "Oh look I'm walking on the track." Build muscle. Get in some cardio with your heart rate in the proper zone. You don't have to love it. You just need to learn that you need it and just do it. Once you've got that going then start thinking about healthier food choices. After about 2 months that came naturally for me. I was working so hard at the gym I didn't want to mess it up in the kitchen.
    They do have gym. I have never "worked out" in a gym before. Where would I even start? I know the number one reason why people say they don't work out is because they "don't have time". I like to say that too, but I know I could make time for myself to work out if I really wanted to. I will look into it and try. :) Thanks for the suggestion!
  • prettygirlstorm1
    prettygirlstorm1 Posts: 721 Member
    No exercise should be considered "mamby pamby" as long as you are up and moving. It takes time to move up to working out especially is you are not used to. Start slow and take it easy the weight will come off. Have confidence in yourself I know you can do it.
  • QuirkyD
    QuirkyD Posts: 68 Member
    Full Definition of LAZY

    1 : disinclined to activity or exertion : not energetic or vigorous.

    You're not lazy! First get that idea out of your head. If you take college classes and are a busy Mom than you're not. Have you read any weight loss self help books? Where are you on your journey? You might need to assess a little more what drives you to eat for comfort. Understanding is a start but it is not enough.

    My number one priority is getting enough sleep. Without people's hormones go crazy and they eat sweets and junk in response. If you want to do this than you *must* clear your schedule enough so that you can sleep right. Take one less class or something. Delegate parenting responsibilities to the father or ask family members for help. You need to take care of you first.

    You're probably sluggish from your diet- not your weight. Get sleep and then start prepping meals to eat well most of the week. Exercise is a must but exercising while eating crappy gets you nowhere. My trainer once told me that weight loss is 90% food and 10% exercise- I totally believe that.

    Kudos for getting back to MFP!
  • kimdyj
    kimdyj Posts: 224 Member
    Feel free to add me! :)
  • llonka
    llonka Posts: 76 Member
    Haha I guess I'm not lazy. I go the boys' school three times a day along with going out to the college four times a week. We live close enough to the boys' school that we can walk if we wanted to. We used to walk everyday last year, but something happened and I just decided driving is easier. We need to start walking again on warm days.

    I think I get enough sleep, but I probably don't. Sometimes I don't go to sleep until midnight and have to be up at seven to get the boys ready for school. I keep saying we need to go to bed earlier, but my husband's dad calls late and we end up staying up later than I'd like. I know I can just take the boys to bed or ask his dad not to call, but it's not that easy. Also two of my classes are at night and I don't get home until after 9:00 pm. We really need to try harder to get to bed earlier.

    I have to add that my husband isn't very supportive and I think that is why I got off track. He isn't open to eating foods with "low fat" or more veggies and fruit. We get stuck in eating frozen or boxed dinners because that's what his grandma makes. I tried a new enchilada casserole recipe the other night and I was only one who ate it. I don't like to make two separate meals, we really cannot afford to do that anyways. Also he says I shouldn't worry about counting calories and trying to lose weight because I'm fine how I am. Again, he's not very supportive and gaining weight himself. :/