Surviving the Holidays



  • illuvatree
    illuvatree Posts: 185 Member
    I'm going to have smaller portions of different foods but also not log, just in case. I'm not *super* worried because meat and dairy aren't part of my diet anymore, so the mashed potatoes I eat will be lower-cal and and not made with milk and butter, for example. But it's still possible to overeat, even on a vegan diet, so smaller portions it is. A little bit of everything :)
  • ilovescarymovies
    ilovescarymovies Posts: 202 Member
    Eat all the NOMZ....back to normal the next day :)
  • ArtemisRuns
    ArtemisRuns Posts: 251 Member
    im going to ENJOY mine like this:

    but with more bacon

    This but with booze.
  • ArtemisRuns
    ArtemisRuns Posts: 251 Member
    More booze.
  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    Thanksgiving and Christmas are an occasion...I didn't get fat because of special occasions...i got fat because I ate like it was Thanksgiving routinely and didn't move much. This process isn't about one day or what happens on a special occasion...this process is about what you're doing most of the time.

    Personally I'm going to do exactly as I did last year (BTW I lost about 20ish Lbs between mid Sept and the New Year)...I'm going to sit down with my family and friends and enjoy my holiday. I'm going to eat and celebrate the holiday and be thankful for all of my blessings. It's one day of many days.

    What I won't do is treat the entire 2 months holiday season as a reason to stuff my face...but one day isn't going to derail anything...and besides, I don't eat until I'm about to explode...I know how to enjoy my meal without needing stretchy pants.

    This is what you do.
  • MelissaPhippsFeagins
    MelissaPhippsFeagins Posts: 8,063 Member
    I have allotted myself 5 free days between now and the 26th of December. (three of my kids have birthdays between Thanksgiving and Christmas, what's a mom to do?) I allow myself an extra 500-600 calories on free days. However, I really don't think I'll use them for Thanksgiving. My MIL doesn't believe in celiac disease and she is hostessing for the family this year. She seriously thinks I'm just not eating gluten because I want to make things hard for the rest of the family. I am truly scared to eat the turkey because many of them have gluten in/on them for flavor. Seriously, why? And she won't look at the ingredients. I'm taking the dressing and bacon wrapped asparagus and a butterscotch pie (I make my own GF crust) for myself. If Memaw makes the sweet potatoes, I'll be able to eat those and I don't know what else will be safe. There will be some veggies, but I don't know what. I won't be able to put butter on anything because of cross-contamination and I won't eat any bread of course.
  • LiftAllThePizzas
    LiftAllThePizzas Posts: 17,857 Member
    Why would I want to eat a reasonable amount of calories on those two holidays?
  • ThickMcRunFast
    ThickMcRunFast Posts: 22,511 Member
    I will spell out "SOS" in mashed potatoes on the floor, then make a tent under the table and hide until help arrives. Maybe I can boil the wine to get the alcohol out and stay hydrated.

    No, wait, I'm going to eat and drink with my loved ones because its a holiday.
  • Thanksgiving and Christmas are an occasion...I didn't get fat because of special occasions...i got fat because I ate like it was Thanksgiving routinely and didn't move much. This process isn't about one day or what happens on a special occasion...this process is about what you're doing most of the time.

  • BlueBombers
    BlueBombers Posts: 4,064 Member
    I am eating whatever I want Christmas Day. Every other day will be business as usual.
  • Birthday on thanksgiving, so going to eat whatever :) But I'm requesting atleast cauliflower mashed potatoes, moist turkey, cranberry quinoa apple stuffing, almond butter cinnamon sweet potatoes, and probably birthday cake + ice cream!!! :)
  • mcesira
    mcesira Posts: 36 Member
    Plan is to get up early, run hard and do some calisthenics and then enjoy the day with family... with small portions and hoping to make smart choices. For me, we have most of this food around us all year long. So this is a constant struggle for me, but yes, holidays mean even more temptations! Too many sweets, which are my weakness!

    I am Italian and I am always cooking/baking for my 3 children and husband and my extended family eats together every weekend like this. This is going to be hard for me because all my life eating for hours at a time and big portions is just what we always did! So I have to keep this in mind. I just began this journey in January so this is my first year of watching what I eat. Wishing you all peace and time with the ones you love and care about!
  • katieme
    katieme Posts: 59 Member
    I will be rosy cheeked from the vat of sherry I aim to consume and full of mince pies.........santa is my idol!
  • lithezebra
    lithezebra Posts: 3,670 Member
    I'm going to make a pie, now that I have a good recipe for gluten free pie crust. Maybe I'll go completely decadent and make pecan pie.
  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member
    Survive??? "Survive is what you do when you're stuck in a foxhole in Afghanistan, a small village in the Sudan, or a weekend in Detroit. Applying the word survive to a holiday is patently ridiculous. It's ONE day!!! Eat the food!


    A similar thought occurred to me. What is there to survive? Nobody is shooting at you. It only food for goodness sake!! Dramatic much?
    I'm going with the plan Sidesteel posted in another thread.
    I've been thinking a lot about this and I believe I have an optimal plan for ME. But please if you don't have anything nice to say about my plan then just don't say it. We are all here for the same reasons so lets just hold hands and sing songs. Ok now that I have that out of the way here's the gameplan.

    First, I'm going to bring some whey protein with me to the thanksgiving feast. When my relatives aren't looking, I'll sprinkle some whey into their milk to hopefully help blunt their appetite so that they don't eat as much. Not for their sake, for mine. I really hate when we run out of turkey.

    I've also decided this year that when I take four or five massive scoops of mashed potatoes, I'm going to use my spoon to mash the middle of the potato mountain to create a big cavern so that I can pour the gravy into the cavern and it will sit there like a gravy swimming pool. If I were more comfortable I'd take my shirt and pants off and dive into the gravy pool but I think it might be a bad impression to give my son since he can't swim yet, and that's pretty unfair.

    I'm also going to sit in the chair nearest the back-counter where we keep the pie so that I can position myself closer to the pie and minimize travel time between my plate and the pie. This, combined with the potential hunger blunting effects of whey protein that I used on my relatives, may result in more pie for me.

    Finally, I'm wearing my gym pants instead of jeans, and bringing a towel in case I get the meat sweats.

    Thanks for reading my gameplans and remember this is just what works for me and we're all different.
  • lithezebra
    lithezebra Posts: 3,670 Member
    I have allotted myself 5 free days between now and the 26th of December. (three of my kids have birthdays between Thanksgiving and Christmas, what's a mom to do?) I allow myself an extra 500-600 calories on free days. However, I really don't think I'll use them for Thanksgiving. My MIL doesn't believe in celiac disease and she is hostessing for the family this year. She seriously thinks I'm just not eating gluten because I want to make things hard for the rest of the family. I am truly scared to eat the turkey because many of them have gluten in/on them for flavor. Seriously, why? And she won't look at the ingredients. I'm taking the dressing and bacon wrapped asparagus and a butterscotch pie (I make my own GF crust) for myself. If Memaw makes the sweet potatoes, I'll be able to eat those and I don't know what else will be safe. There will be some veggies, but I don't know what. I won't be able to put butter on anything because of cross-contamination and I won't eat any bread of course.

    Come to my house. My holidays will be all gluten free!

    Since you probably can't do that, and you'd miss your memaw, you could take some butter with you. Best wishes!
  • Iwishyouwell
    Iwishyouwell Posts: 1,888 Member
    I'm giving myself 2 days for Thanksgiving to eat whatever I want, as much as I want.

    I'm giving myself a week in December, starting a few days before Christmas, and ending a few days after, to eat whatever I want, as much as I want. It's my favorite holiday season, by far, and I intend to enjoy the culinary offerings this year to the fullest.

    I don't count calories or log food, so that's not an issue for me.
  • ShannonMpls
    ShannonMpls Posts: 1,936 Member
    Go Kaleo put it best:

    My super simple guide to surviving the Holidays:

    1. Go about your life as usual. Eat how you usually eat. Exercise how you normally exercise. Sleep how you normally sleep.
    2. On the Holidays, celebrate with your loved ones. Enjoy the food that has been lovingly prepared, without guilt or shame. Eat what you want, and savor it.

    The end.
  • ChrisM8971
    ChrisM8971 Posts: 1,067 Member
    I am going to eat, drink and be merry with my family and friends. I accept that this may mean I gain some weight over the Christmas period but I know that I can lose it again once it all over
  • zipnguyen
    zipnguyen Posts: 990 Member
    It's about family and friends and not so much about the food. LOL "not so much about the food" <---disclaimer. I've dieted and prepared for contest through contest-dieting which is a tad extreme and have survived the holidays. Are you going to go over your numbers? Sure. Key for me during dieting phases and if that dieting phase just-so-happens to occur during the holidays I start increasing deficits during the week marginally. Instead of calories in and calories out per day................think of it as calories in and calories out per week.

    Reserve something like 100 calories per day for a week leading up until Thanksgiving or whatever familial event that requires you to eat. You're basically now budgeting for a +700 calories on Thanksgiving-day. So if you're maintenance is 2000 per day, you're budgeting 1900/day and bam 2700 on turkey day. From a weekly perspective, you're fine. Little strategies like this has helped.

    If working out and dieting and you have "refeed days" place your leg day on Thanksgiving and have your refeed day on that day. Very minimal damage will be done and you will not be thrown off track in your overall dieting plan.

    What are everyone's plan for the Holidays? I.e. When you are at the table with your family; how do you plan your day & still eating within a reasonable amount of calories? I realize I will be treating myself, but I don't want to go overboard or feel weird around others. I am the only one in my family watching what they eat (other than my husband), but he won't be with me.

    Also, any key workout plans during this time?

