What I Did about My Never-Ending Battle with Binge-Eating

So here's the thing. I love food. I've always been passionate about it. I love to eat it, I love to cook it, I love to look at it, and watch it on TV. Food is awesome. So I knew when I started controlling what I ate, it was really going to be a challenge for me.

My journey wasn't very difficult at first. The most important key to my weight-loss has been changing things GRADUALLY. I lost weight slowly, but I lost it and never gained during the process. I started by changing the portions of what I was already eating. I didn't change anything else. Then I added light exercise to the mix once I got used to my new eating habits. Just doing those 2 things alone I dropped from 150 lbs. to 130 lbs. in about a year (I'm 5'3"). It seems slow, but it wasn't about the weight loss for me as much as it was the lifestyle change. I needed to do something I knew I could do for the rest of my life. No quick fixes.

Once I got to 127, I started MFP. It was the first time in my life I had ever considered calories in and calories out. With the occasional bad day, I was doing great. Still losing weight gradually and adding more changes to my diet and exercise routine, I made it down to 117.

I always thought that thin people just had crazy self-control. they must never deal with problems like binge-eating. Now that I was thin, I realized, it doesn't matter how big you are, anyone can struggle with binge-eating. Suddenly, my original concept of portion control began to go out the window. It got to a point where I couldn't go a single weekend without at least one day of completely disgusting, uncontrollable, self-loathing binge-eating. I would make up for it during the week with healthy eating and exercise, which just kept me at a plateau. I kept going through the same process, maybe this is too hard for me to keep up, maybe I should just go back to not caring so much about health and fitness, maybe my body wants to weigh more, what if I never get to enjoy yummy food the way I want again?...chomp, chomp, chomp...nom, nom, nom...mindless eating...delayed regret...stomach ache. Eat healthy during the week, rinse, repeat, weekend hits...out of control again. Am I the only one this keeps happening to?

So I finally came to a conclusion. One thing was for sure. No matter how many battles against binge-eating I won, the war would never be over. So was there an alternative to warring with binge-eating??...ding, ding, ding, light-bulb! Maybe instead of battling the inevitable and hating myself every time I failed, maybe I could take control of it instead? Maybe I could negotiate a deal with binge-eating that's on MY terms? I could have all the power and the binge-eating monster could be fulfilled too?

Yup, that's what happened. I began scheduling ahead of time days that I wouldn't count calories. I could eat whatever I felt like and not feel guilty about it. Seeing the calories on my bad days often made me want to eat even worse. I would think "well I was already this bad, why not just get crazy with it?". So I started to plan ahead. What's the next special occasion I have where it's going to be very tempting to eat a lot of good food? I would make note of that date and eat healthy and work hard until then. Now I had something to look forward to, something to keep me going, and something to work hard for. Every time the BE monster would rear its ugly head and say "hey, let's eat everything", I would say "no, not until ___ day".

This has actually worked for me. I still binge eat, that hasn't changed. But now I do it less frequently. It's predictable and planned out. Also, since I don't count calories, I actually eat less as a result. I pay attention to how my body feels and just eat what I feel like rather than emotionally eating way more since I am depressed about binge-eating in the first place.

Listen, I get it. For some people, this method is not for them, and I respect that. Some people can eat perfect, clean, and healthy every day and wonder how others could ever struggle with a problem like this. They may even read this and think this is a horrible idea. But for me, this isn't a temporary thing. I plan to do this for the rest of my life. If I have to eat perfect and never enjoy indulging in delicious food for the rest of my life, I will go crazy. This method is what's going to keep me sane. I hope there is somebody out there who also had a light bulb go on after reading this. This is the way to not just eat to survive, but eat to LIVE. Enjoy :)


  • BelsFitnessJourney
    Great Work! Thanks for sharing :)
  • freddi11e
    freddi11e Posts: 317 Member
    YOU ARE ME. this makes me want to cry happy tears. thank u for posting this
  • Truegoddess22
    Truegoddess22 Posts: 94 Member
    Sounds like a great plan!! I struggle with the BE monster and emotional eating.
  • clarkeje1
    clarkeje1 Posts: 1,638 Member
    Interesting idea. Thanks for sharing :)
  • kelly_e_montana
    kelly_e_montana Posts: 1,999 Member
    Saving to read later. I have BED but I specifically binge to medicate myself and I don't care if the food is cooked or not, etc. as long as it's not going to make me sick. Not sure it's the same thing but it's in the same ballpark. Will comment more when I have a chance to read more. I have been doing very well last 8 months in maintaining without calorie counting and following intuitive eating (which sounds like what you are doing). The only thing I struggle with still is just getting through those times when I want to binge for a release (for me it's like cutting or getting drunk).
  • Rays_Wife
    Rays_Wife Posts: 1,173 Member
    Thank you. This helped tremendously!
  • mamadon
    mamadon Posts: 1,422 Member
    This is totally what I do also! I have a "cheat" day once a month. I control it. I eat whatever I have been craving. I do log it, but it helps me tremendously. The next day I am right back on track. I have been doing it for almost a year. It may slow down the weight loss that week, but I have never gained.
  • Guinivere
    Guinivere Posts: 357 Member
    Love this post OP, great positive story :-)
  • andreagenther
    andreagenther Posts: 67 Member
    I'm so happy you have found a way to deal with binging. You have a good strategy.
    I can't remember when I started binge eating, about 12 i think, so it has been most of my life. There are movies about anorexia and bulimia but this is not the same thing. It took me years to realize i had a problem but several years ago I did. I too plan my binges and the longer I do this the smaller they have become. I think if I can't tell anyone about it for the shame then it is probably a binge. One or two servings is not a binge but more than that may be.
    Tracking helps immensely. I can see that a large binge does a lot of damage nutritionally and a small one much less, but eating one or two servings is often within my calorie budget for the day. Tracking makes me self aware.
    Thank you for sharing your strategy with us.
  • annaliseposein
    annaliseposein Posts: 1 Member
    Thanks for sharing! This totally makes sense to me... I am just starting on MFP but struggle with the same issues. Here's to change!
  • Sabresgal63
    Sabresgal63 Posts: 641 Member
    Wow.......this is me completely! Great post!
  • nataliesbaker
    nataliesbaker Posts: 2 Member
    YOU ARE ME. this makes me want to cry happy tears. thank u for posting this

    100% agree...thank you so much for this!!! Light bulb definitely went off when reading this!:happy:
  • toridehaven
    I can't begin to tell you how much this applies to me! Thanks for the interesting read!
  • lambchoplewis
    I have done the same thing with wanting to have a glass of wine (or two!!). I have a special event coming up or something and plan to have some wine. I don't have any until then and it is ok to drink. I actually really look forward to the event and having a drink. I know not to get smashed and eat everything in site. The logic with binge eating is the same. I want it all the time but... must have a little control and allow myself to have some wine every now and then. Just not every day.
  • HealthyLeeLee
    HealthyLeeLee Posts: 97 Member
    My next planned binge day: Thanksgiving! Holidays are a little less scary when given "permission" to not log everything and just enjoy the day. Thanks for this post OP. I think this applies to a lot of people, including me! :)
  • Cinloykko
    Cinloykko Posts: 117 Member
    I can relate to this so much!!! Thank you for sharing
  • kusterer
    kusterer Posts: 90 Member
    Thanks. You got it right. Look at it some different way so we don't generate more guilt and self-loathing which requires another binge to deal with.

    I always log my binges though. Not to feel bad, but to know how to "binge smarter" next time. And to know how many calories I would have to not eat to break even again. Just knowing that it is ok to binge has reduced my need to do it. In 10 months of MFP logging, I've gone from binging a couple of times a week to once a month or so.
  • DeeDeeMee
    DeeDeeMee Posts: 133 Member
    This is me with alcohol! Food, I've always just eaten proportions that were too big and wolfed them down (ever since I was born according to my mum), and now I'm learning to eat smaller portions slower so that I can actually savour the food instead of just swallowing. But alcohol is something I've started planning .... thanksgiving will be my next drinking day, and then not again until Christmas. And I probably won't have as much as I used to because I've noticed that now that I'm not used to it as much, I have stomach problems the next day (not hangover, just icky stomach).

    Thanks for sharing OP, it's great to hear other people's stories and be inspired by them! :)
  • pearsol
    Great post I have to give it some thought or a try to see if it will help me. Because it is a common. Thanks
  • karenbobaren
    karenbobaren Posts: 127 Member
    Awesome post! I've always struggled with my weight because I'm an emotional eater. I would binge to the point that I was numb.

    I too have realized this will be a lifetime war and it seems I always lose the battle right before TOM. A week before TOM arrives, I have no self-control. I'll eat whatever I crave and for the first time I don't feel guilty.

    I've realized that this is a lifestyle change. I used to eat out all the time especially fast food joints, but now I'm getting used to making my own meals which are healthier, delicious and give me more variety in my diet. Every once in a while I'll eat out if I'm in a rush or if I have dinner plans with a friend.

    I'm losing the weight slowly, but surely.