First Real 5k

I'm entering a 5k on Dec. 7th! I'm not a runner, I'm a softball and volleyball player... What time frame should I make my goal? I'd like to jog most of it but will walk if need be. (I participated in one 5k a few years ago while I was 50 pounds heavier, had a pulled hamstring and was pushing my son in a stroller. I came in 3rd to last. But I finished!)
Any advice? Timeframes/Goal suggestions?


  • pianolover2012
    pianolover2012 Posts: 168 Member
    C25K is great. I used it and ran a 5K in my 7th week. It was slow, but it was fun. Hoping to run again in December so we will see if my time improves. Good luck!
  • mreeves261
    mreeves261 Posts: 728 Member
    Your first real 5K goal should be to finish. Doesn't matter how long it takes or how much of it you walk. Use the first race as a starting point. If you want to race more then use this race as an improving point after that.
  • Krissy563
    Krissy563 Posts: 47 Member
    Congrats on signing up for your first 5k! Ideally you have been training, either all running or run/walk -- so this should give you a good idea of when you will finish, then you should figure that the excitement of actually running up to a finish line will knock some time off. You will surprise yourself at how fast you can go in the home stretch when people are cheering and the end is in sight, it's nothing at all like a training run! But as was already mentioned, don't kill yourself trying to reach an arbitrary time on your first race. Just do your best and see where you land, then keep running and your next 5k will be even better! This is the advantage of being a newbie runner: You set a PR at every race :) Good luck!
  • rllewell
    rllewell Posts: 234
    I've lead a few Run For God groups (similar to a couch to 5K) and this is what I tell them for a goal which totally is dependent on their fitness level. First race goal should be to just finish to set your time, don't worry if you have to walk a portion like the hills. Second race is to jog the whole 3.1 miles and improve first race time. All following races your goal is to continue cutting that time down by minutes.

    The majority of my groups would finish their first 5K race in the 30-45 minute range. I've seen many cut their 2nd, 3rd, and 4th race time by 2-4 minutes each.
  • justal313
    justal313 Posts: 1,375 Member
    For your first real 5K all you should be worried about is finishing. If you ever care about times, you want to try to top your best speed from before. Beating my Personal Record is all I care about. I just ran my first 1/2 marathon about a month ago, and while I was happy with my time all I really cared about was finishing at all, everything else was just gravy.

    Don't worry about time for your first race, finish, even if you have to walk. Worry about doing better the next time and the time after that if you want to keep running. You don't have to beat everybody ,just improve as you go along in life.
  • sandlerlover
    sandlerlover Posts: 96 Member
    Thank you guys! I'm very excited and nervous!
    I'm very competitive so I think that will be a disadvantage because I'll be trying to keep up with the others.
  • justal313
    justal313 Posts: 1,375 Member
    Thank you guys! I'm very excited and nervous!
    I'm very competitive so I think that will be a disadvantage because I'll be trying to keep up with the others.

    Dont! Seriously don't. If you feel a need to compete just count how many baby joggers you pass and how many pass you. Pass more than pass you. I hate those guys... :laugh:
  • mreeves261
    mreeves261 Posts: 728 Member
    Trying to keep pace with others will likely get you winded very quickly. Best advice I got before my first race was slow and steady. I ran the whole thing thinking I couldn't possibly.
  • sandlerlover
    sandlerlover Posts: 96 Member
    That's awesome. I'm planning on wearing headphones and picking out songs with steady similar beats to keep me a slow and steady pace.
  • Confuzzled4ever
    Confuzzled4ever Posts: 2,860 Member
    I'm not a runner either.. well I wasn't..

    I did my first one in 30 minutes last month. I had no goal other then to finish

    My second one is on Dec 7th as well.- My goal is to match or beat my first time. :~)

    I am still not a runner, but I'm starting to like it.. go figure..

    (ps my picture if from my 1st 5k,.. I was halfway though it and still smiling!)
  • wilsoje74
    wilsoje74 Posts: 1,720 Member
    I'm entering a 5k on Dec. 7th! I'm not a runner, I'm a softball and volleyball player... What time frame should I make my goal? I'd like to jog most of it but will walk if need be. (I participated in one 5k a few years ago while I was 50 pounds heavier, had a pulled hamstring and was pushing my son in a stroller. I came in 3rd to last. But I finished!)
    Any advice? Timeframes/Goal suggestions?

    Have you been training? That's coming up quick!
  • sandlerlover
    sandlerlover Posts: 96 Member
    I've been doing some walking with a little jogging.
  • carolina822
    carolina822 Posts: 155 Member
    I'm doing one on Saturday and if I can finish in under 45 minutes I'll be happy. I've been doing couch to 5k and only get about 2 miles in during the 30 min workout so I'm hoping some race day magic will speed me up a bit and keep me going.
  • vmr2811
    Congrats for signing up! I just ran my first 5K last weekend, and I am right there with ya. I am competitive and was also nervous as all get out. WAAAYYY back in the day I ran track, so I've always loved running and knew my limits, but I set my goal to finish in 30 minutes. When you are running you will tend to keep a better pace because you are in the pack and it will push you. I ended up finishing in 26:48 :) Here is the link to the program I "trained" with:

    Those distance days really get to show you how you will fend on actual race day. My advice (in no particular order):

    1) Make sure you take at least one rest day during the week.
    2) Get a good pair of running shoes. There are specialty stores where you can get "fitted" if you will to make sure you get what's best for you. You don't have to buy them there--just say thank you and you want to think about it then go buy them online or at another store.
    3) Listen to your body! When I was training my knee really started acting up--I wore a brace during the day and made sure I kept it well. If something hurts don't push it and take care of it. Oh, and STRETCH REALLY GOOD when you are finished!
    4) Make a play list with the songs that you like. I didn't necessarily put songs that had a fast running pace, I just went with ones that I enjoyed and kept my mind clear. I also tried to order them at points when I knew I needed an extra push (I had Katy Perry "Roar" at the end and it so helped).
    5) There is no shame in walking at some point. I knew I wanted to finish in 30 minutes, but I stopped at the water spots because I needed to swig at least a little bit and I thought I was going to choke if I didn't stop, and I also had to walk for a few seconds to pace my breathing once. It all depends on your goal--there are some that just want to be able to run the whole thing, some want a certain time.
    6) On the couple days leading up, I added more carbs to my dinner (hey, I needed a reason to eat that plate of spaghetti and not feel guilty!). Drink your water!! On race day I had a bagel with hummus and banana,about 3 hrs before, then about 1 hr before I had a Powerbar and was drinking Gatorade on the way and I felt great.
    7) I took a nice warm bath, had a cup of hot tea, and got to bed at a decent time so I could relax and try to sleep. Your nerves are probably going to make it hard to fall asleep, so try to do what you can to relax.

    Hope that helps! Good luck!!
  • Confuzzled4ever
    Confuzzled4ever Posts: 2,860 Member
    ^^ Good advice.. I did 0 of that. lol.
  • sandlerlover
    sandlerlover Posts: 96 Member
    Thank you all for the great advice! I'm getting nervous! I am planning on making a great playlist on my iPod!
  • tesha_chandler
    tesha_chandler Posts: 378 Member
    I just ran my first 5k Saturday and it was a blast!! I would say.. as long as you aren't the last person running, you win! lol
  • tesha_chandler
    tesha_chandler Posts: 378 Member
    Oh, and make sure you have the absolute best shoes possible! The shoes I always wear to work out in wore out on me and left me with some sore tootsies afterwards lol
  • trill0042
    trill0042 Posts: 110 Member
    Which 5k? Maybe I'll join you and help you pace yourself if you want. I haven't been running at all lately.. and this needs to change.