Is this calories a day are 1200

So, I have punched in the numbers to lose 1.5 pounds a week. It's telling me that I have 1200 calories a day to eat...doesn't that seem a bit low???



  • emileesgram
    emileesgram Posts: 141 Member
    MFP seems to set everyone at 1200, many will say that is too low. I followed 1200, and ate back my exercise calories on workout days for 1 year. I lost 40 lbs, that is what worked for ME. Everyone is different you will have to find what works for you. Good luck, add me as a friend if you want
  • DeterminedToLoseIt02
    You can add to it. Some people find it's enough for them, others find themselves starving. 1,200 is a lot for me so I'm actually trying to raise it to 1,300-1,500.
  • nvpixie
    nvpixie Posts: 483 Member
    I think it's better to have a calorie range rather than an exact amount every day.

    1200 is too low for me, but some people do fine with it.

    Calculate your TDEE and BMR and eat somewhere between the two. This is what works for me.
  • dgeorgiadis
    dgeorgiadis Posts: 95 Member
    I to am at 1200 cals/ day and yes it does seem low but it forces me to workout so I can eat more, but it doesn't mean 1200 is right for everyone.
  • MandyinVB
    MandyinVB Posts: 21 Member
    thanks for the suggestions. I will keep this for a couple of days and see how I do...may have to change things a little bit later on.
  • MandyinVB
    MandyinVB Posts: 21 Member
    I need to get my butt in gear and workout...just can't seem to get that motivated just yet.
  • nvpixie
    nvpixie Posts: 483 Member
    I'm the same way. I have less trouble limiting foods than I do getting my butt in gear to exercise.
  • SailorKnightWing
    SailorKnightWing Posts: 875 Member
    How much are you looking to lose? 1.5lbs/week may be too aggressive a goal for you.
  • MandyinVB
    MandyinVB Posts: 21 Member
    I would like to lose 45 pounds.
  • LokiOfAsgard
    LokiOfAsgard Posts: 378 Member
    MFP will set your calories to 1,200 if the weight loss you're aiming for takes your calories past that.
    So to me it sounds like you're trying to lose weight too quickly. I would say change it to 1lb per week, or a half a pound. The slower you go, the more likely it is for you to keep off the weight.
    It may be frustrating, but it's better than losing all that weight, then gaining it back plus some.

    You can try 1,200 if you want. For most people that isn't enough, but everyone is different. If you feel sick, tired, lightheaded, dizzy, hungry or anything that might be caused by the low amount of calories you're eating, please, please up your intake. Don't make yourself sick, just to lose a few lbs.

    ETA: And always eat back your exercise calories. Especially when eating so little. You don't want to burn 300 calories and essentially leave your body with 900 calories for the day.
    Very unhealthy :(
  • meeper123
    meeper123 Posts: 3,347 Member
    Here is the problem with 1200 calories. Will you starve no. Will you lose weight for awhile. The problem is it gives you no were to go. As you lose weight you will need to eat less or move more to keep losing at the same rate. This can be very near impossible if you set your calories too low from the get go. Recommendation? Set a more sensible goal and not stall out later. Workout more often even if it is just 10 mins and buy a food scale. Number one problem people have on here is they do not actually eat what they think they are eating.

    ( I know because I have been in this predicament. I hope this helps you avoid some of my mistakes lol)
  • AllonsYtotheTardis
    AllonsYtotheTardis Posts: 16,947 Member
    try setting it for 1lb per week instead of 1.5
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    How much do you have to lose...1.5 might be too aggressive. Also, your calorie goal is NET of exercise...1200 calories is based on you doing no exercise whatsoever and you'd lose weight eating to that calorie goal. When you exercise, you log it and eat back those calories to ultimately NET to your if you burned 300 calories doing some exercise you'd actually consume 1500 gross calories and still be netting to the same deficit.

    Just be sure you're as accurate as possible with your exercise calorie burn...this generally means using a few different sources to compare your burn to...eventually you'll get a pretty good feel for how much you're burning for various things...ultimately though, people simply don't burn as much as they think they do.
  • jaimie120
    jaimie120 Posts: 39 Member
    I am set at 1200 per day. I often eat back my exercise calories. It seems to be working for me. I only have my goal set at losing .5 lb a week.
  • Melionfire
    Melionfire Posts: 343 Member
    Starting is always the hardest part!! Once you start you will feel great and have more energy!! For your diet Mfp wants you to eat back exercise calories but I never ate back more an 50% to make up for discrepancies that can happen by either overestimating my burn or underestimating my calories. Foods that are higher in protein and fibre will help to feel fuller and satisfied longer. Mix that with lots of veggies and you are set!!!
  • 1princesswarrior
    1princesswarrior Posts: 1,242 Member
    I don't know if 1.5lb/week is too aggressive but I would starve at 1200 calories. It also depends on your activity setting. That's why I like because you enter the hours per week that you exercise.

    I'm very active and it's a double-edge sword because I have to make time to eat, luxury problem I know.
  • mrshudson813
    mrshudson813 Posts: 128 Member
    1200 calories does not sound like much food. I agree with what other people are saying. If you want to try it, go ahead. But if you feel hungry or out of balance, try adding a few hundred calories. Even if you consume 1600 calories a day, you'll lose weight. Also, if you exercise, eat back those calories. I hope it works for you!
  • Florawanda
    Florawanda Posts: 283 Member
    One way to get you out there exercising is to set yourself a challenge by entering a local run... This time last year the weight loss had slowed right down, and I entered first a 15 mile cross-country walk In Februrary with my grandson aged 9, then the 5k Race for Life, which I walked/jogged in June, and 2 weeks ago a 10 mile Great South Run, which again I walked/jogged. Knowing I had these coming up really got me going to the gym or going out round the streets on practice walk/jogs. Two years ago I could not walk slowly along the flat without puffing, and when I first started trying to jog could only do about 100 yards. Now I can keep it up for about 3 minutes.
    And having completed that challenge, I need to find ones for next year, and try to aim at jogging all the way!!

    Good luck!!
  • marshxomellow
    It's funny. When I first joined MFP back in January I had my calories set somewhere between 1200 and 1600 and I thought that was way too much. I was lucky if I'd get to 1000. I've lost a few pounds since then and I just can't imagine just eating only 1200 calories. I think it all depends on what you're eating. Some foods make you feel full and they aren't as calorie dense. When I was on a Keto diet I didn't even count calories. I just ate until I was full. Currently I'm hoping to stay between 1300ish-1400ish in calories. Hoping to lose 1.5-2 pounds per week. But if I eat more than I know to increase my physical activity.
  • new318
    new318 Posts: 27 Member
    mine was set to 1260 but I was also 250 when I started and needed to eat more than someone already smaller. I follow it to a t and it works great for me. Ive lost about 20 pounds so far.