How y'all excercise??

I do it for like an hour a day but lately i have been feeling like it is not enough b/c i spend the rest of the time being sedentry.


  • An hour is plenty enough for everyday. I think a lot of us have a sedentary day. =P I work on a computer all day. If you feel like you're sitting down too much, do bursts of exercise (kettlebells, dumbbells, burpees). I try to workout about 1 hour as well too. Sometimes 1.5 hours.
  • RonnieLodge
    RonnieLodge Posts: 665 Member
    I do a 20-40min HIIT workout 5-6 times a week.

    I also wear a pedometer and try to hit 10k steps a day.

    I do a desk job.
  • KateK8LoseW8
    KateK8LoseW8 Posts: 824 Member
    If you're working out pretty hard for that one hour, just try to get out and walk more. I exercise for 1.5-2 hours most days, but I also take leisurely walks. I don't really count them as exercise, just being up and moving.
  • 90 - 120 min a day 4 days a week... some say its overkill but eh it works for me
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    Average 30-60 minutes a day, 5 or 6 days a week.
  • About 80 minutes 6-7 days/wk
  • shawn1112
    shawn1112 Posts: 94 Member
    I was doing cardio 6 days a week for between 45-90 min a day. Now that I joined a gym I'm doing cardio every other day for about the same time, and about 60 min at the gym on days i dont do cardio.
  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    I do it for like an hour a day but lately i have been feeling like it is not enough b/c i spend the rest of the time being sedentry.

    If you're doing something like running an hour a day, then you are in fantastic shape. Like, 99th percentile.

    Doesn't mean you shouldn't do more - or shouldn't want to do more - but it's certainly enough for maintaining a high level of fitness.

    I average 10 hours a week, 80% cardio, 20% weights.
  • Rien5
    Rien5 Posts: 51 Member
    at least 60 minutes of moderate cardio 4 days a week, plus I walk around a lot for work and always take a 15 minute walk every day. on the weekends is usually 90 minutes.
  • Mr_Excitement
    Mr_Excitement Posts: 833 Member
    About an hour of weights and a 30 minute walk five days a week. I'm taking a break from jogging because I just don't enjoy it. Usually do yoga on the weekend.
  • afiallo
    afiallo Posts: 20 Member
    I too have a very sedentary life style therefore I try working out 60-90 minutes at least five times per week:flowerforyou:
  • Siansonea
    Siansonea Posts: 917 Member
    Zero minutes a day, but it's every single day. :drinker: