Need some accountability buddies!



  • stat1124
    stat1124 Posts: 163 Member
    I added ya and welcome. If you happen to have access to a juicer....your veggie/fruits intake can be solved pretty easily. I juice along with eating more healthy and you will be amazed at how much faster your metabolism boost when your feeding it the correct fuel. I have quite a few juicer recipes if you are interested. Instead of making lots of dishes with veggies in it, I prefer to go the juice route for two major reasons. First you can juice in bulk and then throw it in the fridge for the week. Secondly and more importantly, when you juice you remove all of the pulp and fibrous material from the veggie or fruit giving you just the macro and micro nutrients which get digested must faster than if you ate them raw. You stomach does not have to digest all of the pulp and can in turn take that energy and place it elsewhere making the machine that is your body run more efficiently. Just a thought! Good luck on your journey!
  • jaxxie2013
    jaxxie2013 Posts: 31 Member
    Feel free to add me too.
  • nancybuss
    nancybuss Posts: 1,461 Member
    I do best helping to motivate others too, it helps motivate me.

    I sent you a friend request. Anyone else can feel free to friend request me.

    I'm still struggling on my veggies. Its certainly about prepping ahead of time. some weeks it works, others not so much. This week my entire family was sick. nobody was going anywhere to get the fresh veggies, etc. we started to go, but ended up at Urgent Care instead.

    carbs are so much easier.

    I'm doing better with my workouts. I'm currently doing T25 in the AM (NOT a natural morning person) and it helps with the short workout and I have more energy during the day. Now, to pull all the rest together......

  • Artaxia
    Artaxia Posts: 185
    Feel free to add me. I'm taking everything one day at a time. My schedule is chaotic too. I'm in school and I have a son. I do as much walking as I can throughout the day. Sometimes I may not be able to turn on that workout video however, I will always try to make the extra effort to walk more and eat less/more healthy. :)
  • diletta24
    diletta24 Posts: 91 Member
    just added you :)
  • Hi. I also need accountability friends for exercise. Feel free to add me to your friends
  • @rros: kudos to you! Undergrad or graduate?

    @stat: I have a Vitamix. My one concern with removing all the fiber via juicing is that it's a huge spike in sugar, but I guess if you're just juicing veggies, it's not as bad. There's obviously a huge market for juicing, and I admit that I have not researched the benefits and drawbacks with that method. Do you have any smoothie recipes with veg? I'll throw kale into my smoothies sometimes, but I usually forget. The nutrition student in me is tempted to get technical with you right now about digestion, but I'll spare us all the long explanation :)

    @nancy: thanks for the add! Oh no, I hope everyone in the he family is okay! I hear ya about the ease and prep. I just have had NO time to prep foods recently. And there's really no point since I don't have a kitchen at the moment haha.

    @art & treasured: added you!

    Thank you for all the support, everyone! :)
  • rdub05
    rdub05 Posts: 3 Member
    I'm still pretty new to this too. I could always use more people to help keep me accountable, especially with the holidays coming up!

    Feel free to add me as well.
  • @Torzilla37, I know what you mean the days can be so crazy long. After my first year of grad school I was working 12 hour days with an internship and a part-time job, with an hour commute one way, and then classes. Add in the additional fun and joy of planning a wedding on top of all that, I don't know how I survived. I had a prof ask me if I was doing okay because I wasn't on top of all her minor deadlines, and when I explained my chaos she was very supportive. I think people have to have gone through the chaos to know what it's really like. Grad school is not like undergraduate. It gets easier towards the end when graduation is in sight! I have ONE MONTH until commencement and I am so ready! Stay strong, it's worth it in the end and you'll be so proud of yourself for managing one crazy schedule and meeting all of your goals!
  • Hi everyone........I am new here. Just joined and started using My Fitness Pal today!!! Need some accountability friends as well.....I have high colesterol, eat pretty well, but love my carbs. I do workout, but as we all know, changing those eating habits and working out go hand in to me