
Bitme1245 Posts: 5
edited September 22 in Health and Weight Loss
Hello, I am new to this and I would really love to lose about 50 pounds in ten months. I would love to know if this is a reasonable goal for a first time dieter. Also, my biggest issue is exercising. Icant go to a gym or go running so I'd love to get some great at home tips on exxercises I could do that are easy. Thank you very much for all your help, it is greatley appreciated!(:


  • jpease
    jpease Posts: 8
    I know it sounds cliche ish....but any at home cardio work out...like Tae Bo or stuff like that would do wonders. Be ready to sweat your butt off though :) Good luck!
  • I don't like to think of it as dieting. When you count your calories, it has made me more cautious on what I eat and how much I eat. I like to say "watching my portions" because the word diet makes me lose my momentum. The workouts that I have tried is slim in 6. It works, but I got really board because it was . . . one and two and three and. . . So I got hip hop abs and it is very addictive. And it's fun.

    When I use my fitness pal, when you put in exercise and what you eat it has put things into a better perspective for me. Good luck and I hope this helps :-)
  • Thanks a ton, these are both very helpful ideas(:
  • maroon58
    maroon58 Posts: 289 Member
    i don't go to gym but have a treadmill at home. some days i use the cox on demand free workout videos. there are a whole bunch to choose from and they always come out with new ones every month.
  • AmeliaDouglas
    AmeliaDouglas Posts: 54 Member
    Hi! I am on a similar dieting path and only workout at home (except when I bike with my dog!) but if you don't have a dog to help you... do you have a Wii? I use the Wii and workout programs on DVD that I get from Beachbody.com, I am doing TurboFire and love it! I quit P90X after a month, hated the yoga. 1-2 lbs per week is about 50-100lbs per year of healthy weight loss, so your goal is realistic according to the 'standard.' Have fun!
  • Sadly enough, no I do not have a wii, or a television at hand, The only thing I have to help me exercise is my music which helps me get motivated, and my body. So i'm hoping to get some great ideas of different things I can do. I usually stick to dooing crunches, sit ups, lunges, squats etc. pretty basic and easy things to do at home. I just worry these will not help me lose weight .
    oH yes and I forgot to add.. I used to be a smoker so my lung capacity is kind of low right now, i havent smoked in a month, and Im hoping within time I can have great lung capacity and go running/jogging for fun.
  • gentlebreeze2
    gentlebreeze2 Posts: 450 Member
    Congratulations on quitting the smokes... that's something to really be proud of. I live in the country... there is no gym in the nearby town. I live on a gravel road which isn't always safe to be on, and then talk about the snow we usually get. I get lots of exercise in every day though. I have a stationary bike parked in front of the tv. The only way the tv comes on is if I ride the bike. I get an average of 90 minutes a day on it. But I also have a treadmill. Look around and see what's available. Do you have stairs?
    Or try walking around the block... or how ever many you can handle. Keep adding more each week. What about a jump rope? Again... awesome move on quitting the smokes.
  • Thanks very much on the ideas with the stairs etc, and thank you it was hard quitting smoking but the first step to starting a healthier new me(: Best choice iv'e ever made.:)
  • A hula hoop is great fun, and surprisingly tiring.
    I find a skipping rope a little tedious, but short, fast & hard sessions are excellent.
    Another thing (which will create calorie burning muscle) is jumping. If you've got a sturdy little box or something similar, from a standing jump hop onto it. It's haaarrrdd, but start small, but very good for you.

    Additionally, do you have a wood fire at home? Because chopping wood is practical and takes your breath away.
    Try doing your routine cleaning tasks (washing up, laundry, vacuuming, making the bed etc) to music.
    It also seems like you have a computer (?), if I'm watching youtube videos every minute I make myself do 5 squats.
    If you're studying anything or doing some office work at home and can't focus, I give myself two options: 1 - finish the work or 2 - pushups
    Generally I find by the time my arms are shaking finishing the work seems much more pleasant.
    Dig a veggie garden, you'll have to weed, water & maintain it often.

    That's all I can think of, but it's the little things I suppose :)
  • donnam40
    donnam40 Posts: 246 Member

    I suggest a skipping rope. Skipping is great cardio and in conjunction with the other exercises you are doing, should get you some results. You can do a circuit - lunges , skip for 3 mins, squats, skip for 3 mins, push ups etc. Or you can build up to a solid 20 - 30 minute skipping session.

    Just an idea.

    Good luck!

  • ltlemermaid
    ltlemermaid Posts: 637 Member
    If you want to get into running I strongly suggest the C25K progam. It uses intervals changing from walking and jogging and you can do it all at your own pace. Its a great running program for beginers :)
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