5'8" Ladies, what is your goal weight?



  • LeighRaeW
    LeighRaeW Posts: 42 Member
    My first re-assessment weigh is 186 lbs (less than I weighed at 13yo). I hope to get down to 152 lbs, but will be happy with 186.
  • shelbelw
    shelbelw Posts: 48 Member
    I am 5'8, and after reading this thread, I'm kind of astounded. When I was in the best shape of my life (two sport athlete and off-season workouts), I could not get my weight below 156. At that time (in 1985) that was a size 13, but my measurements were about 38-30-38. I played volleyball in spandex shorts and half-shirts and had no muffin top. Later in my mid-20s, I was stable at 175 and still had a flat stomach, then wearing a misses size 14. Measurements then were about 40-32-40. Since I have become an adult, I have NEVER been able to get my weight down past 170. I don't know what my bodyfat percentage was, but I could wear a swimsuit in public confidently.

    For all of those people who think there is no such thing as small-boned or big-boned, I would just like to say that hip bones and ribcages DO come in different widths and circumferences. Perhaps the diameter of a thigh bone doesn't vary that much from the German plow hand to the petite Asian, but I truly believe people come in different shapes and sizes from the skeleton on out.

    In any event, if you're still reading, I have been as heavy as 260, now at 203, and my goal is to get back to the measurements of 40-32-40. I have no idea what I will weigh when that happens, but I'm thinking somewhere between 160 and 170. And I'll be thrilled!
  • avskk
    avskk Posts: 1,787 Member
    My current goal is 150, with an option for 140 if I'm still unsatisfied. I'd really love to hit 125 but I don't think that's particularly realistic (unfortunately).
  • jcdoerr
    jcdoerr Posts: 172 Member
    I'm shooting for 150 as well, but am planning on switching to more of a recomp process once I hit around that. So hope to start lifting heavy and get that BF% down very soon. Have unfortunately been stalled out around 155 for the last month.
  • SapiensPisces
    SapiensPisces Posts: 992 Member
    Shooting first for 140-150. I'll reevaluate when I get there if I want to change anything.
  • mnardi123
    mnardi123 Posts: 59 Member
    Aiming for 160 which is where I felt my best.
  • My goal is 20% body fat.
    Same here!
    Currently at 24%, was at 21% last year.

    5p9 164 lbs currently.
    160 lbs last year same period.

    Target to maintain 20% but real goal would be 18%
  • If you have an opportunity to do some kind of body comp evaluation, I'd recommend it. It was SUPER helpful for me to set my goals realistically. I just did a BodPod evaluation at my gym, and at 23% body fat I would weigh about 156 and I'm only 5'6"...(I'm 195 now, so still a ways to go.)

    It tells you basically what your muscles, bones, organs, etc weigh (mine was 130...college athlete, all the muscles are still there under the fat apparently.) So while guidelines say that anywhere from 125 - 165 is healthy for my height, realistically, I'm never going to make 125... Then you can account for the 20%-25% body fat that's healthy for a female to have and get a realistic attainable goal.
  • I'm actually 5'7" but what's an inch. For my bone structure, anything below 140 may look aneroxic so I'm giving myself a range of 140-150 for ideal weight. Not sure what that is on the BMI other than it's in the healthy weight range.

    I'm willing to be above that weight if I can prove to myself that it's muscle and not fat. I like the suggestions of no more than 20% fat rather than the number on the scale for that reason. A pound of muscle is leaner and more compact than a pound of fat so that makes sense.
  • JBearsMom21
    JBearsMom21 Posts: 90 Member
    145-160. I have never been that low in weight so I have no idea what my body will actually look like. I would like to reserve some of my curves though and weight train 3x weekly which I think is helping to shape my body in the way I want.
  • brandiuntz
    brandiuntz Posts: 2,717 Member
    I'm working on body recomp. I think I'll end up looking "best" at 155. I currently float from 158-163lb. Final number will be more about definition and my general feeling.
  • HannahJDiaz25
    HannahJDiaz25 Posts: 329 Member
    I weight 135-138 depending on the time lol. I ma pretty happy with this weight. I don't have to work out too much or diet too strictly to maintain it. However, I notice that I feel better when I am lifting heavy weights and doing a smattering of cardio and yoga.
    I actually get thinner, but my weight goes up a little. I am 138-142 when lifting and eating correctly (However I go from a size 7 to a 5 when I am lifting...muscle is heavy but compact) :-)
  • BeccaBollons
    BeccaBollons Posts: 652 Member
    I'm 5'8.5 and my goal weight is around 140. I'm 146 at the moment and feeling pretty pleased with my top half, but its a thigh and hips situation for me- hoping to drop a little more fat to let those leg muscles show through. My size is 34-28-39.
  • hammies77
    hammies77 Posts: 3 Member
    I am just shy of 5'8" and I used to have a goal weight of 150. Then I started powerlifting and realized you can't have both light and muscular. My new goal is less than 23% body fat and the ability to bench my own body weight, whatever that is. Good luck to everyone!
  • 150! I want to have some tone to my muscle too, so I will initially want to be lower than that but build up.
  • trudijoy
    trudijoy Posts: 1,685 Member
    I'm somewhere between 5 foot 8 and 9 at 174 cm, and my current weight is 78kg. My goal is 75kg. If I weighed the weight you have as GW I'd be a full on barbie doll...my body type wouldnt take it.
  • molissep
    molissep Posts: 452 Member
    I'm also aiming for 20% body fat...I've never been thin, but I have an athletic build and drs/trainers are usually shocked at my weight because I don't "look" my weight. I'd love to see 150 on the scale, but for me my body composition changes much faster than my scale moves!
  • Srarojas
    Srarojas Posts: 170 Member
    I'm 5'8 and 127 lbs. I'm at the goal weight I set a few months ago, but now I want to put on muscle. According to my trainer, I'm not supposed to worry about the number on the scale, just body fat %. I'll have to get over watching the numbers go up on the scale. Needless to say, I'm sure it will be a difficult adjustment.
  • babyj0
    babyj0 Posts: 531 Member
    I'm shooting for 140.
  • MissKalhan
    MissKalhan Posts: 2,282 Member
    My ultimate goal is 15% body fat but we will see. I want MUSCLESSS Lol