Eat less or more to gain muscle?



  • scimitarslash
    scimitarslash Posts: 9 Member
    Just joined this site and think its wonderful. Too many people think that diet is just about losing weight. In response to your question or at least the tag on the board. Eat more, lots more. i know that's not scientific, but it just comes from my personal experience. More scientific would be 1 gram of Protein per pound of bodyweight, 20 percent caloric intake from good fats, and the rest of your calories from carbs. I weigh around 132 and always wanted to get bigger. all i could ever do when i lifted was get stronger and more defined. I just assumed i was a hardgainer, until i actually calculated my calories and found i was way under the number i was supposed to be. Also its mostly impossible to gain muscle/weight and shred at the same time muscle gain requires calorie surplus while fat loss/shred requires caloric deficit. For more on that and a lot of really good info on lifting and diet, check out best of luck
  • Live4theLift
    Rules for a good bulk
    1.- Little/No cardio
    2.- Eat 1g protein per lb of LBM a day or more
    3.- Eat excess of 500 cals a day over maintenance
    4.- Lift weights, use correct form and work on TUT not just throwing weight around
    5.- SLEEP - 7-8 hours is recommended for hormone production and bodybuilding
    6.- If you are a beginner then focus on the compound lifts